similar to: Help to fix the remaining problems when migration from windows to a linux print server

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Help to fix the remaining problems when migration from windows to a linux print server"

2007 Mar 22
Shape own router
On 2/19/07, Salatiel Filho <> wrote: > Well , thanks to imq all my client machines are now shaped and > everything is great ... > But now i have a doubt , is there a way to shape the traffic that goes > to the route [doing a wget from the router for example ]? > > > I have a PREROUTING IMQ0 and a POSTROUTING IMQ1 , everything is > working like
2007 Feb 04
tc ingress + iptables mark problem
Hi guys , i am starting to "play" with qos in linux. Well , i am trying to setup an ingress filter but i do not know why it is not working. tc add qdisc dev eth0 ingress tc filter add dev eth0 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 1 handle 1 fw police rate 160kbit burst 256kbit drop flowid :1 After that : iptables -A PREROUTING -t mangle --sport 80 -j MARK --set-mark 1 So , i think this
2007 Sep 16
doubt about bridge qdisc
Hi guys, i have a little doubt ; I have eth0 ethernet and eth1 wireless , and they are bridged in br0 Is there any difference in the behavior between do tc qdisc add dev br0 root sfq OR tc qdisc add dev eth0 root sfq && tc qdisc add dev eth1 root sfq -- []''s Salatiel "O maior prazer do inteligente é bancar o idiota diante de um idiota que banca o
2007 May 07
IMQ KERNEL PANIC AND No chain/target/match by that name
After starting to shape local traffic now i am getting a lot of kernel panics in tcp_retransmit, so i decided to update my kernel from to , the problem is that after that i get: # iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j IMQ --todev 0 iptables: No chain/target/match by that name so i can not redirect ttraffic to IMQ device. and modules are loaded. - # lsmod Module
2010 Apr 22
PRIO qdisc + iptables TOS target
i am trying to do some traffic classification using the PRIO qdisc and i am having a few problems. I have a root htb class: tc qdisc add dev imq0 root handle 1: htb default 255 r2q 1 tc class add dev imq0 parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate 768kbit and a child PRIO tc class add dev imq0 parent 1:1 classid 1:99 htb rate 96kbit ceil 600kbit prio 0 tc qdisc add dev imq0 parent 1:99 prio tc filter
2007 May 02
tc u32 match !port
How can i redirect all traffic that not come from port 80 to a flow ? i was thing about some like tc filter add dev imq1 parent 1: protocol ip prio 7 u32 match ip sport !80 ...... But this not work. Another doubt, if i have two rules that intersects , for example , one filter with u32 match ip src flowid 1:10 and other with u32 match sport 80 0xffff flowid 1:11 , which one will
2007 May 16
statistics and calc bandwidth traffic using tc -s qdisc show
2007 May 19
Re: LARTC Digest, Vol 27, Issue 26
Hi folks...!!! I need to generate qdisc statistics to show my 4 class (10, 20, 30, 40), i`ve all working with HTB and so on, but i need to graph this results e.gwith RRDTOOL. I found a script made in perl, that can to graph my 4 class, but i need to know which IP address on my LAN are using the bandwidth too, in other hand i need to classify the traffic by IP to show. This is an out of my
2007 Oct 05
Limit Rates in more scalable and efficient way
Hello I''m looking for a more efficient way to limit rates to different clients. Right now as I understand it, I have to make a class for every customer/ip-address I''d like to limit bandwidth. This means lots of configuration if i had many customers to setup traffic shaping for. I can filter for ip-ranges, but then all ip''s of that range share the set bandwidth of the
2007 Jun 08
CBQ + Layer7 x Emule
Hi All , My first message and I have a little problem with my FC6 box trying to block emule traffic using layer7 . Here my network : Internet --------- ADSL Router ------------------- FC6 Box -------------------- Emule Box external ADSL : Dynamic Internal ADSL : external FC6 : internal FC6 : Emule Box : I guess that everything
2007 Dec 07
how RED should work ?
