similar to: WG: Samba, ldap and machine accounts

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "WG: Samba, ldap and machine accounts"

2010 Jul 15
Samba, ldap and machine accounts
Hi, some time a go I started to try a migration form our "old" samba PDC with smbpasswd user backend to a new ldap based. I got to the point, that users can login to shares and now I'd liked to set up the server as an PDC with ldap and machine accounts too. The smbldap-toosl are installed and configured and I can add a machine to ldap to a certain point. The ldap entry is
2010 Jul 26
samba 3.3 with LDAP - How To change passwor from WIndows
Hi, I got my samba PDC / LDAP system to the point, that users can login. But they can't change there password from the windows pc. Can somewone tell me which settings may I check? Or can point me to a how to? The posix password should be changed to. Thanks a lot and best regards! /G?tz -- G?tz Reinicke IT-Koordinator Tel. +49 7141 969 420 Fax +49 7141 969 55 420 E-Mail goetz.reinicke
2011 Feb 01
Samba, LDAP, Windows XP - force passwordchange on first login
Hello, I was looking for the right ldap attribute and setting to force users to change there password when they log in for the first time. Can somewone point me to the syntax or doc I did not found yet? samba 3.5.4 and openldap-2.4.19 Thanks and regards, -- G?tz Reinicke IT-Koordinator Tel. +49 7141 969 420 Fax +49 7141 969 55 420 E-Mail goetz.reinicke at Filmakademie
2010 May 02
How ot migrate from /etc/samba/smbpasswd -> LDAP ldapsam:trusted
Hi, has anyone done a migration from an "old" smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd setup to a "up to date" LDAP ldapsam:trusted setting? (Centos 5.4, samba-3.0.33-3.28, openldap-2.3.43) If so, is there some how to? Or may somewone share his/her experience with me. Thanks a lot and best regards, G?tz -- G?tz Reinicke IT-Koordinator Tel. +49 7141 969 420 Fax +49 7141
2010 Mar 08
openldap-2.3.43 and db4-utils - DB_VERSION_MISMATCH
Hi, I just started to set up a test ldap server and followed some tutorials. One topic is the tuning/monitoring of the bdb. So I installed the db4-utils and executed a "db_stat -h /var/lib/ldap/ -m". The answere is no stat, but: db_stat: Program version 4.3 doesn't match environment version db_stat: DB_ENV->open: DB_VERSION_MISMATCH: Database environment version mismatch The
2010 Jul 21
Pittfals Windows 7 and samba 3.3.8 (centos 5.5), LDAP BE - joining domain
Hi, recently I got my samba/ldap/pdc setup up and running with xp clients. Server: centos 5.5, openldap-2.3.43-12 and samba3x-3.3.8. The new challenge: adding Windows 7 Clients and upgrading to samba 3.3.x I followed a posting from the centos forum (1) which worked so far for the samba update breaking nothing for xp. Than I installed a windows 7 client with the latest patches, changed the
2010 Nov 12
Samba and LDAP - which attributes are mandatory which optional
Hallo, I'm asking myself, which LDAP attributes are mandatory which optional for user and workstation accounts. After using the smbldap-populate command there where different attributes set than for adding users with the smbldap-useradd command. --- snip --- sambaAcctFlags: sambaHomeDrive: sambaHomePath: sambaKickoffTime: sambaLMPassword: sambaLogoffTime: sambaLogonScript: sambaLogonTime:
2009 Dec 22
iptables ... *BSD pf ... pfSense
Hi, I followed the "Optimizing CentOS for gigabit firewall" posting and as some posters wrote pf is soo sooo ssooooo mutch faster, I was thinking to give it a try. But I'm not familier to BSD so I was looking for some tools and found "pfsense" "pfSense is a free, open source customized distribution of FreeBSD tailored for use as a
2009 Oct 15
Inquiry:What is the equivalent of nmap command on CentOS 5.2 ?
