similar to: CUPS via SMB with per-user credentials?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "CUPS via SMB with per-user credentials?"

2006 May 09
smb.conf for MS-Access and MS-Excell Files
I have a file server running with Samba over Debian Sarge 3.1 R1. This File server store MDB and XLS files. Could anybody give me an optimal setup for my samba server (smb.conf). Actually, the performance is very poor. Thanks, Daniel Arjona Net Admin GENCO Distribution Systems 8740 Robert Fulton Dr Columbia, MD 21046 Ph: 410-872-0875 X12 Fax: 410-872-0877
2006 Jul 30
3.0.22 smbd/oplock.c:oplock_timeout_handler
Hello! Our users created very large excel file - about 60 Mb, then when they want to open it from samba share, they can't. I see in log: [2006/07/26 12:33:20, 0] smbd/oplock.c:oplock_timeout_handler(366) Oplock break failed for file file.xls -- replying anyway Could you tell me what can I do to solve this problem? btw, there are no problems in network, looks like file is too large and
2007 Apr 30
Vampire and Capital Letters
I find Linux to be a nightmare if usernames have capital letters. Some old Windows PDCs that we are vampiring have usernames with capital letters. AFAIK you can't change a windows username Is there a way of telling the vampire to make all usernames lowercase as it imports them? Can I use pdbedit or any other tool to make them lowercase? At the moment I am changing /etc/passwd and the
2007 May 16
Winbind - wbinfo -u works, getent passwd only gives local users
I only have limited Samba experience, and expect this is a silly mistake, but have been unable to find a solution I have installed Samba and Winbind on my desktop Linux (Debian) machine (SPARKSTONELX), aiming to unify logins with other windows machines accessing the PDC, again samba/Debian, with tdbsam password backend. All is well, joining the domain, and getting account details using wbinfo -u,
2006 Apr 27
Win2k clients won't rejoin Samba PDC domain, "Remote Procedure Call Failed"?
Hey everyone, firstly thanks for your time, I've spent hours, a lot straight days too, for the last couple of weeks trying to solve this issue. The only thing (afai can see) I've got left is asking the experts and formatting all the machines and starting over, the latter of which I'm not interesting in doing because it doesn't solve the issue (well it might make the problem go
2006 Oct 04
PDC as wins server
We have a Samba server which acts mainly as file server, but we want it to resolve host names for local machines. I have written some IP-hostname lines both in /etc/hosts and /etc/samba/lmhosts, and I have "wins support = yes" in smb.conf, but then from a Windows client I try to ping one of those hosts and it can't resolve the address. I have tried some combinations of
2008 Jan 10
Windows XP always see folder with read-only attribute set
Dear all, I've got a linux server running samba-3.0.10 with some windows xp and windows 2k clients. My config is something like: [global] server string = aroprod workgroup = WORKGROUP hosts allow = 192.168.0. 127. security = share load printers = yes printing = cups printcap name = cups prefered master = yes os level =
2007 Jun 12
samba, ldap changing password
HEllo I have a samba 3 with ldap working as a PDC,my mail server also using LDAP database as a authentication. Do you know any web application, script (working with apache) that allow users to change their ldap passwords (smaba passwords and passwd passwords). Usually users can do that from windows clients which log in to domain, but I have also a lot of users using laptops and they dont log
2006 Apr 08
Samba and Logging Off Windows XP
Whenever I log-off of windows xp. I dont lose my mapped drive connection but I get an error message stating an invalid password. I enter the exact same password for the reconnect but it wont stay. It is not a problem just strange that I have to enter my password everytime even though I set it through the mapped drive settings. Anyone seen this before? -- Berlin Brown (ramaza3 on freenode)
2006 Jul 12
windows 98 logon script
Hi all, Hope some could help me out with my problem. The following is part of my smb.conf. logon drive = Q: logon path = \\%L\profiles\%U logon home = \\%L\%U logon script = scripts/%g.bat I have a <groupname>.bat file for each group and that basically maps each users home directory and a common directory of that group. Bellow is a script for group ma and name of the script is ma.bat.
