similar to: usuários não consegues acessar pastar compartilhadas após upgrade do samba

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "usuários não consegues acessar pastar compartilhadas após upgrade do samba"

2009 Aug 03
new share with specific setting
hi everyone i have to create a share that will allow a group of users just to create files, not modifying or even reading these files. plus, i need to allow just xml files to be created. is that possible? tks in advance -- *Leonardo de Souza Carneiro* *Veltrac - Tecnologia em Log?stica.* lscarneiro at <mailto:lscarneiro at>
2009 May 19
multiple domain info entries problem
Hi fellows. I'm new to the list and hope I'll have a nice time here. one of my servers running samba+ldap is not working properly. the setup is: Debian 5 fileserver:/etc/samba#smbd --version Version 3.0.24 fileserver:/etc/samba# slapd -V @(#) $OpenLDAP: slapd 2.3.30 (Oct 5 2008 22:08:58) $
2009 Jul 06
can't access samba PDC after power cut
hello guys, after a power cut in this weekend, the filesystem of the machine running samba+ldap currupted. i did a fsck and every other services in the machine are running fine now, but i cannot access the samba shares and cannot join/log in the domain. in the windows machines it just show a message "the network path is not found". i'll add my smb.conf tks in advance --
2009 Dec 18
new user can't log
Hello everyone. I was having a problem with my Samba PDC with LDAP backend. The command 'net getlocalsid' gaves me the message "Got too many (2) domain info entries for domain [domain]". I logged im my ldap server, and saw that i have the following entries: dn: sambaDomainName=DOMINIO,dc=dominio,dc=com,dc=br sambaDomainName: DOMINIO sambaSID:
2009 May 19
language charset configuration problem!
From: To: Subject: language charset problem£¡ Date: Sun, 17 May 2009 02:10:45 +0000 dear all£¬ I port samba 3.0.0 to board ,and it is almost ok. but there still some problem about file display can't be resolved. I use charset C 1 chinese name file display wrong. I confiure the smb.conf to cp936 char set as followed. ... display charset
2010 Mar 23
ham,Re: samba PDC upgrade from 3.2.5 to 3.4.7
Hi John. It worked well just before the upgrade. I'm not saying that this is correct, but is the reason why users aren't accessing? Also, should'n this give some specific error in the logs? Tks in advance. John H Terpstra wrote: > On 03/23/2010 02:35 PM, Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac wrote: > >> Hi Dale and others. I had already checked the release notes. Only users
2010 Jul 03
sambaLogonScript problem
Hi everyone, I'm having trouble in deploying by group sambaLogonScript. My scripts consist only im mapping network folders. I'm using Samba 3.4.7. Is there a way to debug this? The logs does not show anything about the logon scripts. All my users are set with "%G.bat" in the ldap backend, but the vast majority of the users are not running the scripts, or running partially.
