similar to: Can't Browse to XP workstation

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "Can't Browse to XP workstation"

2006 May 21
Samba share question
I have the following Samba share: [Programs] writable = yes path = /home/wes/Download I want myself to have write access, and everyone else to have read-only access. The write access works fine when I authenticate, but anyone that does not authenticate gets the you do not have permission error. The /home/wes/Download folder ACL has read access to group and others. What do I need to do to
2006 Mar 28
File versioning with Samba (on a Linux filesystem)?
Apologies if this question is answered somewhere obvious. I just spent a couple of hours surfing around trying to find an answer. I'd like to provide windows clients with access to files via samba and have samba (or other) do file versioning. In the case that a user happens to delete a file or we want to return to an earlier version, that should be possible. Is there a standard solution for
2006 Mar 17
Samba 4 Clustering
Hi List, From what I've read in many mailing lists, Samba 3 is not truly clusterable. From what I understand, people have been able to cluster Samba with varying levels of success. Transparent failover and active-active file serving ( 2 or more smbs serving the same files (through a cluster filesystem like GFS) from multiple cluster nodes simultaneously ) are two things that are not
2006 Mar 18
Client login delays - especially after reboot
I have just migrated to a new server and have Samba ver 3.0.12-5-SuSe running on a small network ( 7 win 98pcs) Logins are possible from all clients but morning logins (after client reboot) are delayed. It can take 2 or 3 attempts to successfully login. At each failed attempt the hour glass sits there for 30 seconds or so. logins usually succeed on the second or third attempt. I have searched
2005 Mar 26
win xp sp2 + samba 3.0.4
I have samba 3.0.4 acting as a local master browser and couple of win xp sp1, sp2, win 9x client machines. Everything works fine excepts win xp sp2. It just disappears from network neighborehood in about 15-20 minutes after start. stop/starting "Server" system service on this machine solves problem for next 15-20 mins. %) What can be done about it? Is there any sence to upgrade samba to
2006 Mar 15
OK,I'm In Trouble
Hi Everyone, I've been getting this error when trying to login from an XP box to a Samba 3 + LDAP PDC, but failed. [2006/03/15 17:48:12, 1] rpc_server/srv_netlog_nt.c:_net_sam_logon(766) _net_sam_logon: user Domain\user has user sid S-1-5-21-3570476861-1302945835-1904156257-3004 but group sid S-1-5-21-790863915-1833833965-864709722-513. The conflicting domain portions are not supported
2004 Aug 27
Can't login from Windows PC to Samba using ADS?
I hope this is the right place to post this. I am running SuSe 8.2 Linux on an IBM 1 gig processor at work. I installed samba 3.0.5 on it and followed the instructions in the online book "Samba-3 by Example" for chapter 9 "Active Directory Domain with Samba Domain Member Server <>" to the tee (of
2004 Nov 14
Changed SID after copied secrets.tdb
Hi, I recently did a complete upgrade and reinstall of one of our Samba servers. No problem, I backed up all the data, the Samba configuration files, and the secrets.tdb. Just compiled 3.0.8 on the new server (which has the same hostname), copied the smb.conf to /usr/local/samba/lib and copied th secrets.tdb to /usr/local/samba/private. Started Samba, did 'net getlocalsid' and it
2005 Aug 18
problems when installing R in Fedora core 4
Hi, I got a problem when installing R in Fedora core 4. When I ran .configure, it gave the following error message: configure: error: --with-x=yes (default) and X11 headers/libs are not available Could anyone tell me what's wrong? Am I missing some package in Fedora? Thanks a lot for your help. Peter
2005 May 13
how to generate object name automatically?
Hi everybody, I have a lable vector , raw.labs= paste("file1", 1:20, sep = "") And i can i make the content of raw.labs to be a object name. eg ,file1=123(use some function on raw.labs to generate the name file1) Thanks! [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2003 Feb 04
About Shorewall 1.3.14
It is my plan that the upcoming release of Shorewall (1.3.14) will definitely be the last of the 1.3.x releases and will very probably be the last release of Shorewall 1.x.x. I will continue to support Shorewall 1.3 but will be making no more enhancements to it. I will be devoting my time to Shorewall 2. If anyone is interested in taking over the development of Shorewall 1, please let me
2004 Dec 08
Wrong Foldername
Hi, I'm using samba 3.0.6. I see computer_name folders created in homedir. This never happened before I switch from Domain to ADS. Could someone please give me a few pointers? Regards, Norman Zhang [global] workgroup = ARKONDOMAIN realm = HQ.ARKONNETWORKS.COM server string = Samba Server %v security = ADS obey pam restrictions = Yes
2004 Mar 11
Receiver Operator Characteristic curve
Dear R-helpers: I want to calculate area under a Receiver Operator Characteristic curve. Where can I find related functions? Thank you in advance Xiao
2015 Jun 08
How to install clang on CentOS 7?
Hi all, I want to install clang on CentOS 7. After executing "yum install clang", it outputs: [root at hp ~]# yum install clang Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: * elrepo: * extras: * updates: No package clang available. Error: Nothing to do
2004 Dec 17
Hi, R people: I generated a package using package.skeleton(). But I can not load it using library(). > package.skeleton("RDIPcor", list = c("ROCAUC.i", "cor.i"), path = "/home/xiao") Creating directories ... Creating DESCRIPTION ... Creating READMEs ... Saving functions and data ... Making help files ... Done. Further steps are described in
2003 Jan 15
3 Issue
Evening; Just installed Samba on my solaris 9 server at home and am having difficulties. When I try to check out the option file using testparm, it always brings back the message : ./testparm: fatal: open failed: I can't find the library anywhere on the system. Apparently , I forgot to load something. Can anyone help me in finding where I can
2013 May 23
Using a shared object without installing a library required by the object.
Dear all, I have a C++ code. To create a shared object from this particular code, I had to install a Fortran library on my computer (Mac). The compiled code runs fine on my computer. However, if I try to dyn.load() said shared object on a computer that does not have the Fortran library installed, the object won't load, and instead I get a message below: usr/local/lib/libgfortran.2.dylib
2006 Nov 27
as.Date: conversion pb from POSIXct (PR#9386)
Full_Name: Xiao Gang FAN Version: 2.4.0 OS: Windows Submission from: (NULL) ( > library(chron) > as.Date(as.POSIXct(strptime("1994-01-24","%Y-%m-%d"))) [1] "1994-01-23"
2004 Oct 10
strange behaviour in R 2.0.0 (PR#7275)
Full_Name: Xiao Gang FAN Version: R 2.0.0 OS: Windows Submission from: (NULL) ( The following codes worked for R 1.9.1 > a = data.frame(x=1:2) > a$y = strptime(c("20010101","20020101"),"%Y%m%d") this no longer works for R 2.0.0: Error in "$<"(`*tmp*`, "y", value = list(sec = c(0, 0), min = c(0, :
2009 Aug 12
psi not functioning in nlrob?
Hi all, I'm trying to fit a nonlinear regression by "nlrob": model3=nlrob(y~a1*x^a2,data=transient,psi=psi.bisquare, start=list(a1=0.02,a2=0.7),maxit=1000) However an error message keeps popping up saying that the function psi.bisquare doesn't exist. I also tried psi.huber, which is supposed to be the default for nlrob: model3=nlrob(y~a1*x^a2,data=transient,psi=psi.huber,