2006 May 12
PDC with 2 NICs problem
Hello Samba List, I'm running a Samba 3.0.22 PDC on Solaris 9. Things got a bit peculiar when I added a 2nd network interface. The two subnets are a primary network that carries all the client traffic and a tape-backup/admin network that is not accessible to any clients, ie. aaa.bbb.ccc.241 - bge0 - primary network (address suppressed) - bge1 - admin/backup network
2006 Apr 10
Weird XP synchronisation issue. Using old cached IP?
First, a little background: I successfully migrated the samba PDC funtionality from an old Suse machine to a new debian-based one. The old machine was named PHOENIX and had an ip address of The new one has the same name but is on Everything is working just fine with this new domain (authentication, adding users, computers, printing etc), except for one laptop. Since the
2018 Feb 01
(/usr/lib64/cups/backend/smb) stopped with status 1
Hello, There is a printer at work (a Xerox WorkCentre 5325). I am able to print using the following command: smbclient //MyHiddenPC/MyHiddenShare -WMyHiddenDomain -c 'print my-hidden-file.pdf'. However, it does not work when I try to print through CUPS using the following command: lp my-hidden-file.pdf. In the CUPS error_log file, the only error I can read is: [Job 5] PID 27883
2003 Jul 09
CUPS via SMB with per-user credentials?
I have a multi-user Linux box in a mostly Windows NT/2000 shop. The office printer is available only via SMB (hosted by a Win2000 box) and access is restricted to valid users in the local NT domain. There is no "global" or "print" user/password. Everything mostly works. I have a 'DeviceURI smb://MYUSERNAME:MYPASSWORD@domain/printer' in /etc/cups/printers.conf. This
2006 Jul 10
sometimes, roaming profile is not found
Hi, I use samba 3.0.22 on Debian Sarge as PDC for windows XP SP1 and SP2. Sometimes, users get the message "Windows cannot found the roaming profile on server so user will get a default profile". (sorry, it's not the official message, I had to translate, because I get the message in french) This error comes only if user log in quickly after the boot. If they wait a little
2009 Dec 07
outputting functions in lapply
How come the k is 3 in all of this output? I expected it to be equal to r. > tmp3 <- lapply(1:3, function(k) function(r) print(paste(r, "<- r | k ->", k))) > for (i in 1:3) { tmp3[[i]](i) } [1] "1 <- r | k -> 3" [1] "2 <- r | k -> 3" [1] "3 <- r | k -> 3" -- Med venlig hilsen Rune Schjellerup Philosof Ph.d-stipendiat,
2006 Apr 24
Samba-LDAP Roaming Profiles
Hi all I have a samba 3.0.21c with OpenLDAP 2.3.19 as Primary Domain Controller. I would like to enable Roaming Profiles per user basis , not for all users. below is my smb.conf , [global] workgroup = <> netbios name = mydomain passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap:// server string = Domain Controller hosts allow = 192.168.128. 192.168.129.
2010 Mar 12
Creating named lists
I often find myself making lists similar to this list(var1=var1, var2=var2) It doesn't seem list has an option, to make it use the name of the variable as name in the list. Is there another function that does this? -- Med venlig hilsen Rune Schjellerup Philosof Ph.d-stipendiat, Forskningsenheden for Biostatistik Telefon: 6550 3607 E-mail: rphilosof at Adresse: J.B.
2009 Jan 08
NAs are not allowed in subscripted assignments
Browse[1]> j <- c(1,2,NA) Browse[1]> j[j==1][-1] [1] NA Browse[1]> j[j==1][-2] [1] 1 Browse[1]> j[j==1][-2] <- 2 Error during wrapup: NAs are not allowed in subscripted assignments As far as I can see, I have no NA in the lhs (not after the second subscript anyway). Besides, I have a single value on the rhs, so it should be allowed to have NAs in the lhs, according to
2008 Jan 06
LDAP problem
Hello, I have a problem with my PDC server. It runs samba + openLDAP. It used to work fine. The machine was stopped today because of a power supply failure, and since it was restarted i have problems connecting to the domain. - The ldap data was restored from a ldif file, the ldap seems to work fine. when i type ldapsearch -x I see the contents of the ldap data. - When I try : smbclient -L