similar to: samba ctdb clustering with ldap backend?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "samba ctdb clustering with ldap backend?"

2011 Jun 20
ubuntu, ocfs2 with cman and ctdb
hi guys, we're evaluating the available clustering options to get ctdb up and running for a highly available file server. we've set up both gluster and ocfs2 both on seperate 2 node setups. ocfs2 seems to provide better throughput and iops to samba clients than does gluster and that is comparing a single node server to a ctdb clustered 2 node server. problem with ocfs2 is that i've
2010 Feb 17
Samba4 clustering
Hello, is there a way to cluster samba4 with ctdb? The old [global] parameters of samba3 Will not work: Clustering=yes <--unknown with testparm Idmap backend= tdb2 <--unknown with testparm Greeetings Daniel ----------------------------------------------- EDV Daniel M?ller Leitung EDV Tropenklinik Paul-Lechler-Krankenhaus Paul-Lechler-Str. 24 72076 T?bingen Tel.: 07071/206-463, Fax:
2010 May 19
Which version of CTDB
Dear all, after downloading ctdb with rsync -avz and compiling well. I installed on my Centos 5.3 sernet package samba 3.5.2. Also working well. But after setting up ctdb and samba und running it my two nodes freezing for a while And ctdb and samba are down again. On Both nodes My /etc/sysconfig/ctdb: CTDB_RECOVERY_LOCK="/cluster/recovery/recovery"
2011 Mar 11
Samba in Pacemaker-Cluster: CTDB fails to get recovery lock
I'm currently testing fail-over with a two-node active-active cluster (with node dig and node dag): Both nodes are up, one is manually killed. CTDB on the node that's still alive should perform a recovery and everything should working again. What's infrequently happening is: After killing the pacemaker-process on dag (and dag consequently being fenced), dig's CTDB tries to
2010 May 20
WG: Which version of CTDB
I did a new rsync and compiled ctdb new. This version did not establish a new config file!!!: /etc/sysconfig/ctdb. I had to use my old one. After starting ctdb recognizing that ctdb wants his state directory in /usr/local/var/ctdb/state I could not fix that in /etc/sysconfig/ctdb file. So I had do mkdir /usr/local/var/ctdb manually. After starting ctdb on both nodes all nodes rest unhealthy. And
2009 Jun 04
samba file server with heartbeat and drbd
Hello, While working on heartbeat/pacemaker for a web service stored on drbd, I've thought what I've learnt could also be applied to samba in order to build a fault tolerant file server in our domain. While digging samba's doc, I've found that CTDB could also fulfill the need and is maybe better suited as it's samba-related. But on the other hand, I'd appreciate to begin
2008 Dec 15
samba One Click Install
This is a two part question: Given that samba is a pretty active development, any thoughts of a One Click Install (a YMP file) ? In openSUSE, the current kernel distribution usually freezes applications like samba at the current level. Is there an easy way (besides using wget on each module, and rpm on each module to install later stable releases of samba? Sure would make my job a little
2010 May 12
net ads dns register
Hello, I would like to know whether it is possible to select (a) specific IP(s) for a "net ads dns register" call. The reason for my question is that we have setups with several interfaces, a few of which are "internal" interfaces but technically they're ethernet interfaces. Adding all those internal interfaces to a Windows AD server leads to the DNS server giving out the
2012 Jan 08
smb.conf 'use kerberos keytab = true'
openSUSE 12.1, Samba 3.61 joined to Samba 4 Domain /etc/samba/smb.conf on the Linux client is as follows: workgroup = CACTUS realm = HH3.SITE security = ADS use kerberos keytab = true testparm tells me it is ignoring the 'use kerberos keytab = true' entry. Linux users can logon fine, kinit and getent password work. The Samba 4 logs show that kerberos has authenticated the user. Users
2010 Nov 02
WG: CTDB and PDC Role
"Can you please keep the discussion on the lists, so that others can benefit from it? Thanks, Volker" Of course sorry. Now my post again! ----------------------------------------------- EDV Daniel M?ller Leitung EDV Tropenklinik Paul-Lechler-Krankenhaus Paul-Lechler-Str. 24 72076 T?bingen Tel.: 07071/206-463, Fax: 07071/206-499 eMail: mueller at Internet:
