similar to: [3.4.7/Ubuntu 10.04] Can modify but not create/delete

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "[3.4.7/Ubuntu 10.04] Can modify but not create/delete"

2010 Jul 28
[Ubuntu 10.04] Share not visible from XP?
Hello I waited 15mn in case it was due to some browsing issue, but the directory I shared on a Ubuntu server still doesn't show up in the XP Net'hood, with no error when starting smbd or in /var/log/samba/log.smbd. Here's the smb.conf I wrote: =================== # cat /etc/samba/smb.conf [global] ;Checked: Same wg on XP workgroup = WORKGROUP server string = Samba Server %v
2011 May 10
[3.4.7] Right way to provide full access?
Hello I'd like to configure Samba on a test host running Ubuntu so that I have full read/write access from XP to a sub-directory of the root filesystem. The host is located on a LAN behind a firewall, so security is not an issue, ie. I'd like to configure Samba with no/minimal security. Currently, I can read but can't write. Between /etc/passwd, smb.conf, and access rights to the
2007 Apr 18
Feedback on Linksys SPA-921 and GrandStream GXP-2000
Hello I'm about to order a GrandStream GXP-2000 and a Linksys SPA-921 I'd like to have some user feedback about how those phones perform, and whether their LCD screen displays both the caller ID name and number (The GrandStream BT-100 only displays numbers, which isn't very helpful). Thank you.
2007 May 29
OpenVox A400P01on thin client?
Hello, I'm thinking of ordering an OpenVox A400P01 (A400P + 1 PORT FXO Bundle) for use in a old IBM 8364 thin client: Has someone already used this hardware with Asterisk, especially on a small piece of hardware like this, and could offer some feedback? Thank you.
2008 Jun 27
[3.0.28a] Telling XP to save password?
Hello We're successfully running Samba 3.0.28a on a FreeBSD server and sharing files with XP clients. There's only one problem: By default, XP doesn't let the user save the password, so they have to type it every time they reboot. Is there a way to tell XP to remember the password between reboots/sessions? Thank you.
2018 May 09
[4.5.12] "guest account" doesn't work
Hello, Until now, I let Samba use nobody:nogroup to access shares from Windows with no account in Samba. I wanted to try the "guest account" option to tell it to use a specific Unix account… but it fails with "Access denied". The solution is to either give up on the "guest account" directive, or add "force user" to the share. Why is that? =====
2010 Aug 02
Must restart nmbd to connect
Hello I'm seeing this issue when connecting from XPSP3 to Ubuntu 10.04 running Samba 3.4.7 installed through apt-get: After booting Ubuntu, if I try to connect to a share from XP, I get this error: ======= C:\>net use x: \\linux\www /user:me System error 59 has occurred. An unexpected network error occurred. ======= When I run "ps aux", I notice that for some reason, smbd is
2010 Jul 14
"Cannot delete non-empty directory"/"Operation not permitted" with file-creation on target-server
Hello Everybody, I was searching for an answer myself for quite some time without success, so I hope somebody can clarify...I use rsync to sync webcontent from one server to another. Apache-details: * Apache runs as nobody:nogroup. * Source-Server-Rights htdocs: The rsync-user gains access via o+rx * Destination-Server-Rights htdocs: The rsync-user is in the group 'nogroup', gains
2010 Jul 29
Purging Windows cache after NetBIOS namechange?
Hello XP(SP3) seems to take a long time to update its list of shares after changing the NetBIOS name used in Samba (eg. going from "LINUX" to "UBUNTU"). Is there a command in Windows that can purge the data, and perform a new broadcast/WINS call to get the list of hosts and shares? Thank you.
2015 Mar 27
[3.6.6] Possible to allow password-free read/write access?
