similar to: Linux-to-Linux Samba Migration

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "Linux-to-Linux Samba Migration"

2006 Oct 02
change passwd from windows--more grief
Hi group, I can't seem to get passwd change from windows to work. I am running samba 3.0.20-3.1.20060mdk installed from rpms on Mandriva 2006; the clients are windows XP sp2. When I try to change passwd from windows I get "You do not have permission to change your password". What am I doing wrong? My global smb.conf is below. >From log.smbd I think this error pertains to
2006 Aug 11
XP clients disconnected during trasnfer of larger files tothe samba server
Any suggestions to look into, or more debug info required? The box is running centos 4.3 final, up to date with the latest versions of CentOS updates,, it's running something like 3.0.10 or .11 - can't recall. 1:22 am. Off to bed... Thanks. -----Original Message----- From:
2004 Oct 09
Authentication woes
Hello, I have a perplexing problem. Im running Mandrake 10.0 and samba 3.0 setup as a domain controller. My client machines are XP Pro. I can join the domain and my "Homes" directory connects as it should. But that's all I can do. I have other shares that I can't access. For instance, I have a "downloads" share. Ive tried every conceivable setting but when I try
2007 Mar 26
Performance problem with CentOs 4.4 Samba
Hello I experience performance problem with CentOs 4.4 Samba 3.0 Reading files from Samba (1 client WinXP) is 3 times slower than writing to samba. What should I look at? OS je CentOS 4.4 (RHEL 4 U4) # smbd --version Version 3.0.10-1.4E.11 CFG ================================================================== # cat /etc/samba/smb.conf [global] workgroup = GROUP netbios name = SERVER server
2009 Jan 20
open_directory: unable to create *. Error was NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION
Hi, I'm having problems moving/renaming files as a member of. I tried to move "test.txt" from "\\files\public\" to "\\files\public\OfficeWork". Here's the error I get in windows: *Cannot move test: access is denied. Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use.* Here's the error log: *[2009/01/20 15:10:34, 2]
2010 Jan 21
Cannot join domain
Hello, I just configured a computer on my local network to work as a PDC with Samba, although I'm not able to join the Domain from the windows computer I want to add. I though it was that the server was unreachable, but I can ping the server from the computer and viceversa. If someone please can help me, I'll appreciate it. The smb.conf file is here: ------------------- [global]
2008 Nov 27
User's Profile stored in a NFS share
Hi List, I want to store users Profile in a NFS mount, but the problem is after joining the client to the domain It's not creating the corresponding folder structure for roaming profiles, Here is my smb.conf under Debian [global] workgroup = LOCAL netbios name = LOCAL-DOMAIN server string = %h server (debian, DC) passdb backend = tdbsam security = user username map =
2003 Dec 29
Adding XP to a samba domain
Bare with me please :-) I know this question has probably been asked before but a quick overview of the archives didn't help me out. Couple of parts 1. Can a samba domain be established that doesn't require registry hacks on an XP machine to add the XP machine? 2. What would a VERY basic smb.conf file look like that creates a samba domain for W2K and XP machines? 3. Does anyone
2007 Jan 01
only ROOT user?
Hi all. I am a total newbie at Samba. I am running Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper) and have Samba 3.022 installed. I am trying to set it up as a Domain controller (to be a domain server that Windows machines can log into). So far, I can get it to do this, but only with the ROOT account. Any other account and it tells me that the user/password is incorrect or invalid. Below is my smb.conf file. In the
2004 Jun 10
Samba 3.0.5 pre1 cannot ad windows xp machine to domain
Hi all, I can add my W2K machines to the Samba 3.0.5pre1 with no problems, but I can not add my XP machines. Existing XP machines work fine, but when I try to add new XP machine it does not work. Here is my smb.conf and pc from the log.smbd Thanks -Glenn [global] netbios name = HSFNP01 workgroup = MTHCS security = user os level = 64 domain master = yes local master = yes preferred master = yes
2010 Jul 09
group permissions not setting correctly.
