similar to: RGtk2: How to overlay a gtkDrawingArea with a button or any other widget?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "RGtk2: How to overlay a gtkDrawingArea with a button or any other widget?"

2012 Mar 08
"figure margins too large" in RGtk2 drawing area as cairo device - why?
When using a gtkDrawingArea as a Cairo device I very often encounter the error: "figure margins too large" Even for the below "getting started" example from this is the case. > win = gtkWindow() > da = gtkDrawingArea() > win$add(da) > asCairoDevice(da) [1] TRUE > plot(1:10) Fehler in : Grafikr?nder zu gro? > Also
2012 Mar 05
changing the drawing context using Cairo and RGtk2
I am not too familiar with Cairo and RGtk2 and have the following problem: I have a container with two GTK drawing areas converted into Cairo devices. I know that I can set the current drawing context e.g. using dev.set(). But this is tedious. How can I set the context using the objects da1 or da2? w <- gtkWindow() w$setSizeRequest(400, 400) vbox <- gtkVBox() da1 <- gtkDrawingArea()
2008 Jul 28
equivalent to "require" for imports? (cairoDevice)
Hi R-devel I use the packages RGtk2 and cairoDevice. The cairoDevice package has a few stand-alone functions, plus "asCairoDevice" which depends on RGtk2 and calls require(RGtk2). So cairoDevice lists RGtk2 under "Suggests" in the DESCRIPTION file. It can not Import RGtk2 because that would force all users to install RGtk2. The upshot of this is, if you *import* the RGtk2
2007 Nov 17
Drawing to a buffer (or double buffering)
Hi, I know this topic has come up several times, but I still haven't found a satisfactory solution to it. I want to draw complicated figures (preferably in X11) and display them only once they are completed. Obviously, the main purpose for doing this is so that a sequence of complicated plots can be shown (so a solution which destroys the window and creates a new one is not acceptable). So
2013 Jan 10
asCairoDevice issue
Hi All, I found this issue when using asCairoDevice to transforming splom scatter plot to my RGtk2 GUI: If I put the code in R GUI or using CairoPNG or Cairo_pdf() to draw the scatter plot, I can get it correctly: The codes are: (you can copy and paste to your R GUI) super.sym <- trellis.par.get("superpose.symbol")<-splom(~iris[1:4], groups = Species, data = iris,
2008 Aug 06
RGtk2 on linux: "stack smashing detected"
Yea I am aware of this. This is because the Ubuntu binary has stack smashing detection enabled. It's possible to build R without this checking: export CFLAGS="-fno-stack-protector" I have not been able to figure out why stack smashing is detected. I'm cc'ing this to r-devel in case anyone else has an idea. Michael On Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 12:31 AM, Felix Andrews
2009 May 23
Draw a rectangle on top of an image using RGtk2?
Dear all, I use gtkImageFromFile to display an image. Then I want to do some gsignal to handle mouse event. I click the mouse and move a another position and release. I can get the position of the firs click and the release position, then I would to draw a rectangle to display the region I have selected. I need some hints on what functions should I look for. I tried to google but don't know
2012 Nov 30
How to add widgets of gWidgets to widgets of rgtk2 ???
I have a layout in gwidgets. To this, I wanted to add a Textbox(gtkEntry) created from rgtk2... The code is as follows: MainLayOut <- glayout(homogeneous = FALSE, spacing = 10, container = SubGroup) MainLayOut[1, 1, anchor=left] <- "Number of Total Patients: " font(MainLayOut[1, 1, anchor=left]) <- c(weight="bold") patients <- gtkEntry()
2003 Nov 19
size of graphics device
Dear all, In many cases, I need a plotting region much bigger than the screen (e.g. for maps or for graphs with many labels). A. MS-Windows if I try windows(width=25, height=25, rescale="fixed") it seems to be OK (a screen with scrollbars, exactly what I need) but if I try then plot(faithful$eruptions, faithful$waiting) I receive Error in : Outer margins too large
2007 Apr 20
faster image display?