Hello At home, I use my Windows client host without entering a password, and would like to access a local Linux host likewise, ie. without being prompted for login/password while still having read/write access. Is this possible? Currently, I created no Unix/Samba accounts for the Windows user, and the following smb.conf only works in read-only mode (ie. I get an error when trying to write):
2018 May 09
[4.5.12] "guest account" doesn't work
What you want to know is.. ## For a standalone server/Member server. systemctl stop samba-ad-dc samba systemctl disable samba-ad-dc samba systemctl mask samba-ad-dc samba systemctl unmask smbd winbind nmbd systemctl enable smbd winbind nmbd systemctl start smbd winbind nmbd ## For an AD-DC setup. systemctl stop smbd nmbd winbind systemctl disable smbd nmbd winbind systemctl mask smbd nmbd
2011 Aug 01
Lighttpd + Samba for read/write?
Hello On a Ubuntu host, I'd like to be able to read/write files in Lighttpd's /var/www from XP. By default, /var/www is owned by root.root, while Samba tutorials I read usually prefer to use nobody.nogroup. How should I configure things so that Lighttpd and Samba work well together in read/write mode? Thank you.
2010 Feb 02
OS X Clients Can't Create Sub-Directories
I'm running samba on a local linux server, with a bunch of shares. Over the last several years, this has worked perfectly in our heterogenous network of OS X and Windows. All my windows clients still work perfectly - my users can mount the samba shares and create, rename, move etc files and folders. However, recently (starting yesterday) my OS X clients are unable to rename any sub
2008 May 10
[samba 3.0.28a,1] Unable to connect to CUPS
Hello I don't have CUPS installed on this FreeBSD 6.3 host, but don't provide printer access to SMB clients anyway, but still, I get the following error in log.smbd when starting up Samba: ========= # tail -f log.smbd [2008/05/10 16:31:16, 0] smbd/server.c:main(944) smbd version 3.0.28a started. Copyright Andrew Tridgell and the Samba Team 1992-2008 [2008/05/10 16:31:17, 0]
2007 Aug 21
[NetBIOS] Registering new name?
Hello I'm having a hard time finding information about NetBIOS. Maybe someone here has good experience with this API, so I figured I could try asking here, although the question is specifically on how to use NetBIOS in an all-Windows LAN from Visual Basic :-/ I'm trying to register a new name on a server so that clients can locate it by broadcasting its NetBIOS name. At this point,
2007 May 28
[1.2.18] Wrong steps in extensions.conf?
Hello, Sometimes, when a call comes in from the PSTN through our VoIP gateway, the information that is sent to our web page that logs calls includes the original CID name instead of the one that is we expect to be rewritten on the fly using Asterisk's LookupCIDName: ================= ;extensions.conf [internal] exten => group,1,LookupCIDName exten =>
2013 Dec 04
option hide unreadable not work
Hi all. I thying settings the option "hide unreadable" but not work. I tested in global section and share section, follow my settings now. after various tests. # Global parameters [global] workgroup = BATLAB realm = BATLAB.CORP netbios name = GAUSS server role = active directory domain controller server services = s3fs, rpc, nbt, wrepl,
2013 Nov 04
is sssd *faster* than samba4's builtin winbind?
Using samba 4.0.9 as an AD DC (no other domain servers). Since my UIDs and GIDs have changed, I was doing cleanup: find /srv/svn/ -xdev '(' -nouser -o -nogroup ')' -ls I noticed this was very slow -- iostat reported only about 2tps and 50kB/s to my disks. So I timed it with nsswitch.conf users & groups set to "files" vs. "files winbind": # with
2013 Nov 27
[3.6.6] Windows won't let me delete files
Hello I'm running Samba 3.6.6 on an ARM Debian appliance. While I can successfully copy files from a Windows 7 host to Samba, Windows won't let me delete files on the Samba host: "File cannot be deleted. Please remove the write protection." Performing this operation as Administrator makes no difference, and no information is reported in /var/log/samba/log.smbd. Here's my
2003 Feb 14
Found MS-Word 97 & Samba bug : diagnostic found!
Hi all, I have a bug with Version 2.2.3a-12 for Debian GNU/Linux (custom 2.4.20 kernel with aacraid support (DELL PowerEdge 1650 with RAID mirror, etc)): Some users have, SOMETIMES, a READ ONLY set on files, where no one except them use this files. I'm in oplocks=false because of MS-Excel 97 issues, and, no need of fast performances at the moment (<10 users). I put a /home/public