similar to: printer "Advanced tab" grayed

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "printer "Advanced tab" grayed"

2011 Sep 28
samba print server - unable to change "advanced" settings from a client machine 3.5.6
Hello, I'm having trouble replacing our old print server (debian sarge) with a new one. When I enable print$ and force user root and give access to nobody, the print$ share is working properly. I can create delete, add files etc from a windows xp machine. What I need now is being able to "go to printers and faxes, right click on the printer, go to advanced, and click new driver"
2012 Dec 04
Print properties are not saved
Hi, I'm struggling to get a laser color printer working correctly. At first I wasn't able to save print properties with Ubuntu 10.04. As I read of a bug [1] that affected samba 3.4 up to 3.5.8 I upgraded to ubuntu 12.04 and samba 3.6.3. Now I'm not even able to upload drivers in the way I always did as described in [2] and [3] (Italian). My conf:: [printers] comment = All
2010 Jun 21
Gentoo+Xen4.0: Error: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, NoneType found.
Hi, I''m trying to use a Gentoo whit Xem 4.0, but I try: xm create windows2008r2.hvm I get the error: Error: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, NoneType found. Does anybody knows how to solve that? windows2008r2.hvm: kernel = "hvmloader" builder=''hvm'' memory = 512 name = "Windows2008R2" vcpus=2 acpi=1 apic=1 disk = [
2017 Dec 31
Convert Member Server to DC
I have some hardware running CentOS 7 and Sernet Samba 4.7 that started out as a member server that I would like to make into a 2nd DC. However I am having trouble converting it because it seems I am not removing all the remnants of the client setup. What I thought I would have to do is this: 1.) net ads leave -U administrator 2.) Remove the machine entry on the 1st DC 3.) mv /var/lib/samba
2020 Apr 30
bind9 refuses to start -> zone has no NS records
Hi Denis, thanks a lot! > you said that the zone is empty. It is not a problem per se but for some > time Bind-DLZ has been a bit more strict and ask for a NS record for > every zone. So you just have to create a NS field in your zone pointing > to one of your DC and you should be fine. Internal DNS does not have > this requirements. > > samba-tool dns mydc
2018 Jan 05
dhcpd create lease error and unable to kinit for dynupdate on domain controller
Hi everyone following, on my samba dc i have installed the dhcp package and the samba-dhcpd-updateAUR package there are two unresolved errors that i cannot fix 1 -: Can't create new lease file: Permission denied 2 -: kinit for dynamic DNS failed can anyone offer any suggestions. #
2004 Aug 24
XP Can't Join Domain
Daniel R. Meigs wrote: > Thanks for your reply. The problem was having the computers in ou=Computers. > I put them in ou=People and the problem was solved. > > --Dan > Daniel: I deleted the following options from the smb.conf #ldap user suffix = ou=People #ldap machine suffix = ou=Computers But I left the options set in my smbldap.conf.
2017 Dec 27
Centos 7 member server login fails
I have a problem that is now becoming very annoying. Namely I have a Centos 7 member server running Sernet Samba 4.7.4 for which everything seems to work except gdm or ftp logins. On the linux client it seems winbindd is set up correctly. For example (the data shown below has been sanitized): > getent passwd testuser2:*:3001108:3000513::/home/testuser1:/bin/bash
2011 Jul 27
printer preferences admin
Samba 3.5.9. We have printers exported to Windows and have the following options configured: enable privileges = yes load printers = yes printing = cups printcap name = cups cups options = raw [printers] admin users = @printer-admins comment = All Printers browseable = yes path = /var/spool/samba printable = yes public = yes [print$] admin users = @printer-admins write list =
2018 Jul 28
Winbind Craziness
On Fri, 27 Jul 2018 21:25:04 +0000 (UTC) ray klassen via samba <samba at> wrote: > so I had some time to follow this bunny trailand found that even > though all the other servers had no problems this one continued > to.Every so often a new computer couldn't connect and then it would > be all better after a net leave/net join. Net join would not work >
2018 Apr 06
User idmap lost
Back on February 28, 2018, I started a thread "User permissions of profile/home directory lost" describing a problem occurring with my wife's user account. Since that time the random problem has persisted so I turned on some debugging. I have been able to determine that somehow her account idmap is broken. Here is the entry for my wife's SID as found in the idmap.ldb file
2018 Jul 20
Winbind Craziness
about 3 weeks ago there was a power outage where our main file server was not connected to any dc for some time. (don't know if that's related) since then winbind will randomly not resolve rfc_2307 users or groups whenever it feels like it. have tried shutting down nmbd,smbd.winbind and running net cache flush (and starting them up again)have tried turning off winbind group and user
2004 Sep 27
Thunderbird 0.8 - Inbox grayed out and does not update
Hi all, I cannot get Thunderbird 0.8 to work with my dovecot IMAP server. It works fine with my work IMAP account - I'm not sure what they are using. What happens is that folders that I create in Thunderbird or Evolution can only contain subfolders or messages, not a combination of both. Folders which contain subfolders and not messages show up in Thunderbird grayed out. I can expand them
2014 Jan 16
Replication errors (WERR_DS_DRA_SCHEMA_MISMATCH)
Hello, I'm getting replication errors of this type on the Samba (version 4.1.4) server (name=Roquefort): ##### ############################# ERROR(<class 'samba.drs_utils.drsException'>): DsReplicaSync failed - drsException: DsReplicaSync failed (8418, 'WERR_DS_DRA_SCHEMA_MISMATCH') File
2018 Jul 31
Winbind Craziness
Failed to find cifs/madmain at LAND.SUPERORG.COM(kvno 5) in keytab MEMORY:cifs_srv_keytab (arcfour-hmac-md5)] so far nothing works forever. the above error happens when the pc's are unable to connect to shares net leave/join fixes the problem temporarily. seems to relate to [Samba] Failed to find cifs/ in keytab MEMORY:cifs_srv_keytab (arcfour-hmac-md5)] On Monday, 30
2006 Oct 10
'On Top' grayed out
I just did a git checkout of compiz from git server. I noticed that when I right click on the window manager, 'On Top' is grayed out. Is that a known bug? Is there a patch for fix it? If not, should I report it as a bug? -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 189 bytes Desc:
2010 Mar 15
public folders grayed out
Hi folks, I have configured a public folder as described on the Wiki (more or less; see below), but in TB3 I see the "Public" folder grayed out. I cannot subscribe. Toggling the subscriptions flag doesn't help. What did I miss here? Any helpful comment would be highly appreciated. If this is a TB3 problem: Which MUA would you suggest? Regards Harri
2003 Jan 19
Applications start with title bar grayed
When I try to start notepad, it starts with a grayed title bar, like it wasnt active. I cant enter text into the input window. Strange thing, menus work. To get it look like active and type text, I must select the system menu and "About wine". After closing the new window (that has appeared as active), i see that notepad appears active and I can enter text. Has someone this issue ?
2020 Apr 30
bind9 refuses to start -> zone has no NS records
Hi, I have to add a second DC to a Zone. I use the sernet packages Version 4.11 on a debian 10 host. The bind refuses to start: root at addc-zone02:~# systemctl status bind9 ? bind9.service - BIND Domain Name Server Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/bind9.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Thu 2020-04-30 14:51:58 EEST; 5s ago Docs:
2016 Sep 05
No Color, Brothers Printer, Samba/CUPS
Did you add that user to the "domain admins" or an other group. If an other group, did you set the SePrivileges for that group so its allowed to edit the registry. The "domain admins" group for me has all privileges. Just tried it out, and no problem here with user Administrator. Greetz, Louis > -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- > Van: samba [mailto:samba-bounces