similar to: Should data for the linear mixed model analysis meet the three assumptions of ANOVA?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Should data for the linear mixed model analysis meet the three assumptions of ANOVA?"

2009 Nov 02
Robust ANOVA or alternative test?
Dear Colleagues,   I am running a three-way mixed-design ANOVA, with one manipulated IV, a group membership IV, and pre-/post- within subject factor. I am interested in the three-way interaction effect. The regular ANVOA is problematic, because (a) the sample sizes are very unbalanced, due to the group IV, (b) the homogeneity of variance is violated, and (c) the homogeneity of covariance is also
2005 Nov 20
use of the 'by' command & converting SPSS ANOVA/GLM syntax into R syntax
I have two questions I would appreciate assistance with: (1) I believe "by" is the command used to split a file. In the following example, "mydat" is the dataframe , "group" the variable I want to split the analysis by & "WK1FREQ,WK2FREQ" the variables attach(mydat) by (GROUP) cor.test (WK1FREQ,WK2FREQ) I have also tried: (by (GROUP) cor.test
2008 Sep 17
Unexpected behaviour when testing for independence with multiple factors
Hi, I'm a new user of R. My background is Electrical Engineering, so please bear with me if this is a silly question. I'm trying to assess whether the results of an experiment satisfy the hypothesis of homoscedasticity (my ultimate goal is to use ANOVA). The result of the experiment is mean delay (dT), which depends on three factors, topology, drift, and lambda. The first two factors are
2013 Feb 22
How to do generalized linear mixed effects models
I want to analyze binary, multinomial, and count outcomes (as well as the occasional continuous one) for clustered data. The more I search the less I know, and so I'm hoping the list can provide me some guidance about which of the many alternatives to choose. The nlme package seemed the obvious place to start. However, it seems to be using specifications from nls, which does non-linear
2005 Jul 13
Boxcox transformation / homogeneity of variances
Dear r-helpers, Prior to analysis of variance, I ran the Boxcox function (MASS library) to find the best power transformation of my data. However, reading the Boxcox help file, I cannot figure out if this function (through its associated log-likelihood function) corrects for * normality only * or if it also induces * homogeneity of variances *. I found in Biometry (Sokal and Rohlf, p. 419)
2010 Jan 05
Checking for normality and homogeneity of variance
Dear all, I'm a beginner of R and I need to carry out some three-way mixed ANOVAs. Following examples at, I managed to get the ANOVA part, but I don't know how can I check data normality and homogeneity of variance in R (since they're the required assumptions of ANOVA analysis). Are there any special command/packages? Could anyone give me
2008 Nov 20
syntax and package for generalized linear mixed models
Hi All, I am making the switch to R and uncertain which of the several packages for mixed models is appropriate for my analysis. I am waiting for Pinheiro and Bates' book to arrive via inter-library loan, but it will be a week or more before it arrives. I am trying to fit a generalized linear mixed model of survival data (successes/trials) as a function of several categorical fixed and
2007 Nov 14
Help with Bartlett's test on linear model
Hi all, I would like to test the homoegeneity of variances between several linear model for some analysis of covariance. It seems that the Bartlett's test is a good test to use but I am having problem using with linear model and I cannot find any examples on the internet. There are some examples for comparisons of variances but not linear models. If I take the hellung data set, which is
2012 Dec 29
AIC values with lmer and anova function
Dear colleagues, I have a data from a repeated measures design that I'm analysing through a mixed model. Nine independent sampling units (flasks with culture medium with algae) were randomly divided into 3 groups ("c", "t1", "t2"). There is no need for inclusion of the random effect of the intercept, because the nine sample units are homogeneous among each other
2010 Apr 28
Robust ANOVA functions in R?
