similar to: SUSE 9.3 Winbind+ PAM+AD

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 12000 matches similar to: "SUSE 9.3 Winbind+ PAM+AD"

2007 Feb 19
SBS2ke Ad integration
I have a couple of workstations that are perfect candidates for Linux at a client's location. The only think i am shaky on is getting CentOS 4.4 to integrate into the AD domain. Any tips links would be highly appreciated. -- My "Foundation" verse: Isa 54:17 No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou
2005 Jan 19
HELP - winbind/PAM issues
I have a laptop with fedora core 3 installed. I have an NT domain that I would like to use for all authentication (Linux and Windows). As a test I decided to focus on ssh authentication. I have completed the following: Created the smb.conf: [global] workgroup = DOMAIN_NAME server string = Linux Workstation log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log max log size = 50 security = domain
2005 May 06
Winbind issues with UID and GID mappings
I am having issues integrating a FC3 system with AD running on W2k3. I can not figure out why the user ID mappings and Group ID mappings are going stale. This is a generic FC3 install with all of the latest updates. login as: jgallagh Sent username "jgallagh" jgallagh@linman's password: Last login: Fri May 6 08:14:23 2005 from id: cannot find name for group ID
2006 Mar 08
getting samba to authenticate with kerberos/PAM
Hello, I reeeeally need someone's help here. I guide after guide from all sorts of sources but I still cannot get samba to authenticate a domain login via winbind off of the windows 2003 DC on our network. Here is what I can do: I can successfully do a kinit command and can verify the existance on the samba server in active directory on the DC. I can login using domain profiles on the samba
2013 Nov 28
SSH - Winbind and Keybased Auth
Hi Team, We have a weird issue that we are trying to understand. We have winbind set up and working successfully for user authentication with passwords via ssh. We have pam.d/system-auth-ac and password-auth-ac (symlinked) set to require membership of a group which works great via password authentication. However, if the user has a ssh key set up, they seem to bypass the group membership
2005 Jan 08
Obey Pam Restrictions Problem 3.0.10
Hi, I was using Samba 3.0.9 on Fedora Core 2 and decided to upgrade to 3.0.10. So I upgrade to Core 3 and installed Samba 3.0.10 and thought I could just copy my settings over to the new build and everything would run smoothly. I thought wrong. Everything seems fine until I enable Obey Pam Restrictions. If enabled I get a login error from XP stating: " Windows cannot locate your
2005 Jun 10
winbind and pam on FC3
I cant get a login from an FC3 setup unless the user has a local account. Jun 10 11:53:12 fc3 login(pam_unix)[12082]: check pass; user (elina) unknown Jun 10 11:53:12 fc3 login(pam_unix)[12082]: authentication failure; logname=LOGIN uid=0 euid=0 tty=tty1 ruser= rhost= user=elina Jun 10 11:53:12 fc3 pam_winbind[12082]: user 'elina' granted access Jun 10 11:53:12 fc3
2004 Jan 05
pam_winbind problems
Hello, I am have some interesting problems with the pam_winbind portion of samba 3.1. wbinfo -u and getent passwd works but when I login I get the following messages in /var/log/messages. Jan 5 11:09:36 hermes pam_winbind[9014]: write to socket failed! Jan 5 11:09:36 hermes pam_winbind[9014]: internal module error (retval = 3, user = `CSQ+shane' Jan 5 11:09:36 hermes PAM_pwdb[9014]: check
2004 Mar 01
wbinfo -u returns 0xc0000022
Hello, I am attempting to add a Redhat 9 box to our NT4 domain as a member server. I want to enumerate user and group info so I don't have to make two sets of user and group accounts. I've setup samba (version 2.2.7a) and pamd the way I think I'm supposed to, but wbinfo -u always returns 0xc0000022. I've found this particular error mentioned in a few articles, but applying the
2004 Nov 05
Using winbind authentication with Windows 2003 AD - SSH login failures
Hi all, I have been trying to setup authentication of users on a Linux server against Windows server 2003 using winbind. I am at the point where an su - ADUSERNAME works, but sshing as that user still doesn't work. When I try to ssh as an AD user as follows: ssh -l "RILINUX+testuser" I get the following output in /var/log/messages: server pam_winbind[5906]:
2004 Feb 03
How do I get pam_mkhomedir to work
Message follows this disclaimer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This email and any files transmitted with it is confidential and intended solely for the person or organisation to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not read, copy or disseminate the information or take any action in reliance on it
2006 Jan 12
PAM Authentication issues with Dovecot
<pre>I have a machine with the follow specs.<br /><br />Linux 2.6.11-1.1369_FC4 #1 Thu Jun 2 22:55:56 EDT 2005<br />i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux<br /><br />pam-0.79-8<br />dovecot-0.99.14-4.fc4<br /><br />No one is able to receive e-mails due to authentication failures and yesterday afternoon<br />they were able to.<br
2003 Dec 14
Questions about winbind idmap ldap
We are using W2K domain with Samba3 servers. The implementation of samba servers with winbind authentication was successful. Now we are looking for winbind idmap ldap backend for distributing winbind users ID's, and I have following question: 1. Do I need put all users from W2K domain to LDAP by hand (with export - import tools)? 2. Or it is possible to automatically put successfully
2014 Oct 29
samba ssh change password Error was: Wrong password
passwd: Authentication token manipulation error smbpasswd: machine rejected the password change: Error was : Wrong Password best regards [FACILITY/btombul at samba ~]$ passwd Changing password for user FACILITY/btombul. Changing password for FACILITY/btombul (current) NT password: New password: Retype new password: passwd: Authentication token manipulation error [FACILITY/btombul at
2003 Dec 19
help with winbind/pam
Hello, I'm trying to get a debian sid box to authenticate against an NT4 domain. I've followed the instructions in the winbindd man page and I think I'm on the right track. However, I'm having problems with PAM. As the winbindd man page suggests, I edited the /etc/nsswitch.conf and added some winbindd related stuff to my smb.conf file. I also edited the /etc/pam.d/* files.
2004 Jul 07
Logging "issue" with PAM authentication
Hi, We currently have a postfix/dovecot setup using nss_ldap with PAM for authentication. Everything is working fine, but there are excessive "error" messages in /var/log/messages that I'd like to prevent from happening. Since auth_userdb defaults to passwd and that our users are not in the passwd file, we get the following message everytime a user logs in: Jul 7 13:34:37
2006 Sep 12
Samba, winbind, krb5 Auth problem
Hi all I'm actually trying to setup an AD authentication on linux workstations. - I've setup an windows AD 2003 server, which work fine. - I've setup linux redhat 4 enterprise server (used as a workstation for the moment) - On the redhat, I already have setup smb.conf, krb5.conf, nsswitch.conf, pam.d/login, pam.d/system_auth. I have pasted all these files below. ==> I get
2002 Mar 13
[Bug 159] Password-Authentication with openssh-3.1p1 fails ------- Additional Comments From jason at 2002-03-13 12:38 ------- Can you please publish your /etc/pam.d/sshd file here? It sounds like the pam stack is either not finding the sshd file or else there's an error within the file. ------- You are receiving this mail because: ------- You are the assignee for the bug, or are
2003 Jul 10
winbind on SUSE8.2
Hello Community, is there someone who has winbind working on SUSE 8.X? On my system the authenication of the domain users simply does not work getent passwd shows all domain users gentent group shows all domain groups Login as domain user: Login incorrect! There seems to be no on SUSE. Can it work without it? How can I fix ist? How can I trace the cause of the disfunction? I would
2015 May 07
ldap host attribute is ignored
Thanks a lot for looking over the config. I am at the topic "user data is available" id <username> and getent passwd and ldapsearch -x -b "ou=XXX,o=YYY" uid=<username> give the correct results ldapsearch gives also the correct host attribute i have set in the ldap server. Regarding the manpage of sssd.conf the lines access_provider = ldap ldap_access_order =