similar to: LDAP-Backend: How to store 'employeeNumber' in 'sambaGroupMapping'?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "LDAP-Backend: How to store 'employeeNumber' in 'sambaGroupMapping'?"

2008 Oct 16
LDAP backend and sambaGroupType for builtin groups
Hi, I have a question about sambaGroupType attribute on a Samba 3.2 PDC with LDAP backend (and nss_ldap + nss_winbind). What should be the value for Administrators builtin group ? If i use smbldap-populate from smbldap-tools, the value of sambaGroupType is 5 (and the LDAP entry for this group is a posixGroup and a sambaGroupMapping). I've also noticed that "wbinfo -g" doesn't
2012 Nov 23
Samba PDC group list empty
Dear samba users, I have very strange problem. I have Samba PDC up and running, but only thing is missing. I cannot see any Domain Groups at all. Here is my config: Debian Squeeze: ii samba 2:3.5.6~dfsg-3squeeze8 SMB/CIFS file, print, and login server for Unix ii samba-common 2:3.5.6~dfsg-3squeeze8 common files used by both the Samba
2007 Nov 08
sambaUserWorkstations (with LDAP) not working with Groups of Computers ?
Hi, I'm trying to use the sambaUserWorkstations option to allow users to log on certain computers only. This option looks great... In fact it looks now a lot better than the 'ldap filter' one than was deprecated with samba 3.0.20... The fact is, if the sambaUserWorkstations option works well with machine names, it doesn't seem to work when specifying groups of machines.
2008 Feb 15
Joining a Windows XP pc to Samba / LDAP domain
Hi, guys, I'm trying to create a PDC using Samba with an LDAP backend. According to all the guides I read, this should be fairly easy really, but I've done nothing else for the last week and it still doesn't work the way the manual says it should! As far as I can see, everything is set up and working correctly right up to the point when I try and join a machine to the domain.
2006 Feb 01
smbldap_open: cannot access LDAP when not root
I'm using Samba 3.0.14a as a PDC with an LDAP backend. I am having trouble using the Windows "User Manager for Domains" tool. As an example, I shall be looking at the "Domain Users" group. Whenever I try modifying anybody's group membership, I get the error message: "The following error occurred changing the properties of the global group Domain Users: The
2008 Nov 05
Samba 3.2.4 not locking accounts?
Hello guys! I'm using samba 3.2.4 (binaries from on SLES9+sp3. I am building a PDC with LDAP support (i am attaching my config files), I'm also using ldapsam:trusted and ldapsam:editposix. Although I am setting the account lock after 3 failed tries in usrmgr, and verified that the parameters are actually set in the LDAP, no locking occurs. I started thinking that it was my
2012 Oct 09
Cannot make Windows join Samba domain
Hi, I'm having an issue trying to make a Windows machine sambaserveroin a Samba domain. Samba is running with LDAP backend (OpenLDAP). When I try to join the domain, Windows says that the machine account does not exist. The machine account, however, is successfully created in the LDAP directory after the join fails. When I try to join again, Windows says that the account already exists.
2018 Mar 07
Fwd: Migrating server
dn: cn=Domain Admins,ou=groups,dc=mydomain objectClass: top objectClass: posixGroup objectClass: sambaGroupMapping gidNumber: 512 cn: Domain Admins description: Netbios Domain Administrators sambaSID: S-1-5-21-3936576374-1604348213-1812465911-512 sambaGroupType: 2 displayName: Domain Admins memberUid: root memberUid: sadmin dn: cn=Domain Users,ou=groups,dc=mydomain objectClass: top objectClass:
2006 Mar 09
changing password on samba bdc
Greetings All. First let me introduce my situation Machine1: Pdc Samba + OpenLDAP(master) Machine2: Bdc Samba + OpenLDAP(slave) LDAP stores Samba and POSIX information for each user. Case1: I login to Machine1 and invoke smbpasswd. I change my passwords (samba and posix without any problem). In next few seconds they get propagated to Machin2 wher I can login with new credentials. ldap log
2003 Dec 28
[Fwd: Re: Samba 3.0.1 W2K Joing domain error - the user name couldnot be found]
Hi, Thanks for your information. Now I was not able to login as domain user. I am getting following error message. The system cannot log you on now because domain TECHGROUP is not available. Here is my ldap log message:- Dec 28 00:31:08 rishi slapd[1753]: conn=93 fd=17 ACCEPT from IP=::1 1230 (IP=:: 389) Dec 28 00:31:08 rishi slapd[2166]: conn=93 op=0 BIND
