similar to: Windows XP can't join to Domain by Samba

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "Windows XP can't join to Domain by Samba"

2009 Apr 09
Can't join to domain, Google-fu has failed me
Hi, I've been using Samba for years as a domain controller without issue, but this has stumped me. I've set up Windows Vista Enterprise SP1 on a Virtual PC. Samba is running on a Gentoo Linux box as version 3.3.3. I can access shares without issue, but I can't get the machine to join the domain. When it tries it shows "The parameter is incorrect". Delving into
2015 Jul 29
Problem joining some computers to domain with samba4
Hello all, I have a client which has a windows XP which cannot join the domain. Other computes are joined and working normally. I have raised the log level to 8 but I don't see (or I am unable to see) any error. In Windows XP I receive a 'Internal error' and I have a 'Unable to bind to DS' in windows NetSetup.log. I have no idea of what is going on. Can someone give me
2010 Feb 12
joining windows server 2008 to samba pdc
hi all having some issues connecting a windows 2008 server to a samba pdc. debug/netsetup is telling me this: 02/12/2010 16:10:54:468 NetpDoDomainJoin 02/12/2010 16:10:54:468 NetpMachineValidToJoin: 'SS-WIN-RDS' 02/12/2010 16:10:54:468 OS Version: 6.1 02/12/2010 16:10:54:468 Build number: 7600 (7600.win7_rtm.090713-1255) 02/12/2010 16:10:54:468 SKU: Windows
2010 Mar 15
Trouble joining Windows 7 machines to Samba PDC
Hi folks, We have a domain controller running Samba 3.4.5 that is backed onto an OpenLDAP datastore. The domain has no trouble joining Windows XP clients, but we've got a couple of Windows 7 / Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard that we can't join to the domain. The registry changes suggested in have been applied, and a UNIX
2010 Jan 14
Help - Cannot join Windows 7 client to Samba PDC
I have been going through all the Wikis and various Google searches to try to solve my problem, all to no avail. I can mount a Samba share, but whenever I try to login using a domain account, I receive an error about "The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed." What I have done so far, all to no avail. - Upgraded from Samba 3.4.2 to Samba 3.4.4
2000 Jan 03
Character set and client code page in samba 2.0.6.
Hello! I have some troubles with samba 2.0.6 concerning character set and client code page mapings. I have SCO OpenServer 5.0.5 and I've compiled samba using gcc All Windows clients use code page 852 and server uses character set ISO8859-2. For this reason these parametres are set in smb.conf. This makes possible to copy files with
2004 Nov 19
TeleVantage client on Wine
I am attempting to install the <a href="">TeleVantage Client</a> into wine. I have compiled Wine-20041019 from source. Upon running the installer, I get way too many errors: alexander@reservations:~$ wine .wine/drive_c/AppsPatches/netsetup/setup.exe fixme:msi:MsiGetProductInfoA "{8715D03E-39E4-4260-BB83-C63CA64D7660}"
2006 Jan 23
Routes question
Newbie here, I am trying to set up Routes so that it will look up a listing in my directory by sanitized phone number, like the following: which will in turn list all the listings with that phone number (though they might be in the Db table with parenthesis and hyphens), if one listing, then make it a special render If anyone could help with my Routes code and my
2004 May 13
Codepage of folder names
Hi, I have run into a problem configuring DoveCot 0.99 on a Linux server that handles Windows users. The server uses UTF8 on its filesystem but the Outlook IMAP folder names are sent in what looks like CP852. As a result, folder names that use national characters are damaged, which in turn breaks a webmail application running on the same server. A natural solution would be DoveCot
2010 May 29
URGENT! Issues after upgrade from Ubuntu Dapper to Lucid