On Samba 3.5.4, I have a share that should be writable by all in the Domain Users group. When I write to the share, the permission mode is correct but the data doesn't have the correct group and instead lists the username as the group. I tried using "force group" but the share stopped being accessible after a restart so I removed it. It doesn't seem like this is standard
2011 Aug 16
window, samba and ldap passwords
Hi, I recently migrated to a Samba3x domain. One issue that has been reported to me is that XP users cannot change their password from their PC. I have done some searching and I haven't seen a straight forward answer to this. My config is ldap primary + Samba PDC on host A ldap slave + samba BDC on host B I see this error in the machine log when someone attempts to change their password:
2010 Jun 04
When im login the error: "A device attached to the system is not functioning"
Hey everyone, I've got a Samba server running with an Open LDAP backend, I could login with the Administrator's account in window xp cleints When im login the error: "A device attached to the system is not functioning" # --------- smb.conf start --------- [global] workgroup = ----- netbios name = ---- enable privileges = yes passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://
2005 Sep 20
XP Pro password change problem
I've set up NT domains from scratch and things work. However, in this case I vampired the old settings over to my new Samba PDC from a W2K server which I then removed from the network. Everything almost works, except ... The main thing is that I can't seem to change the domain passwords from the XP Pro workstations. Normally you do Ctrl-Alt-Del and select change password, then fill
2010 Sep 21
directory permissions
Hi, I have configured samba PDC and BDC servers with ldap backend (debian). All users home directories and shares are on Samba member server (opensolaris). everything works fine except fact that on windows i can't see permissions on folders. On files permissions are displayed correctly. if I tick permissions on folders in windows space they disapper after clicking "apply" but
2006 Nov 21
XP clients cannot find Samba
Hello, I've set up Samba 3.0.22 on an Ubuntu box for testing purposes. Below is my smb.conf file. The Samba server, ubuntu, is on the other side of a Linksys WRTP54G router, serving NAT to my Windows XP clients on the inside. I've opened port 139 on the router, set up NetBEUI, placed entries in the clients' hosts & lmhosts files. For some reason, the clients can logon to
2004 Sep 01
slow backup using W98
I have been using Samba as a Windows server replacement for years, both in my shop and most of my clients. Recently I replaced a WNT 4 server at a customer location with a Linux box - Mandrake 10.0 - which is strictly a file server. The machine my client is using to backup his server is a W98 box w/ 350MHz/256MB, an HP Travan tape drive and Stomp Backup My PC V5.0. This backup was taking about 4
2005 Apr 29
Can't login samba domain from xp/2k
Hello everybody. I am having troubles to log on a samba domain from winxp and win 2000 workstations. I patched the registry with the requiresignorseal=0, changed the local and group policies (following various comments found on the web), and added the machine account for samba (obviously, /etc/passwd too). I tried with samba 3.0.7, 3.0.10 and 3.0.13, Winxp with and without sp2, and win200
2004 Oct 21
smbldap-tools don't create machine account properlly
Hi all, I have smb.conf with: add machine script = /usr/local/sbin/smbldap-useradd -w "%u" add user script = /usr/local/sbin/smbldap-useradd -m "%u" add machine script = /usr/local/sbin/smbldap-useradd -w "%u" add group script = /usr/local/sbin/smbldap-groupadd -p "%g" add user to group script = /usr/local/sbin/smbldap-groupmod -m "%u"
2010 Aug 18
Error: You do not have permission to change your password
I'm using Samba v3.5.4-62 on Fedora 13 PDC Using LDAP passdb backend and do the following... 1. Login as user on Windows system using domain user name and password - Login successful 2. Press Ctrl-Alt-Del 3. Press Change Password 4. Enter old and new password as prompted 5. Receive response "You do not have permission to change your password." I receive the following