Dear All Please be informed that I have installed CentOS 5.2 on my client but it does not have nmap command . Can you please do me favor and let me know what is the equivalent of nmap command on CentOS 5.2 ? Thank you in advance -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2010 Jan 11
looking for kernel-xen- 2.6.18-164.el5
Hi all, does anyone know where I can download kernel-xen- 2.6.18-164.el5 for CentOS 5? I can't install it with yum, since yum has a much newer version already. I have searched google, but can't find a download link, only a lot of references to the kernel w.r.t problems. -- Kind Regards Rudi Ahlers SoftDux Website: Technical Blog: Office:
2010 Jun 21
blog tool use the LDAP auth
Hi, all: Are there any blog tools which can use the openldap to authenticate the account or password? Could someone give some suggestions for it ? Thanks in advance... -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2010 Aug 12
system shutdown - turning off quotas takes a long time
Hi, recently I had to instal a new raid storage system for our central fileserver. It is connected by iscsi (1Gbit) and the fielsystems mounted are 400GB and 1TB and ext3. curretly about 400 GB are used by 1.5 Mio files. I turned quota on and did a quota check. BUT on reboot the system crashes/hangs during 'turning off quotas' This message shows up about 30++ sec after the shutdown ...
2010 Aug 11
manage (iscsi storage) LVM
Hi, it is possible to create and setup/format volumes on a iscsi storage on one server and than disconnect and attache the storage to an other server. AFAIK on the 'new' server I do have to launch an LVM-scan command ... after login to the iscsi target. But which LVM-command and syntax was it? Thanks for any hint! :) /G?tz -- G?tz Reinicke IT-Koordinator Tel. +49 7141 969 420 Fax
2010 Jun 15
samba migration to another llinux distro
Hello I need a description how to move painlessly samba from one system to another without re-adding to the domain windows clients. Currently, I have samba Version 3.0.28a-1.fc7 on Fedora 7 and I want to move it on CentOS 5.5 As far as the server hardware remains the same. In addition to changing the system i would like to change new disks and add a new 3ware 9650SE Raid controller (samba
2010 Nov 29
Any chance to get a working, current openldap srpm/rpm for centos 5.5
Hello, is there anyone out there, who has a current 2.4.23 srpm or good how to compile it from src with supported db4? I tried to compile recent source files, but always finding the current (installed) db4 >4.3 fails. Than I tried to compile the LTB Project Files: May be it is just a small step or option to be set. Would be nice to get
2019 Jan 02
Erratic local hostname resolution with Dnsmasq
Hi, My local server is running CentOS 7. The machine has two NICs and is acting as a gateway. For DHCP and DNS, I'm using Dnsmasq. I have a strange little problem with local hostname resolution. Before going into more details, here's my configuration. [root at nestor:~] # ifconfig enp2s0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 inet netmask
2009 Oct 27
Debugging system load - How to start?
Hi, we run an "old" mailserver system which was set up a couple of years ago. The systme dose "everything" what we need(ed). Over the last days I noticed an unnormal increase of the system load up to 10 and lots of users told me that there mailclient connections (sending and receiving) are dropped from time to time. I was planing to exchange the server respectively distribut
2010 Jun 17
cameras and CentOS
Hi I want to put up a few cameras connected to a CentOS box. I currently have a box with one camera and that works (USB), I can take a pic (the script does that) and see that on a webpage. However, I want to have a couple of cameras a little further away (more than 5 meters). USB has a limit, I have tried that camera with a longer cable and it does not work ... so I need to route that in a
2009 Aug 28
Setting up large (12.5 TB) filesystem howto?
Hi, I'm trying to set up an iscsi 12.5 TB storage for some data backup. Doing so, I had some difficulties to find the right tool, maybe it's also a question of the system settings... The server is a 32Bit CentOS 5.3 with the recent updates. Ths iscsi connection can be establised. fdisk and parted fail to create any information on the device or fail completely. using the lvm tools
2015 Apr 29
Mysql 5.6, Centos 7 and errno: 24 - Too many open files
Hi, may be somewon has a working solution and information on that: I installed the most recent mysql community on a server and do get a lot of "errno: 24 - Too many open files". There are suggestions to increase the open_files_limit, change/add that to /etc/security/limits.conf and modify the systemd script by hand. Depending on how you start mysql (restart, or at systemboot time