2011 Mar 14
Acessar id através de url
Bom dia a todos. Estou desenvovendo uma app e estou tentando o seguinte mas sem sucesso: No meu modelo de email (closed.erb) que é um email para informar que o ticket foi fechado tenho um ticket_url: <%= ticket_url :host => @host, :id => %> Mas não consigo fazer com que o me retorne na url o ticket em questão. Por exemplo digamos que o ticket 10 foi alterado e
2010 Jun 29
file "time-to-live"
Hi everyone, There is a way to make files being automatically deleted some time after they have been created? I know that, with some scripting wizardry i could achieve this, but i wanna know if samba has this kind of feature. I have a temp folder that users insist in use like a backup folder, so i want to files to be deleted 24 hours after they have been created. I cannot just delete
2015 Jul 01
User administrator
User administrator without access to several shares -- ?A menos que modifiquemos a nossa maneira de pensar, n?o seremos capazes de resolver os problemas causados pela forma como nos acostumamos a ver o mundo". Albert Einstein
2010 Apr 26
Upgrade from Vista to 7 + samba = error
Hello everyone, I'm using Ldap + Samba PDC 3.4.7 in a Debian Lenny machine (backported). I've been able add successfully 3 hosts with windows 7 on my domain. Now i upgraded a notebook from windows vista to windows 7. I could not log on the domain (the trust relationship was broken), So i tried to remove and re-add (after applying the registry patch file) the machine in the domain
2010 Mar 23
samba PDC upgrade from 3.2.5 to 3.4.7
Hello everyone. Yesterday i did an almost painless upgrade from samba pdc from 3.2.5 to 3.4.7. I'm running in a Debian Lenny (upgraded from the original package to the backported one). After a few tweaks i found on the web my users, including those who run win7, where able to log in the domain. But now the cannot access the shared folders on the server. Some users can't even open the
2010 May 12
new users, new group, can't access share
Hi everyone. I have a Samba 3.4.7 (bpo) on a debian box running as PDC with a LDAP backend. i have added a new group, 2 new users and created a new group share for them, but by some unknown reason they cannon access the share. the client is running windows vista. here's what i did: smbldap-groupadd -a office smbldap-useradd -a -m user1 smbldap-useradd -a -m user2
2010 Jul 12
smbldap-groupmod problem
Hi, i'm having a problem with the smbldap-groupmod. I tried to change the users of some groups, i get an error message. The action indeed execute, as the users was removed or added from the group, but an error is throwed in the output: server:~# smbldap-groupmod -x user1 -m user2 testgroup Can't call method "get_value" on an undefined value at
2010 Jul 05
Help - Google Charts on Rails Plugin
Hello, I''m starting at the RR, and I''m trying to use google charts to generate some graphs in a single plugin in rails. But I''m testing the samples that are giving errors. I think it must be configuration error. Someone who has used google charts on rails help me? Since already thank you! Juliana. =================================================================
2004 Apr 06
(BRMA) Mensagem não autorizada
Mensagem n?o autorizada ---------------------------------------- Virus Encontrado no email de entrada /var/spool/brma_tratar/dfi36CHiX31578/ infected: I-Worm.NetSky.b ---------------------------------------- Para: educacao at Assunto: warning
2012 Oct 30
Error em plot.xy(xy.coords(x, y), type = type, ...) : objeto 'membros' não encontrado
Hi, I'm trying to plot a map with the location of the stations that I am using require(MASS)require(maps) mapaBrasil <- read.table("BASE_BR.txt",sep="") latlonRS <- read.csv2("coordenadas.txt",h=F,sep="") png(filename="mapa_grupos.png",width=600,height=800) # criating a map for RSmap(xlim=c(-80,-35),ylim=c(-45,10),
2005 Apr 28
Sua mensagem não pode ser entregue
ESTE EMAIL ? AUTOM?TICO. POR FAVOR, N?O ENVIE UMA REPOSTA, POIS ELA N?O SER? RECEBIDA. N?o foi poss?vel entregar a sua mensagem. O destinat?rio n?o recebeu a sua mensagem. Veja a seguir a descri??o do motivo. <>: A caixa postal do destinat?rio excedeu o limite de capacidade de armazenamento. maildrop: maildir over quota. --- Below this line is a copy of the message.
2015 Aug 31
smartcard login - multiple UPN suffixes
Hey folks! I need to allow smartcard authentication of a third party certificate generated with an UPN that has a suffix that is not my domain name. From AD literature, it's possible. I followed these guidelines to make an additional UPN available for login: But I'm missing something. Kerberos does a part of the job, but then
2006 Nov 27
Problema ao Logar no Dominio
Boa Tarde, Estou com problemas para autentica??o de meus computadores no dominio samba. Quando tento pelo pr?prio windows ou na m?o pelo console adicionar uma m?quina ao dominio, ela ? cadastrada com sucesso, ela fica em ou=Computers,dc=xxx,dc=xxx por?m o smbd a procura em people o que resulta que meus usu?rios n?o conseguem logar... assim ... ao inves de o sambra procurar em ou=Computers ele