similar to: Share Permissions on an ADS member server [NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED]

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Share Permissions on an ADS member server [NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED]"

2010 Mar 04
Why isn't Samba honouring UNIX permissions? [NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED]
Classification: NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Solaris 9 Samba 3.4.5 I know this isn't the sort of query that gets much response but I'd be really grateful of any advice people can offer. I'm getting really fed up with Samba as I've never been able to make it work properly. Either I'm missing something basic (probably) or it just doesn't behave in the way I think it should!
2008 Jan 18
Mapping AD domain users to UNIX users
We're using Samba 3.0.23b (binaries downloaded from Sunfreeware) on Solaris 9 as a member server, using "security = DOMAIN" in an Active Directory 2003 domain. The server is primarily an application server, running SAS software, but we have a share to Windows to enable users to save programs and data from their Windows XP workstations. Historically we've been using PC Netlink,
2008 Jan 23
Retry: Mapping AD domain users to UNIX users
I posted this last week but haven't heard anything. I'm not sure if this is because nobody knows the answer (can't believe that!) or I'm missing something obvious in the documentation and people are thinking "Read The Fine Manual". Whatever the reason, if anyone has any insights into this problem I'd be very grateful for their comments. We're using Samba 3.0.23b
2009 Sep 09
Compiling 3.4.0 on SPARC Solaris 9
I've been trying to compile Samba 3.4.0 on a Solaris 9 server. However, when I run configure, it is only creating a Makefile-noincludes, not the standard Makefile. Looking at the config.log file, there are lines that suggest that it can't find the libiconv libraries. These are installed (version 1.11) in /usr/local so I tried re-running configure with the option --with-libiconv=/usr/local.
2010 Dec 28
Missing Samba documentation pages: migration
Hello, There is a small document, which (I hope) useful to others samba user to avoid mistakes, wrong path, that i take, to reach my goal. This document is covered by license: xkcd501[12]. 1. Target 2. Situation 2.1. Software versions 2.2. Software setup 3. Data migration 3.1. alternatives 3.1.1. robocopy 3.1.2. xcopy 3.1.3. net 3.1.4. smbfs/cifs 4. Migration 4.1. Start samba 4.2. ACL vs ACL
2013 Jan 21
Samba 3.6.10 not reading groups
Helpp! :) We didn't catch this in testing and now it's killing me in production! I'm getting stuck with my fresh build of Samba 3.6.10. It isn't honoring groups specified in the valid users clause of the share configuration. I'm running in security = SHARE mode, and user authentication is working just fine. Even if I specify individual users on the valid users = line, it
2013 Jun 05
Symbolic links do NOT work if the source file is present BOTH on client & server !!!
Dear all I struggle with a very annoying bug ! The problem is very simple to reproduce (NO Windows stuff needed, ONLY Linux !): 1. Samba 3.5.6 running on a Debian 6 (Squeeze) Server with following configuration: /etc/samba/smb.conf: security = user guest account = nobody map to guest = bad user null passwords = yes case sensitive = yes [myshare]
2006 Oct 19
AIX 5.2 Samba 3.0.23c Samba peculiarities
Hi All, After successfully installing the AIX Binaries (Thanks Bill), and manageing to join as a ADS Domain Member I have a couple of peculiarities of which I need to get to the bottom. Problem A When connecting to a share, I can connect OK , and get authenticated OK, I can create files in the share and open files in the share, but cannot list files in the share or delete files I have created.
