similar to: time-varying parameters kalman filter estimation problem using FKF package

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "time-varying parameters kalman filter estimation problem using FKF package"

2011 Sep 22
Error in as.vector(data) optim() / fkf()
Dear R users, When running the program below I receive the following error message: fit <- optim(parm, objective, yt = tyield, hessian = TRUE) Error in as.vector(data) : no method for coercing this S4 class to a vector I can't figure out what the problem is exactly. I imagine that it has something to do with "tyield" being a matrix. Any help on explaining what's going on
2011 Nov 12
State space model
Hi, I'm trying to estimate the parameters of a state space model of the following form measurement eq: z_t = a + b*y_t + eps_t transition eq y_t+h = (I -exp(-hL))theta + exp(-hL)y_t+ eta_{t+h}. The problem is that the distribution of the innovations of the transition equation depend on the previous value of the state variable. To be exact: y_t|y_{t-1} ~N(mu, Q_t) where Q is a diagonal
2011 Nov 18
Ensuring a matrix to be positive definite, case involving three matrices
Hi, I would like to know what should I garantee about P and GGt in order to have F = Z %*% P %*% t(Z) + GGt always as a positive definite matrix. Being more precise: I am trying to find minimum likelihood parameters by using the function 'optim' to find the lowest value generated by $LogLik from the function 'fkf' ( The
2010 Nov 18
Any help understand the FKF package? Thanks.
  Dear Fellow R Users, I am experimenting right now the FKF package. I started by working out the first example included in the package and I am already confused. Would you offer some kind suggestions? What I want to do is to write down the state transition equation and the measurement equation explicitly. Following the first example: According to: dt <- matrix(0, nrow = 2) the state vector
2012 Jun 25
setdiff datframes
hi, I have 2 files example 1 and example 2 and would like to know what is in example2 and not in example1 (attached) V1 contain data which could be in duplicated which I am using as identifiers I used setdiff(example2$V1,example1$V1) to find the identifiers which are specific to example2: [1] "rs2276598" "rs17253672" I am looking for a way to get an output with all
2011 Jan 21
Hello R-experts, I wonder whether any of the R-packages cover the Hilbert-Huang Transform methodology (HHT)? Regards, Torbjorn -- Torbj?rn Lorentzen | torbjorn.lorentzen at |torbjorn.lorentzen at | Phone: +47 55 58 25 05 | Cellphone: +47 906 972 36 | Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research | Geophysical Institute | University of Bergen |
2006 Dec 11
installing xen over XEN
Hi all, what would be the best way to install windows xp pro over XEN. I guess its only possible with NFS,HHT OR FTP shares. Does anyone have idea about it? How to have these share so that i could have Windows xp as a guest OS over xen(FC6)? Thanks -- View this message in context: Sent from the Xen - User mailing list archive
2018 May 02
Merging dataframes
Hi, I'll coded your example into R code: Table_A <- c('abc at', 'John Chan', '0909') Table_A <- rbind(Table_A, c('bcd at', 'Tim Ma', '89089')) colnames(Table_A) <- c('Email', 'Name', 'Phone') Table_A Table_B <- c('abc at', 'John Chan', 'M',
2011 Jul 05
Executing a function several time, how to save the output
Hi all, I try to exceute a function "myfun" that should use as input "input1.csv" and "input2.csv" . Then I try to save the output dat33 on a csv file (on per each time I execute input1..input 2 and so on). So my problem is how to finally obtain several csv file with "ggt1.csv", "ggt2.csv". The program creates ggt1.csv but BUT when runs
2011 Nov 05
Error in eigen(a$hessian) : infinite or missing values in 'x'
Dear R-users, I'm estimating a two- dimensional state-space model using the FKF package. The resulting log likelihood function is maximized using auglag from the Alabama package. The procedure works well for a subset of my data, but if I try to use the entire data set I get the following error message. Error in eigen(a$hessian) : infinite or missing values in 'x' What's even
2012 Feb 29
codon usage bias
Hey guys, I have what i think is a really simple problem :( I installed the seqinr library. I want to do an RSCU analysis. But i can't get it to work in even the simplest case. for example, if i have a string read in: > newdata5 $testseq [1] "agtgagatgatagatagatagatagatagatagatagaccccccagata" and then i perform an RSCU analysis on it... >
2009 Nov 29
Time Series Rating Model
To R programming experts, I am a undergraduate student, and now doing research personally. I apply diagonal bivariate poisson (R package "bivpois") with stochatics weighted function (refer to dixoncoles97 section 4.5 to 4.7). However I dont know how to fit this stochatical weighted function to the completed bivariate poisson model. I know that some other references for dynamic soccer
2012 Apr 30
The constant part of the log-likelihood in StructTS
Dear all, I'd like to discuss about a possible bug in function StructTS of stats package. It seems that the function returns wrong value of the log-likelihood, as the added constant to the relevant part of the log-likelihood is misspecified. Here is an simple example: > data(Nile) > fit <- StructTS(Nile, type = "level") > fit$loglik [1] -367.5194 When computing the
2015 Oct 05
Best of the best watches.
