similar to: RODBC Error: 'getCharCE' must be called on a CHARSXP

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "RODBC Error: 'getCharCE' must be called on a CHARSXP"

2012 Feb 16
Unstable reproduce for potential issue with CHARSXP creation
I stumbled across one of those intermittent bugs where the code sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. Below is an example run showing a failure where a CHARSXP object was not properly created (by the sub function?). I was able to reproduce this error on three different R builds in fresh R sessions, but it sometimes takes a few start up R -> run code -> close R iterations for the
2017 Aug 23
Error "translateCharUTF8' must be called on a CHARSXP Execution halted"
Dear list, I installed R 3.3.2 on a Red Hat Linux Enterprise 7.3 machine by adding the EPEL-repository and then installing it via yum. R starts up and seems to be doing fine at first sight. However, when I try to list the files in a directory with the command files <- list.files(path="/home/username/directory_name/", pattern="*.Rda",, full.names=T, recursive=FALSE) I get
2017 Aug 23
Error "translateCharUTF8' must be called on a CHARSXP Execution halted"
On 23.08.2017 12:02, Braun, Stefan wrote: > Dear list, > > I installed R 3.3.2 on a Red Hat Linux Enterprise 7.3 machine by adding the EPEL-repository and then installing it via yum. > R starts up and seems to be doing fine at first sight. However, when I try to list the files in a directory with the command > > files <-
2008 Jul 23
Using RODBC to use SQL queries
Hello, I am new to the RODBC package, but I have looked over the PDF as well as a few websites that go over the SQL language. I can connect to my database fine using >channel<-odbcConnect("Oracle ODBC") # then am prompted to enter my user id and password After that I'd like to use the odbcQuery function and the SQL statement: SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE SAMPLE_YEA LIKE
2011 Oct 03
read .csv from web from password protected site
I am very new to R and have been struggling trying to read a basic ".csv" file from a password protected site with the following code: myURL ="" test2=read.table(url(myURL),header=TRUE,sep=",") A 'data.frame' is returned into the workspace, however it is not the data contained in
2007 Aug 14
Import of Access data via RODBC changes column name ("NO" to "Expr1014") and the content of the column
Dear all, I have some problems with importing data from an Access data base via RODBC to R. The data base contains several tables, which all are imported consecutively. One table has a column with column name "NO". If I run the code attached on the bottom of the mail I get no complain, but the column name (name of the respective vector of the data.frame) is "Expr1014" instead
2009 Sep 21
RODBC : using and passing queries that use " in some arguments
Dear R users, I am trying to connect R to data that is in a Access Database but I have problem with the construction of queries using special characters. I am using RODBC package. The following is working : > MyQuery<-paste("SELECT first( (DateHeure) ) , avg(NNO3_AT322_OUT_moy) AS Cond FROM Colonne_3 ") > Col3<-sqlQuery(con, query=MyQuery) > Col3
2009 Oct 01
Value of SET_STRING_ELT() must be a 'CHARSXP' not a 'character' & 'getEncChar' must be called on a CHARSXP
Hello, I have list of 600K lists, each sublist a list of two elements, the first a character, the second a list of six named elements, some characters some numrics. LISTA (600K) (:= h) |__ List of two elements |__ Character |__ Named List of 6 elements (characters and numerics) This works, sip <- lapply(h,function(r) r[[2]][['sip']]) but I wish to unlist this
2016 Feb 13
Question about CHARSXP and garbage collection
Hi, I had a technical question about CHARSXP and garbage collection and couldn't find the answer in the R manual. The question is this. Are CHARSXP garbage collected like any other object, despite being part of the CHARSXP cache? i.e. is the cache being cleaned by garbage collection regularly and therefore, when I am in C code, do I need to protect a CHARSXP? Thanks! Holger [[alternative
2011 Dec 20
Quotes inside char string
How do I return a character string with quotes inside string? For example, what logic do I use if I want to return the following: Test Score="A" I tried the following .... Score<-paste("Test Score=","A",sep='"') But it returned a "\" inside: "Test Score=\"A" Any assistance would be
2011 Feb 01
list.files() error message: 'translateCharUTF8' must be called on a CHARSXP
I'm using list.files() on my home directory, like this: crnt.files <- list.files(, full.names=TRUE, all.files=TRUE, recursive=TRUE) With set to the full path to my home directory. After a while I get: Error in list.files(, full.names = TRUE, all.files = TRUE, : 'translateCharUTF8' must be called on a CHARSXP This happens on one of my
2008 Mar 18
odbcQuery , memory.size
Dear R cracks I am trying to fetch 38 Tables from 38 ESRI Geodatabases through an ODBC connection. I stored the 38 channels in a list and the 38 tablenames in an other list. With a for(i in 1:38) .... sqlFetch(....) I try to read the tables into a third list. But always after a certain amount of rounds (mostly 16) i get Fehler in odbcQuery(channel, query, rows_at_time) : Calloc konnte
2012 Aug 27
Querying sqlite through RODBC causes R to crash
Dear R-SIG-Debian, while trying to query data from an SQLite database through RODBC on Debian testing, R crashes with the following message: library(RODBC) con3 <- odbcConnect("test3") # 'test3' being an ODBC datasource configured with SQLite3 driver, # but the same happens with SQLite driver sqlQuery(con3, "select * from test") # 'test' being any table
2007 Jan 30
calloc bug in RODBC 1.1-7 and later?
I'm trying to load Affy Annotation data from an Access database into R using RODBC. This has worked fine for quite some time. The bug seems to be correlated to RODBC versions 1.1-7 and later. Works fine: R 2.2.0 with RODBC 1.1-4; R 2.3.0 or R 2.4.1 with RODBC 1.1-6 Fails: R 2.3.1 with RDOBC 1.1-7; R 2.4.1 with RODC 1.1-7 or 1.1-8 Details ===== This works fine: Version 2.2.0
2007 May 25
Recent changes in R related to CHARSXPs
Hello all, I want to highlight a recent change in R-devel to the larger developeR community. As of r41495, R maintains a global cache of CHARSXPs such that each unique string is stored only once in memory. For many common use cases, such as dimnames of matrices and keys in environments, the result is a significant savings in memory (and time under some circumstances). A result of these changes
2005 Aug 17
RODBC and sqlColumns
I have a Postgres database that I am connecting to with the Postgres ODBC driver on Windows XP in R 2.1.0. In the database is a database with two schemas (public and X). With RODBC (1.1-4) , I can connect to the database and get the tables with sqlTables(db). I can query tables in the schema with sqlQuery("SELECT * FROM X.test"). However, I can't get the columns in table X.test
2012 Dec 21
segfault reading large BLOB from SQL Server
I am getting segfaults when I try to read a large binary object from a SQL Server database via RODBC. I am using the FreeTDS ODBC driver, and it has been working fine when reading from this same database. I have included relevant parts of the session below. Each row of the v_MAFiles view holds a text, html or pdf version of a document. The FileType entry is one of TXT, PDF, or HTML. If
2009 Apr 13
BUG in RODBC() on Ubuntu 64amd : rows_at_time=1024
R 2.8.1 Ubuntu 64amd RODBC 1.2-5 --------------------------------- This was a hard-to-track bug for me, because sqlQuery() did not fail - instead, it looked like it returned some good data and some NA where there should have been numbers and 0 where there should have been NAs. I did: (a) sqlQuery( o, qry,, errors=TRUE, rows_at_time=1024 ); (b) sqlQuery( o, qry,,
2008 Sep 17
creating horizontal dataframes with column names
Greetings -- in order to write back to SQL databases, one needs to create a dataframe with values. I can get column names of an existing table with sqlColumns. Say I have a vector of values (if they're all the same type), or a list (if different). How do I create a dataframe with column names given by my sqlColumns? To make it concrete, how do we make a dataframe A B C 1 2 3
2007 Nov 07
Dealing with schema in RODBC
Is there a way to get a table in a certain schema? The Oracle database I am using has a table by the same name in two different schemas. This creates problems in sqlUpdate because to sqlUpdate there are duplicate columns. The following is part of the output of sqlColumns: sqlColumns(eids, "TEST_ARTCL_INST")[,1:4] TABLE_CAT TABLE_SCHEM TABLE_NAME COLUMN_NAME 1