similar to: File sharing and subnets

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "File sharing and subnets"

1998 May 19
smbclient problem
Hi, yes, it is. Anyway, below are some of the diagnostics I have tried. Linux box Win95 Box ========= =========== hostname: saturn tempest ip: Below are the diagnostics that I have tried and I ahve logged them: 1. From
2013 Nov 07
problem with interaction in lmer even after creating an "interaction variable"
Dear all, I have a problem with interactions in lmer. I have 2 factors (garden and gebiet) which interact, plus one other variable (home), dataframe arr. When I put: / lmer (biomass ~ home + garden:gebiet + ( 1|Block), data = arr)/ it writes: /Error in lme4::lFormula(formula = biomass ~ home + garden:gebiet + (1 | : rank of X = 28 < ncol(X) = 30/ In the lmer help I found out that if not
2009 May 29
data manipulation involving aggregate
hi all, I often have a data frame like this example data.frame(sq=c(1,1,1,2,2,3,3,3,3),area=c(1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3),habitat=c("garden","garden","pond","field","garden","river","garden","field","field")) for each "sq" I have multiple "habitat"s each with an associated "area". I
2007 Oct 09
Help with gamm errors
Dear All Hopefully someone out there can point out what I am missing! I have a (large, several hundred) dataset of gardens in which over two years the presence/absence of a particular bird species is noted each week. I have good reason to believe there is a difference between the two years in the weekly proportion of gardens and would like to assess this, before going on to look in more detail at
2005 May 14
Cross-Domain Networking Problems
xm list reveals the following information... Name Id Mem(MB) CPU State Time(s) Console Domain-0 0 315 0 r---- 2058.1 Domain-1 11 342 0 -b--- 5.2 9611 Domain-2 12 342 0 -b--- 3.9 9612 Xen seems to be working beautifully but I have not yet figured out how to get Domain-0 to ping both Domain-1 and Domain-2,
2012 Oct 19
Newly installed version; can't run lm function
New installation seems to have behavior I cannot figure out. Here is illustrative sequence where I load a small data set (test) from Crawley's files and try to run a simple linear model and get an error message. Oddly, R reports that the variable 'test$ozone' is numeric while, after attaching test, the variable ozone is not numeric. Can someone please help? This behavior is
2007 May 25
email the silly fuckers instead.
An alle finanzinvestoren! Diese aktie wird durchstarten! Dienstag 29. Mai startet die hausse! Firma: Talktech Telemedia Kurzel: OYQ / OYQ.F / OYQ.DE WKN: 278104 ISIN: US8742781045 Preis: 0.54 5-T Prognose: 1.75 Realisierter kursgweinn von 450% in 5 tagen! OYQ Wird wie eine rakete durchstarten! DIENSTAG 29. MAI STARTET DIE HAUSSE! But thanks for drawing my attention to it anyway. These
2011 Jun 27
import text-records and set the fields in a table
hi! I apologize in advance if this is a newbie dumm question, but I really can't figure it ou. I have lists of sumeric and character data on some URLs, which look like this: <photo id="5876248819" owner="13716719 at N04" secret="faf9bb7f52" server="5264" farm="6" title="our rose garden" ispublic="1"
2003 May 24
ipfirewall(4)) cannot be changed
root@vigilante /root cuaa1# man init |tail -n 130 |head -n 5 3 Network secure mode - same as highly secure mode, plus IP packet filter rules (see ipfw(8) and ipfirewall(4)) cannot be changed and dummynet(4) configuration cannot be adjusted. root@vigilante /root cuaa1# sysctl -a |grep secure kern.securelevel: 3 root@vigilante /root cuaa1# ipfw show 00100 0 0 allow
2002 Dec 29
win98 browsing problem across VPN subnets
I have just setup a VPN connection three sites using IPCOP. Everything seems to be talking ok, apart from browsing the network neighborhood. There are no NT/Win2K/XP servers running on any of the sites, all sites are just running win98 pc's using tcp/ip. I have tried configuring all PC's to be on the same workgroup and setup sharing, but still each site can only see the pc's
2007 Jun 25
Ping dom0 <-> domU result in "Destination host unreachable"
Hi folks, I read quite some posts about "Destination host unreachable" problems before, but none could help me to solve my issue. So here we go: This is what I am using: SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 SP1 - Current with all updates Network configuration of my dom0: foobar:~ # ip a 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP> mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd
2008 Jul 23
smbclient does not connect anonymously localy on fresh install
Hello. I have some problem, with a new configuration on a new PC. I want to setup a SAMBA PDC using an HOWTO. This howto was working on OPENSUSE 10.1 with a X86 processor and I have used it a lot of time. Now I use OPENSUSE 10.3. The new PC run a X64 processor. After the fresh install and following : I could not make
2007 Oct 19
Variables in find
How can i make a variable in find my code is @gardens = Garden.find(:all, :conditions => { :user_id => 1}) The number 1 must be a variable of so you only get the stuff placed by the user logged in at the moment -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
2017 Dec 19
I have two VMs, both with firewalld installed. One on machine It this in the IN_public chain: Chain IN_public (2 references) pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination 81 3423 IN_public_log all -- * * 81 3423 IN_public_deny all -- * *
2007 Jun 05
Mysterious Javascript showing up & trashing page
Every time I edit a particular page, a bit of javascript myseteriously shows up when I save it. After that, the page does not lie correctly, and the items at the end of the list are covered over by elements from the stylesheet. The script is as follows: <p>&nbsp; </p> <p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman"><font
2005 Dec 21
HTB droping packets
Hello, I''m using htb3 with kernel 2.6.13 on debian testing release. I have a hierarchy consisting of 10 parents clas each with 2 to 20 childs and every child use sfq. The problem is when the default class become congested, the system start to drop packets for 2 seconds all traffic is blocked, another 3 to 5 minutes all goes all and so on. Anyone have any ideea about this ?
2000 Feb 17
SMB/NMBD configuration troubles.
Folks, I am stumped! I have followed every tech tip I could find and I am still unable to complete my SMB installation. Specifically, I fail Test 4 and Tests 9 and 10. I believe the problem has something to do with the NMBD configuration. Below are the parameters of our system. Any help is greatly appreciated. Brandon Stauber 310-889-9264 [Please respond
2019 Sep 24
CO 7.7.1908 Updates not getting to mirrors?
I *know* there has been a lot going on, and congratulations on getting CentOS 8 out! But(!), I don't see any updates to CO 7.7.1908 in the "updates" directory on the mirrors I typically use. All the files date from Sept. 14th. Is something broken? -- *Matt Phelps* *Information Technology Specialist, Systems Administrator* (Computation Facility, Smithsonian Astrophysical
2004 Jan 07
Random ping jumps
Hello, I''ve got this problem. There is an linux server with 2.4.24 kernel and pinging from him to internet (or from lan) ping randomly jumps up: 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=387 ttl=59 time=30.0 ms 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=388 ttl=59 time=32.6 ms 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=389 ttl=59 time=34.9 ms
2012 Sep 04
Simple routing question
We use a dual homed CentOS-6.3 host for our Internet gateway router. Its internal nic (eth1) is configured such that the address is one of its aliases. # cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1:192BOOTPROTO=none BROADCAST= DEVICE=eth1:192 IPADDR= IPV6INIT=no MTU="" NAME="LAN - Non-routable" NETMASK= NETWORK=