?Order watches, bags here- tkhlc xd anmw f plmi tcul o e xuz on rq nbkbs bhcv zkkwb b ozhkp h b givcc jm birjv bbdvf ek wgo bgyt buf yw e g qzby wbexd vevwm pnb c p azugj hlk ieyan pj rc yzcx drqxe mcrcj xlo bnkpt in pw wzurk n ycct tz kt hwsjt nkg jln wocia rh vkt lzn co sjhnr ic c crdz ssh cs vz ddpl hwgmh adtcn trf iv as asbp xmcp moho yo jegpk bj bui x c ddz
2004 Feb 09
Returned mail (PR#6561)
--==M2004020923123623794 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit --- The message cannot be delivered to the following address. --- Permanent error involving remote host. 554 Transaction failed (too many hops) --==M2004020923123623794 Content-Type: message/delivery-status Reporting-MTA: Final-Recipient:
2011 Nov 24
CAPM-GARCH - Regression analysis with heteroskedasticity
Hey Guys, i want to do a CAPM-GARCH model. I didn?t find anything posted online. (If there is something - shame on me - i didn?t find it.) My Problem: What is the difference if I let the residuals ?e? follow a garch process ? How do I do my regression analysis now? I began reading about regression analyis with heteroscedasticity, but didn?t get it. So i started programming. First
2012 Jan 23
Jags problem
Hi, all: I met "Non-conforming parameters for function %*%" problem, when I run the Jags model in R. My model is like this: model{ for(i in 1:n){ for(j in 1:t[i]){ et[i,j]<-yt[i,j]-beta0+betax*xt[i,j]+betat*t[i,j] } for(a in 1:t[i]){ for(b in 1:t[i]){ sigma[i,a,b]<-pow(rho0,abs(t[a]-t[b])) } } phi[i]<-
2010 May 19
Why does my RPy2 program run faster on Windows?
Hi This is my function. It serves an HTML page after the calculations. I'm connecting to a MSSQL DB using pyodbc. def CAPM(self,client): r=self.r cds="1590" bm="20559" d1 = [] v1 = [] v2 = [] print"Parsing GET Params" params=client.g[1].split("&") for items in
2018 May 02
Merging dataframes
Thanks - Peter, Eivind, Rui Sorry, I perhaps could not explain it properly in the first go. Trying to simplify it here with an example - Say I have two dataframes as below that are NOT equally-sized data frames (i.e., number of columns are different in each table): Table_A: Email Name Phone abc at John Chan 0909 bcd at Tim Ma
2006 Aug 31
Moving Window regressions with corrections for Heteroscedasticity and Autocorrelations(HAC)
# Using Moving/Rolling Windows, here we do an OLS Regression with corrections for #Heteroscedasticity and Autocorrelations (HAC) using Newey West Method. This code is a #extension of Ajay Shah?s code for moving windows simple OLS regression. # The easiest way to adjust for Autocorrelations and Heteroscedasticity in the OLS residuals is to #use the coeftest function that is included in the