2009 Feb 16
Acces denied with usrmgr.exe
Hi I am trying to use usrmgr.exe in order to manage users and groups on my samba server PDC (passdb backend = tdbsam ) . I have the following strange behavior of usrmgr.exe : * when I launch usrmgr.exe from a user account that is part of the Domain Admins group or that explicitly has the SeAddUsersPrivilege privilege, I can see the list of users and groups , and create a new user, BUT when I
2012 May 21
3.6.5 and "not_defined_in_RFC4178@please_ignore" error
Hello, We're having trouble joining an AD domain with 3.6.5 This message when running net join looks fishy : "got principal=not_defined_in_RFC4178 at please_ignore" OS : Solaris 10 x64 Kerberos : MIT krb5 1.10.1 DC servers are running Windows 2008 The error message is : ./net join -U aranskis Enter aranskis's password: Failed to join domain: failed to lookup DC info for
2010 Aug 23
WG: Status of samba4 Alpha12 ctdb
Hello to all, does anybody know about the status of clustering samba4 with ctdb? Daniel EDV Daniel M?ller Leitung EDV Tropenklinik Paul-Lechler-Krankenhaus Paul-Lechler-Str. 24 72076 T?bingen Tel.: 07071/206-463, Fax: 07071/206-499 eMail: mueller at Internet:
2010 Jul 26
WG: WG: samba4 phyton-dns error
For all running in the same error: This solved my problem. In smb.conf --> interfaces = eth0 And all is up and running perfect!! Daniel ----------------------------------------------- EDV Daniel M?ller Leitung EDV Tropenklinik Paul-Lechler-Krankenhaus Paul-Lechler-Str. 24 72076 T?bingen Tel.: 07071/206-463, Fax: 07071/206-499 eMail: mueller at Internet:
2010 Jul 26
WG: samba4 phyton-dns error
Dear all, I skipped the old named of cent 0S 5.5. Build my own package bind 9.6.2. Now bind accepts update-policy ms-self! But samba_dnsupdate turned out: response to GSS-TSIG query was unsuccessful Do I have to grant rights? Or install something more? Greetings Daniel ----------------------------------------------- EDV Daniel M?ller Leitung EDV Tropenklinik Paul-Lechler-Krankenhaus
2015 Apr 16
WG: Samba 4.1.7 /Centos 6 with bind-dlz ERROR: fialed to find dnsRecord for DC
Im asuming this server is running for a while.. ( and upgrading samba to latest 4.1 would be nice also ) maybe a bad record entered the dns. you can try the following.. on the server with error.. dig @ .loc axfr > /tmp/check-zone.db named-checkzone -d loc. /tmp/check-zone.db and whats the result of that? Louis >-----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- >Van: mueller at
2002 Jun 26
FW: samba woes
All, I have been working on a component that is included with samba called SMBSH. The binary allows you to automount your NT shares by accessing your profile . I have been working on this for the last few days and have been unsuccesful at getting it work. Now I am not much of a programmer, but I did my best to try and troubleshoot this. However it just does not want to work in Linux. I
2010 Sep 16
WG: Running 2 SAMBA4 DC Replication WERR_BADFILE error
Can Somebody have a look !? Or an Idea. How bind can resolve the second cname ._mscds. I can take every other cname for my second samba4 but the: a441f8f9-629d-43c4-bce6-a5dfba1e4ad9._msdcs NODE1 is: 02284f45-de16-4125-a795-3b614f540ef7 NODE2 is: a441f8f9-629d-43c4-bce6-a5dfba1e4ad9 So Replication from NODE2 to NODE1 works fine: UpdateRefs OK for
2004 Feb 03
PDF * powerpoint files need the x bit set under linux
We are trying to migrate to samba from NT4 data servers, We don't currently allow users the execute permission on data drives, so I have setup data drives with a creat mask of 0660 which seems ok. The problem I'm having it that both powerpoint and PDF files seem to need the 'x' bit set before users can edit or open the files. Has anybody else had this problem? and if so could you
2004 Apr 14
Samba 3.0.2a and ADS w2k3 Kerberos authentication problem
I am using Samba 3.0.2a as Domain member into ADS w2k3 domain. net ads join -U administrator work fine. This integration include support of kerberos ( krb5.conf) and winbind wbinfo -u and -g works fine. I am able to mapped Samba shares with IP address (\\192.168.0.x\share) but it does not works if I use netbios name ( \\redhat9\share) the system asks me for authentication but never I get into