similar to: 3d plotting alternatives. I like persp, but regret the lack of plotmath.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "3d plotting alternatives. I like persp, but regret the lack of plotmath."

2012 Apr 20
lines on persp plot - proper depth ordering
Hello R-help! I am trying to draw series of lines in 3d, and I am not sure how to get the depth set up properly - lines that are in front of other lines appear to be behind and vice versa. I've been doing this by first generating an empty persp plot, then adding lines via the data into trans3d followed by lines (this is probably a bad approach, but it was the first one I could get working).
2010 Apr 20
3D surface plot with wireframe or persp?
Hello Dear, I have a function, like z=f(x,y), and try a surface plot with this function. But, on the reference of "wireframe" requires data option, so I generated x and y, and computed z with them. But, still I have a problem to draw a surface plot. The code and errors are ################################################## mle_beta0=64.43707; mle_beta1=-24365.16; # generating for
2006 May 08
persp or wireframe 3D plot: how can I independently adjust linewidth of the 'surface' and framebox?
It is a trivial matter to adjust the linewidth of the axes and plot line in a 2D plot: x <- 1:10; y <- 1:10; par(lwd=2); # axis (and others) linewidth plot(x,y,"l",lwd=6); # plot linewidth Is there anything comparable to this for persp or wireframe? I've tried a number of ways, and the framebox/axes seem to be linked to the linewidth used in generating the
2003 Sep 08
Persp Plot
I am trying to graph two planes on the same graph using persp(). I can only get one plane to plot at a time. Can someone explain how I can graph two planes on the same graph using persp? I've looked throught the documentation, but cannot find any references to appending a persp plot. Thanks. Sincerely yours, Mark J. Lamias Statistical Consultant
2007 Dec 20
plot3d, wireframe, persp help
Hello, I am trying to get a surface plot of a data set that looks like the following, 1 2 5.6 5 9 2.4 9 8 9.8 ... to (60,000 rows down) From my homework, the persp function only works with evenly spaced data points with the z data beeing in a matrix. my data is not in that format. the wireframe fxn gives me an error, no applicable method for "wireframe" the
2003 Sep 15
Persp and color
How can I control de "wrap-around" color behaviour in the persp function ? I am using something like : persp(bb[1:100,2:97], col= rainbow(8,start=0.1, end=0.8))) Depending on the rainbow length value I get several "wrap-around" blocks of the selected color range...something that I wanted to avoid... My idea is to use the color in order to make a separation from a certain
2004 Feb 18
persp and lines()
R-sters: I'm interested in keeping data plotted in persp to preserve the wireframe look, I'd just like to change one of the lines drawn (in either the x or y direction) into a different color so that it stands out. Or is there some way to add a line (say, via lines(), or abline()) to a persp() plot at the designated x or y that would follow the z surface contour? I could add a line
2005 May 30
persp, add lines/highlights
Hello R-sters, I'm trying to add several lines to a response surface that I've plotted using persp(). I've tried lines() using the "trans3d" function but I've been unsuccessful in getting it to work (R v2.0.1). Essentially, I'm trying to highlight one or more of the surface wireframe lines in a bolder (or different) color. Any tips from those of you who have some
2007 Jul 23
persp and greek symbols in the axes labels
Hello, I am plotting a 3D function using persp and I would like to use greek symbols in the axes labels. I have found examples like this one on the web: plot(0,0,xlab=expression(kappa[lambda]),ylab=substitute(paste(phi,"=",true,sigma),list(true=5))) this works well with plot but not with persp: with the command persp(M,theta = -20,phi =
2004 Dec 15
adding perspectives to existing persp plots
I've created a perspective plot using 'persp' in the graphics package. I'd like to add a second plane of z values to the existing plot, but I cannot seem to do this using 'persp'. Is there an analogue to 'lines' or 'points' for perspectives? Corey. corey.bradshaw at
2003 Jun 05
persp(), par() and axis()
Dear R experts, On explanation of persp() parameters the last item is: ...: additional graphical parameters (see `par'). However, setting the `tcl' parameter has no any effect. I guess that axes are added to persp() in somewhat freakish way, and have nothing in common with axis() function. I found the very useful trans3d() function in persp() help page, and I'd like to use it
2013 May 16
Contour lines in a persp plot
Hello folks, i'm a R beginner and i want to put in a same plot both contour lines and persp plot. For example, fn<-function(x,y){sin(x)+2*y} #this looks like a corrugated tin roof x<-seq(from=1,to=100,by=1) #generates a list of x values to sample y<-seq(from=1,to=100,by=1) #generates a list of y values to sample z<-outer(x,y,FUN=fn) #applies the funct. across the combos of x
2010 Jul 30
Layering multiple persp plots
Hi all, I've got two persp plots with Identical X and Y's, and I'd like to plot them on the same graph, so that it is obvious where one plot is above the other. I can't find any mention of this anywhere. Do I need to use wireframe? Any help is appreciated. Thanks, -- Ian Bentley M.Sc. Candidate Queen's University Kingston, Ontario [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Mar 31
Surface plot for polynomial regression
Dear R-experts, my goal is to visualize the following polynomial regression as a 3D-surface: Z = b0 + b1*X + b2*Y + b3*XY + b4*X^2 + b5*Y^2 I believe that a solution to this problem may be of interest to a wider range of scientists because the problem is a derivative of a more general problem, i.e.: how to describe the relationship between one dependent variable and the DIFFERENCE between two
2008 Nov 26
Smoothed 3D plots
DeaR list, I'm trying to represent some information via 3D plots. My data and session info are at the end of this message. So far, I have tried scatterplot3d (scatterplot3d), persp3d (rgl), persp (graphics) and scatter3d (Rmcdr) but any of them gave me what I'd like to have as final result (please see [1] for a similar 3D plot changing PF by ypred, pdn by h4 and pup by h11). In general
2012 Jan 28
question on model.matrix
> > > I am new to this group - joined today. I am in because i have an assignment to do using R => microarray analysis using affy (bioconductor). > > while reading some tutorials, i came across this and i am stuck. i want to understand it and would appreciate if anyone can tell me. > > design <- model.matrix(~ -1+factor(c(1,1,2,2,3,3))) > > can someone break
2004 Oct 26
persp(), scatterplot3d(), "..." argument
Hello list. I very often need 3d scatterplots, and use scatterplot3D quite a lot. I am trying to modify persp() to plot scatterplots, and make use of the theta and phi arguments that persp() offers. I am having some difficulty passing the correct arguments to persp(). Here is my function so far. Much of it is copied from the persp() manpage. points3d <- function(x,y,z,
2004 Oct 26
persp(), scatterplot3d(), "..." argument
Hello list. I very often need 3d scatterplots, and use scatterplot3D quite a lot. I am trying to modify persp() to plot scatterplots, and make use of the theta and phi arguments that persp() offers. I am having some difficulty passing the correct arguments to persp(). Here is my function so far. Much of it is copied from the persp() manpage. points3d <- function(x,y,z,
2010 Feb 07
contour & persp
I have this data set that both x & y are ordered vectors of length 600 & 700 respectively; z is a 600 by 700 matrix whose entry z[i,j] is either a missing value (indicated by 'NaN') or a real number between 0 and 1. The contour function contour(x,y,z) gives me a blank picture. I guess the reason is that most of z-entries are missing, only less than 1% are non missing.
2009 Mar 14
persp plot + plotting grid lines
Dear all; Does anyone know how to add grid lines to a persp plot? I've tried using lines(trans3d..) but the lines of course are superimposed into the actual 3d surface and what I need is something like the plot shown in the following link: I'll appreciate any ideas Thanks PM