Does someone here know of a way to display images in R that isn't slow? Here are the things I've tried so far: library(rimage) i<-read.jpeg('foo.jpg') plot(i) # very slow library(pixmap) i <- read.pnm('foo.pnm') plot(i) # also slow chans <- getChannels(i) image(chans[,,1]) # this is slow too I also tried using library(cairoDevice) but it only makes everything
2009 Dec 27
RGtk2 / gWidgets - addHandlerClicked Problem
In The following code, the table handler is executed twice when the button is pressed (from the 2nd pressing on). I want it to be executed only once. Does someone know, why this happens and how I can change it? library(gWidgets) w <- gwindow() b <- gbutton("press", cont=w) tbl <- gtable(1:10, cont=w) addhandlerclicked(b, handler=function(h, ...){
2009 Dec 27
gWidgets / RGtk2 - how to change a handler from a toolbar?
I want to assign a default handler to a toolbar button and change the handler later. The addhandlerclicked() method does not apply to a gAction Object, I think... defHandler <- function(h, ...) print("default") w <- gwindow() aTest <- gaction(label="Test", icon="open", handler=defHandler) tblList = list( test = aTest ) toolBar = gtoolbar(tblList,
2009 Dec 22
RGtk2 - retrieve ggraphics mouse coordinates during drag-and-drop event
Hi all, I have a gtable and a ggraphic widget. I want to drag an element from the table onto the graphic. When the drag object is released over the ggraphic widget, I want the mouse coordinates inside the ggraphic to be returned. Right now I do not know how to get the mouse ccordinates of the ggraphic widget at any given time. How can I access the ggraphics mouse coordinates? Below you find
2009 May 29
GTK Tooltips under Linux
Dear all, I want to set tool-tips for a gtkButton. I use the following code which works under Windows. However, it doesn't work under Linux. Any hints? Thanks. library(RGtk2) b<-gtkButtonNewWithLabel("OK") gtkTooltips()$setTip(b,"Memo for a Button.") gw <- gtkWindow(show=F) gw$Add(b) gw$Show() > sessionInfo() R version 2.8.0 Patched (2008-12-10 r47137)
2011 Mar 27
gtk, RGtk2 and error in callback: delet_event in mai window
Hello All, I am trying to learn about the GUI in R (with GTK+Glade+RGtk2) and in my test I don't get sucess in to make an callback to destroy the application... When I try to define an function for "delet-event callback", I get the error message: (with mouse click in X window) *Error in function () : * * unused argument(s) (<pointer: 0x017ca000>, <pointer:
2001 Jan 22
vorbiscomment gui ideas
I was playing in Glade tonight with couple of GUI ideas for the vorbis comment editor. I've attached the glade file. A few notes: On the user-friendly version, we might want an "Advanced" tab that would pop up the user-hostile version to edit "non-standard" comment tags. I'm just not sure how to do that in a way that won't scare the non-technical. We need to
2006 Sep 21
cairoDevice 1.2 on CRAN
The cairoDevice package has recently been released on CRAN. cairoDevice is an R graphics device based on the cairo ( vector graphics library. It is distinguished from many other devices in its ability to render high quality anti-aliased graphics. It is available on all three major platforms (Windows, Mac, and Linux) and requires the GTK+ 2.8.0 library and its
2006 Sep 21
cairoDevice 1.2 on CRAN
The cairoDevice package has recently been released on CRAN. cairoDevice is an R graphics device based on the cairo ( vector graphics library. It is distinguished from many other devices in its ability to render high quality anti-aliased graphics. It is available on all three major platforms (Windows, Mac, and Linux) and requires the GTK+ 2.8.0 library and its
2006 Jun 03
How to get dynamically created inputs from html form back to rails app
Thank you in advance. Although I have many years of experience in general, including cross- platform processing, I am not an HTML/Javascript programmer. As a result, I do not have certain specific baseline skills and/or knowledge that are presumed in the Rails and Ajax documentation. I am experienced with DOM manipulations, so the bare mechanics of manipulating the browser GUI via Javascript
2012 Nov 01
SyntaxError in Posts#index
getting this error compile error /Users/bradwrage/webapps/blog/app/views/posts/index.html.erb:5: syntax error, unexpected ''='' ...w Goal", new_post_path, class="btn btn-success" );@output_bu... ^ /Users/bradwrage/webapps/blog/app/views/posts/index.html.erb:7: syntax error, unexpected kDO_BLOCK, expecting kEND ''); @posts.each