?hello! I need urgent help. I upgraded from dapper to lucid (samba version 3.0 -> 3.4). Now I cannot log in to domain anymore (domain controller not available message), also new clients cannot join domain (semaphore timeout message after typing root username and password). If I take LAN cable out, so i can login, then shares work normally. What could have changed so i have issues? My smb.conf
2020 Jan 02
Como cambiar el formato de fecha de ymd_hms a dmy_hms
Buen día para todos, Tengo un dataframe nombrado como mydata en donde una de sus variables en columna de nombre *date* tiene una secuencia de fechas en formato *ymd_hms*. Ahora quiero convertir este formato a *dmy_hms * en toda la variable *date.* Me podrían ayudar a saber como debo hacerlo? Quedo atento a sus comentarios. Saludos, Gracias, *JONATHAN BARTOLO PINZON * *"En los
2023 Feb 21
Interpolación IDW
Emilio, muchas gracias. Tuve que rehacer el código para entender mejor todo, pero me sale el siguiente error: *Error in[[i]], optional = TRUE) : cannot coerce class ?structure("RasterLayer", package = "raster")? to a data.frame* El código es el siguiente: *for (i in 1:nrows_mt) { data_it_mt <-
2002 Feb 21
long filenames always mangled under dos
I create a Bootdisk from Win98 with "sys a:" and the netsetup from the Microsoft FTP-server to have TCP/IP under DOS. I can map the shares from Samba to a drive with: "net use d: \\server\win98" The problem is that all long filenames are mangled, but not in the way DOS does it. The Folder "Program Files" does not become "Progra~1" but "Progr~4Z".
2010 Feb 17
common causes for failure to find domain controller ?
Hi, are there any common causes for a windows machines failure to find a samba domain controller? im trying to join a windows 2008 server to a samba[3.4.0] PDC and debug/netsetup says "failed to find a DC in the specified domain". cheers
2006 Jul 06
Fwd: RE: xenoprof passive profiling and "mode" setting
See below... ---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: RE: [Xen-devel] xenoprof passive profiling and "mode" setting Date: Wednesday 05 July 2006 21:53 From: "Yang, Xiaowei" <> To: "Keir Fraser" <>, "Ray Bryant" <> Cc:
2015 Jul 17
"wbinfo --sid-to-gid" returns false gids
17.07.2015, 17:30, "Rowland Penny" <rowlandpenny241155 at>: > On 17/07/15 12:03, Andrej Surkov wrote: >>  I've got this on the backup DC >> >>  root at bdc:~# wbinfo --sid-to-gid S-1-5-21-1166961617-3197558402-3341820450-516 >>  3000000 > > OK, you have problems there, but not what you think. On my first DC > (note I don't have
2010 Dec 30
Curso de R en Santiago, Chile. Gratis!
Estimados, A todos quienes estan insterados y estan en Stgo de Chile les tengo una muy buena noticia. Desde hace ya algunas semanas, nos hemos sentado a la mesa con Alex (Epidemiologo) a discutir la necesidad de desarrollar un curso de R para principiantes. No solo porque es necesario unirse en torno a un projecto como es el R, sino que es una oportunidad para muchos cientificos (como
2023 Mar 14
Resultado operación entre dataframes
Buen día estimados, Tengo el siguiente código: df_1 <- data.frame(ana = c(15, 20, 30), maria = c(15,20,30), jose = c(15, 20, 30)) df_2 <- data.frame(nombre = c("jose", "ana", "maria"), valor = c(1,2,3)) # Find the corresponding columns in df_1 based on the values in df_2$nombre cols <- match(df_2$nombre, names(df_1)) # Subtract the values of df_2$valor
2012 Oct 29
naming datasubsets in a loop
Hello everbody, I want to generate different subsets of my data-set and safe this subsets with names listet in a vector. Because in reality I have got about 70 subsets I want to realize this in a loop Somehow like this: names=c("nam1",
2009 Aug 18
Remove columns
Hi Everbody Could somebody help me.? I need to remove the columns where the sum of it components is equal to zero. For example > a<-matrix(c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,0), ncol=4) > a [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [1,] 0 0 0 1 [2,] 0 1 0 1 [3,] 0 0 0 0 [4,] 0 1 0 0 [5,] 0 0 0 1 [6,] 0 0 0 0 Columns