2008 Aug 21
Samba PDC with groups in LDAP
Hi All, I'm wondering if anyone can shed some light on a problem I'm having. I have a samba PDC with an LDAP backend, keeping the smb.conf file constant, When I have /etc/nsswitch.conf configured with groups: files ldap Then /usr/local/samba/bin/net rpc user info dbb only returns my primary group. If I have /etc/nsswitch.conf configured with groups: files nis Then all
2005 Jun 10
samba ldap problem
I have tried to create a samba domain with a ldap backend. This is how my ldap structure looks like. # dn: dc=example,dc=com objectClass: dcObject objectClass: organization o: example dc: example # groups, dn: ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com objectClass: organizationalUnit ou: groups # Domain Admins, groups, dn: cn=Domain Admins,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com
2006 Aug 22
Cannot create builtin/administrator group and getpeername failed
Hello, My PDC is working but I have some errors on my log, I'm searching since some days but I cannot find why. In log.smbd I have [2006/08/22 16:30:22, 0] lib/util_sock.c:get_peer_addr(1229) getpeername failed. Error was Noeud final de transport n'est pas connect?? And In log.MachineName I have [2006/08/22 19:17:33, 0] auth/auth_util.c:create_local_nt_token(899)
2009 Jan 29
domain power users
Hello: I have an nt domain comprised of a samba/openldap pdc with windows xp sp2 clients. *samba 3.0.28a-1 slapd 2.4.9-0 smbldap-tools 0.9.4-1 Ubuntu 8.04 Server LTS Windows Xp SP2 * I have two problems which I think are related. - using "gpresult" from an xp client on the domain, the user is not shown as being a "Power Users", even with their primary group (-g) set to
2005 Oct 20
Samba+LDAP Groups resolving problem
Hi, I have managed to configure Samba+LDAP+smbldap-tools. Everything works fine, except one strange problem is appearing. When I connect with Windows tool UserManagerForDomains or I want to create a share on a Wndows box I can see the users but no groups. With UserManagerForDomains is see following: Users: All the users Groups: none, just description of Replicators Group and the
2003 Dec 26
error in logs after upgrade to 3.0.1
This is probably pretty simple. The following error appears in my logs since upgrading from version 2.2.8 to 3.0.1: [2003/12/25 14:44:09, 0] rpc_server/srv_util.c:get_domain_user_groups(372) get_domain_user_groups: primary gid of user [testuser] is not a Domain group! get_domain_user_groups: You should fix it, NT doesn't like that I'm guessing that my user's primary group
2004 Oct 09
Groupmapping doesn't work
Hi I got a problem with groupmapping. It doesn't work correct: Wilma2:/home/root # net groupmap list | grep 512 Domain Admins (S-1-5-21-3371203057-3264423045-2392767973-512) -> domadm ldapsearch -x cn=domadm: # domadm, groups, dn: cn=domadm,ou=groups,dc=my-domain objectClass: posixGroup objectClass: sambaGroupMapping cn: domadm gidNumber: 65669 memberUid: tilo sambaSID:
2009 Feb 11
Something weird about pdbedit.
Hi ! I'm running a samba domain controler under rhel 5. It's version 3.0.33-3.7.el5. I've also installed a ldap server to store users and groups and so on. When I try a pdbedit -v david, I get the following : Unix username: david NT username: david Account Flags: [U ] User SID: S-1-5-21-215069222-2822928016-2390355089-1016 Finding user
2004 Jan 26
net: ../../../libraries/liblber/decode.c:644: ber_scanf: Assertion `((ber)->ber_opts.lbo_valid==0x2)' failed.
net groupmap modify ntgroup="Domain Admins" unixgroup=504 net: ../../../libraries/liblber/decode.c:644: ber_scanf: Assertion `((ber)->ber_opts.lbo_valid==0x2)' failed. I was told this may be specific to ldap setup with samba 3.0.0, but is fixed in later versions of samba. however, in 3.0.1, there is a far worse bug that makes machines only available some of the time(i was told
2000 May 17
I just installed Red Hat v. 6.2 and would like to configure SAMBA. I was wondering if you could point me to some good documentation sites that can lead me step by step through setup and configuration of SAMBA. I'll be experimenting with it in the meantime but your help will be extremely helpfull. Thank you, Jerry Lawson MCSE, MCP +Internet