Hello,   Anyone familiar with robust ANOVA in R? Please help.   I am conducting a between-between-within (2 X 2 X 2) ANOVA, with the focus on the significance of the three-way interaction. Because of very uneven sample sizes, and the violation of covariance homogeneity, I need to use some sort of robust ANOVA method, and I prefer bootstrap. I am aware of Rand Wilcox's robust package that can
2008 Aug 22
Test of Homogeneity of Variances
I am testing the homogeneity of variances via bartlett.test and fligner.test. Using the following example, how should I interpret the p-value in order to accept or reject the null hypothesis ? set.seed(5) x <- rnorm(20) bartlett.test(x, rep(1:5, each=4)) Bartlett test of homogeneity of variances data: x and rep(1:5, each = 4) Bartlett's K-squared = 1.7709, df = 4, p-value =
2006 Jan 13
Syntax for linear mixed model
The syntax below works, and gives the expected results, in R version 2.0.0, provided that I have loaded packages Matrix, latticeExtra and lme4. However, I cannot get it to work in version 2.2.1. Can anyone tell me how to fit this model in the more recent version? Thanks in anticipation, Nick Galwey barleyprogeny.model1lme <- lme(yield_g_m2 ~ 1, data =
2012 Mar 05
Random and fixed effect in linear model
Hello everybody, This is my firth question in this mailing list. The question is about the how to deal with a model with both random and fixed factors. I know to do the analysis using SPSS. The command line wit be as follows: UNIANOVA BY Line Year Rep /RANDOM=Year Rep /METHOD=SSTYPE(4) /INTERCEPT=EXCLUDE /PRINT=HOMOGENEITY /CRITERIA=ALPHA(0.05) /DESIGN= Year Rep*Year Line
2005 Jan 11
Breslow Day Test
Breslow-Day test A statistical test for the homogeneity of odds ratios. Homogeneity In <javascript:void(0);> systematic reviews homogeneity refers to the degree to which the results of studies included in a review are similar. "Clinical homogeneity" means that, in studies included in a review, the participants, interventions and outcome measures are similar or comparable.
2012 Aug 31
test Breslow-Day for svytable??
Hi all, I want to know how to perform the test Breslow-Day test for homogeneity of odds ratios (OR) stratified for svytable. This test is obtained with the following code: epi.2by2 (dat = daty, method = "case.control" conf.level = 0.95, units = 100, homogeneity = "", verbose = TRUE) where "daty" is the object type table svytable consider it, but
2008 Aug 19
R vs Stata on generalized linear mixed models: glmer and xtmelogit
Hello, I have compared the potentials of R and Stata about GLMM, analysing the dataset 'ohio' in the package 'faraway' (the same dataset is analysed with GEE in the book 'Extending the linear model with R' by Julian Faraway). Basically, I've tried the 2 commands 'glmmPQL' and 'glmer' of R and the command 'xtmelogit' of Stata. If I'm not
2010 Mar 21
Levene's Test for Homogeneity of Variance
Hi, All! To calculate Levene's Test for Homogeneity of Variance I use R Commander, and this is the output: > levene.test(Dataset$age, Dataset$sex) Levene's Test for Homogeneity of Variance Df F value Pr(>F) group 1 0.8739 0.3567 33 I am not sure what means "Pr(>F)"? Can anyone explain/translate this? Regards, Iurie Malai Department of Psychology and
2004 Apr 05
fligner.test (ctest) (PR#6739)
Full_Name: Karel Zvara Version: 1.8.1 OS: MS Winows 2000 Submission from: (NULL) ( The test statistics of the fligner.test (ctest package) depends on the order of cases: > fligner.test(count~spray,data=InsectSprays) Fligner-Killeen test for homogeneity of variances data: count by spray Fligner-Killeen:med chi-squared = 14.4828, df = 5, p-value = 0.01282 >
2008 Feb 14
Levene's test for homogeneity of variances (befor using ANOVA)
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2013 Mar 19
how to do association study based on mixed linear model
Dear All: I want to do association study based on mixed linear model, My model not only includes serval fixed effects and random effects but also incorporates some covariates such as "birth weight". Otherwise, the size of the data are about 180 individuals and 12 variables and 60000 Fixed effect estimates As asreml-R is not free ,is there any packages for my study? I heard nlme or