Hi , i am trying to understand how RED queue discipline works but i am having a few troubles. The parameters are MIN , MAX , LIMIT , BURST I put LIMIT = 64Kb, so if i am not wrong it should PDROP anything over this value , right ? i put MIN = 8Kb , so no drops at all below this value, right ? i put MAX = 16Kb, starts to early drop anything above this using probability P. I put probability at
2007 Dec 17
doubt about esfq
In esfq README i have: Depth sets the number of slots. If the number of active flows is greater than the number of slots, flows will end up sharing slots and ESFQ will no longer be fair. If you anticipate more than 128 concurrently active flows, you should use a larger depth and probably a larger divisor (see below). If you expect there to be far fewer than 128 concurrent flows, you
2008 Jan 05
Help With WRR
Could anyone explain what is WRR param2 [wmode2 , incr2 , decr2 , min2] for ? can i set just the param1 ? [wmode1 , incr1 , decr1,min1] -- []''s Salatiel "O maior prazer do inteligente é bancar o idiota diante de um idiota que banca o inteligente".
2007 Oct 08
new doubts about bridge qdisc
Ok , let`s go again with shaping a bridge interface. The environment is a dd-wrt firmware router. I have vlan1 interface connected to the DSL modem , and a br0 interface connecting wired and wireless machines. lets begin with the doubts , I have [example]: tc qdisc add dev br0 root handle 1: htb default 999 tc class add dev br0 parent 1: classid 1:999 htb rate 16kbit ceil 16kbit well , all
2008 Jan 11
why can`t i attach wrr to a htb or hfsc class ?
Attaching WRR to a hfsc ot htb class after a while i will get all packets drop and syslog full of HFSC or HTB : Non-work-conserving qdisc any ideas ? -- []''s Salatiel "O maior prazer do inteligente é bancar o idiota diante de um idiota que banca o inteligente".
2010 Mar 04
Problem running rpc add driver
Hi , i am trying to add a driver to windows using the smbclient and rpc commands [got those from cupsaddsmb -v commands] and i am getting : smbclient //localhost/print$ -U $PASS -N -c ' mkdir W32X86;put GENERIC.ppd W32X86/GENERIC.ppd;put /usr/share/cups/drivers/ps5ui.dll W32X86/ps5ui.dll;put /usr/share/cups/drivers/pscript.hlp W32X86/pscript.hlp;put /usr/share/cups/drivers/pscript.ntf
2003 Jul 30
Lula-Cuba, "bloqueio", patrulhas"...
msz De: Fern?ndez-L?pez, Ambito Iberoamericano, Paseo de la Castellana 223, Madrid. [1]InEnglish - [2]EnEspanol Caros amigos luso-brasileiros, ? de se perguntar se as "patrulhas ideol?gicas" esquerdistas estar?o impedindo que os ?ltimos artigos do ex preso pol?tico e escritor cubano Armando Valladares - que abordam delicados aspetos das rela??es entre o regime
2012 Mar 12
--delete not working
Hi guys , i need some help. I am trying to make a full sync of two of my servers. But i noticed a very odd thing. If i create a directory , for example /usr/include/SOME_FOLDER/some_file on server2 when i do : root at server1 #$ rsync -avhH --exclude proc/ --exclude sys/ --exclude dev/ / root at server2:/ after the whole sync, the /usr/include/SOME_FOLDER/some_file will still be in
2007 Nov 04
Problems with garch() function tseries package R 2.6.0
Hi all, I recently updated my to R 2.6.0 and tseries package ?tseries? version: 0.10-11. When i was using R Version 2.3.1 (2006-06-01) with tseries 'tseries' version: 0.10-7, the code > garch(dflnRCLC1) ***** ESTIMATION WITH ANALYTICAL GRADIENT ***** Call: garch(x = dflnRCLC1) Coefficient(s): a0 a1 b1 4.985e+00 1.880e-01 6.210e-14 > worked very
2003 Nov 17
The boss will discharge me, I spoiled the system. HELP!
I have a mixture network with WinXP machines and IRIX (UNIX of Silicon Graphics) machines. In the machine with IRIX (O2) there was an old version of samba. It worked well. But recently I've downloaded. I installed this new version, and I spoiled the system. Now I don't know if I have to reconfigure the smb.conf only or if I have to install more pakages or if I have to reconfigure several