2004 Jun 23
Files and directories permissions AND Administrator account
We have Fedora Core 2, samba-3.0.3-5, kernel 2.6.5 We set acl support in fstab We configured samba with acl support + openldap 2.1.29 as passwd backend. In a shared folder "testshare" we set the following directives: [testshare] comment = ...... path = /home/testshare read only = no nt acl support = yes create mask = 0700 directory mask = 0700 security mask = 0777 directory security
2012 May 01
error bars for a barchart
Hi I have the following barchart to which I want to add error bars. library(lattice) barchart(Change~fTreat,groups=Process,change, auto.key=list(points=FALSE,rectangles=TRUE), panel=function(x, y,...){ panel.barchart(x,y,origin = 0,...); panel.abline(h=0,col="black",...); } ) I have tried
2014 Feb 13
samba4 ad domain member server -- don't desire sid <-> uid mapping
I've got a very simple need -- want to make a samba4 server a member of an active directory domain and use it as a file-server only. All shares on the file server are explicitly designed with a 'uniform access model' -- eg the user's in privileged groups can do anything to all files in the share (and despite their best attempts) they can't accidentally edit permissions on
2008 Jun 02
Problems (Panic) with 3.2.0rc1 on Solaris10/ADDomainMember
Hi list I am having difficulties with 3.2.0rc1 on a Solaris10 server. After unsuccessfully trying once again to get winbindd to run in our environment (AD, SFU), we resorted back to the old solution of syncing the nss infos from AD down to the Unix passwd and group files by a perlscript and doing only authentication against the Active Directory. Now, I have other problems, however. Going
2013 Jan 14
Samba4 AD Groups Problem
Hi! I created a Samba4 Demo Server to test AD functionality. Basically it's a Debian Wheezy machine with a manually compiled Samba4 (smbstatus -V: Version 4.1.0pre1-GIT-051a1a9) according to but adjusted the paths to a more debian way. I can Manage the Server with the Windows Domain Utilities, add users, add groups, add Machines and so
2019 Mar 04
Can't authenticate to AD using Samba with SSSD
Quick look showed a error in rfc2307, so try fixing the smb.conf This one. > > doing parameter idmap config YALE:schema_mode = rfcc2307 rfcc2307 ?? cc ? rfc2307 Greetz, Louis > -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- > Van: samba [mailto:samba-bounces at] Namens > Rowland Penny via samba > Verzonden: zaterdag 2 maart 2019 10:10 > Aan: samba at
2000 Jan 05
stock idea dvdt
2011 May 26
Confusion berween file and direcory
I have some trouble with a samba 3.5.8 server when setting directory attributes. On a windows XP I execute a small peace of code that calls 'SetFileAttributes' for the directory 'test-dir' located on the samba server. Using log level 10 I find this: [2011/05/26 15:27:02.144060, 3] smbd/process.c:1298 (switch_message) switch message SMBtrans2 (pid 28903) conn 0x7f5e35f0dbb0
2014 Dec 19
[samba 4.0] read only = yes + Denymode DENY_WRITE
Hello, Our samba fileserver is a member of a Windows 2008R2 domain, and has different shares. These shares are set with a "read only = yes" and have an explicit "write list". This works as planned. But when an "read only" user opens a pdf with Adobe acrobat, the file gets DenyMode DENY_WRITE and the user who can edit the file can't save the document anymore.
2012 Dec 07
Samba Permissions
Hi, I have a case where I only want to restrict access to SMB shares via filesystem permissions (and POSIX ACLs). Therefore, I do not want Samba to verify security in any way at the SMB level. If the filesystem/ACL permissions allow access to the shared directory, so should Samba. If the filesystem does not allow access to the filesystem, Samba should deny as well. I thought I had this
2007 Dec 18
R brakes when submitting a query to MySQL
Hello, I would like to retrieve data stored in MySQL database, so I installed RMySQL package. I can successfully connect with the my database using the following code > dvr<-dbDriver("MySQL") > con2<-dbConnect(dvr,group="exbardiv") > mysqlDescribeConnection(con2) <MySQLConnection:(972,0)> User: mmorag Host: localhost Dbname: exbardiv
2013 Feb 01
Samba 4 vs Samba 3
So, I have "working" builds of Samba 3.6.10, and 4.0.2 using the traditional build system on AIX, both built with XLC. For historical reasons, we're needing to use 'encrypt passwords = no', so that Samba uses the OS password. The odd thing, is, the 3.6.10 Samba works just fine, but the 4.0.2 doesn't allow connections. Here's the Samba config I'm using on both: