similar to: Calculating the probability of an event at time "t" from a Cox model fit

Displaying 9 results from an estimated 9 matches similar to: "Calculating the probability of an event at time "t" from a Cox model fit"

2012 Jan 17
Scoring using cox model: probability of survival before time t
Dear Members, I required to score probability of survival before specified time using fitted cox model on scoring dataset. On the training sample data I am able to get the probability of a survival before time point(t), but on the scoring dataset, which will have only predictor information I am facing some issues. It would be great help for me if you tell me where am I going wrong! Here is the
2012 Dec 13
simulate time data
Hi, Does anyone know how to write a command to generate time-to-event data for Cox's regression?   Scomet [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2014 Mar 03
reference classes, LAZY_DUPLICATE_OK, and external pointers
We (the lme4 authors) are having a problem with doing a proper deep copy of a reference class object in recent versions of R-devel with the LAZY_DUPLICATE_OK flag in src/main/bind.c enabled. Apologies in advance for any improper terminology. TL;DR Is there an elegant way to force non-lazy/deep copying in our case? Is anyone else using reference classes with a field that is an external pointer?
2013 Jul 06
problem with BootCV for coxph in pec after feature selection with glmnet (lasso)
Hi, I am attempting to evaluate the prediction error of a coxph model that was built after feature selection with glmnet. In the preprocessing stage I used na.omit (dataset) to remove NAs. I reconstructed all my factor variables into binary variables with dummies (using model.matrix) I then used glmnet lasso to fit a cox model and select the best performing features. Then I fit a coxph model
2009 Aug 24
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week New packages ------------ Updated packages ---------------- New reviews ----------- This email provided as a service for the R community by Like it? Hate it? Please let us know: cranatic at
2013 Oct 18
pamer.fnc y la nueva versión de R
Gracias a todos por las recomendaciones. Ya me he puesto en contacto con el autor y le explicado donde esta el error. Es tan fácil como que han cambiado la estructura de los objetos tipos lmer desde la versión 2.15.3 con lo que su paquete dejo de funcionar. Por suerte la nueva estructura conserva por lo menos la parte necesaria para hacer sus funciones. Se localizar el fallo y como arreglarlo, lo
2007 Dec 05
Interpretation of 'Intercept' in a 2-way factorial lm
Hi all, I hope this question is not too trivial. I can't find an explanation anywhere (Stats and R books, R-archives) so now I have to turn to the R-list. Question: If you have a factorial design with two factors (say A and B with two levels each). What does the intercept coefficient with treatment.contrasts represent?? Here is an example without interaction where A has two levels A1 and
2013 Oct 18
pamer.fnc y la nueva versión de R
Javier, Creo que aquí aplica la ley de Linus que dice: "Dado un número suficientemente elevado de ojos, todos los errores se convierten en obvios". La persona que revisa y encuentra un error no necesariamente tiene que ser la misma que la que lo escribe. Una motivación muy importante al compartir un código es la de recibir los beneficios del control de calidad por parte de tus pares.
2013 Dec 02
pamer.fnc y la nueva versión de R
Hace unos meses os escribir para comunicaros que había un fallo en esta función. Como os prometí os comento la respuesta por si alguno está interesado en utilizar el paquete LMERconvenientsfucntions Dear Javier, The package has been updated and should work for you fine now. Note that function mcp.fnc does not return the fourth plot (dffits) anymore. We still have to figure out a way to compute