similar to: Printer driver: different options with samba

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Printer driver: different options with samba"

2012 Jan 25
printing issue after update to 3.6.1
Hello, we've updated to 3.6.1 yesterday, and since encounter problems with printing for some users. There's a descriptive error in the log.smbd, but I can't see what to do about it really (the rest of the, admittedly fairly ancient system, is the same base system as the previous 3.5.5 - only a couple of security updates were patched in during downtime). The message in log.smbd is:
2007 May 09
Unexpected feature (success!) re Roaming Profiles
Hello list, I'm currently replacing a NT4 stand-alone with a Samba-3.0.24 implementation. I faced some tough hours trying to mimic a rather peculiar setting in the NT4 domain: some users had Roaming Profiles, while others hadn't. But this Local vs. Roam was NOT specified on the client device, but pushed from the NT4 server. So the box in User Profiles where one can usually select
2005 Oct 28
Cannot change File Attributes
Hi list, i've upgraded Samba 3.0.14a to 3.0.20b (debian package) and ran into following problem: I cannot change the file-attribute (read-only, hidden, archive) from a file via the windows explorer as an ordinary user. The error "access denied" occurs. The file has following permissions on Unix: -rwxrw---- 1 root Massen 0 2005-10-28 08:17 Neu Textdatei.txt The user is
2020 Aug 27
CentOS 8 installer bug
Has anyone managed to create an encrypted disk partition with CentOS 8 kickstart? 1 reqpart --add-boot 2 part /boot --fstype ext3 --size=1024 --ondrive=sda 3 part pv.1 --size=1 --grow --ondrive=sda --encrypted --pashphrase="bla" 4 volgroup vol0 pv.100000 5 logvol / --vgname=vg_00 --name=lv_root --size=102400 --fstype=ext4 ... No matter what I specify in line 3, the installer bombs out.
2003 Jul 30
chan_sip.c problems problems from cvs 1.134
All, I've found problems in my setup with the latest couple of revisions (1.135/1.136) of asterisk/channels/chan_sip.c In my setup I have a RH9 asterisk server, AS5300 (single E1 to PSTN) and a dozen 7940's, everything is in the same VLAN and only running SIP. Outbound calls work fine: 7940 -SIP-> Asterisk -SIP-> AS5300 But inbound calls fail, I see the initial INVITE from the
2011 Mar 23
Sweave: multiple graphic formats, e.g. win.metafile
Dear R devel, being constrained to a windows environment at work and having colleagues being accustomed to the Microsoft Office Suite, I was looking for a way to have the RweaveLatex driver for Sweave automatically generating 'win.metafile's in addition to the pdf graphics. Without this functionalilty, the generation of emf-graphics is quite laborious, I think: <<>>= plotit
2010 Oct 29
plot pdf
I want to plot the unstadardized version of a normal plot.  Can you explain why that is not working? Dev.set(1) xcrit=-1.645 cord.x <- c(-3,seq(-3,xcrit,0.01),xcrit) cord.y <- c(0,dnorm(seq(-3,xcrit,0.01)),0)            # what does final 0 do here? curve(dnorm(x,0,1),xlim=c(-3,3),main='Normal PDF') polygon(cord.x,cord.y,col='orange')
2016 Apr 25
ylim in barplot()
Dear useRs, I'm having troubles with using ylim in barplot(): even though I reduce the y-scale using ylim, the bars still extend down to 0into the x-labels. The sample data is below, and here is the code. #This works fine but I would like to plot only from 50 to 70: barplot(t(mydata), beside=TRUE, col=c("orange", "green", "yellow", "purple"),
2006 Aug 08
oodraw command line usage
I use R to create .eps graphics and then use oodraw to convert them to .emf versions. (One reason I do this is that OOo tends to re-size .eps files and I haven't found a way to stop it or change it once the graph is resized. .emf files are not distorted by OOo - fortunately.) I use a command like: > oodraw filename.eps & The gui opens and then I select .emf and do an export. I
2003 Jul 03
Bug in plotting groupedData-objects
Dear Experts, May be the problem is still solved, however I tried to find the answer in the archives: I use: > R.version _ platform i386-pc-mingw32 arch i386 os mingw32 system i386, mingw32 status major 1 minor 7.1 year 2003 month 06 day 16
2005 Jan 26
Savin Copier Print Processor
I have FreeBSD 5.3 running on an Sun Ultra 10. I installed Samba 3.03, from patching SWAT now says version 3.07. I am having an issue printing from Windows through Samba to Savin copiers (model 9935DPE and 9945DPE) when downloading the Windows drivers directly from the [print$] share. When I print a test page, the orientation of the lettering is correct but the letters are gibberish. The
2009 Oct 05
Loop function/comparison operator problem
Hi There, I have created the following function format<- function(){ repeat { form<-readline(paste("\nIn what format do you want to save these plots?\nChoose from: wmf, emf, png, jpg, jpeg, bmp, tif, tiff, ps, eps, or pdf.\nNote: eps is the suggested format for publication quality plots.\nPlot format --> ")); cat("\nI'm sorry, I don't know what that format
2002 Mar 29
wmf on Unix?
libEMF ( looks like it may be the solution to generating WMF/EMF files on Unix. It's a general-purpose (LGPL) library that implements the EMF API ... (I was originally going to write to the list to ask why small circles appear to be filled (in src/gnuwin32/graphapp/gdraw.c) by generating a series of rectangles rather than using some kind of
2016 Apr 25
ylim in barplot()
If you are using a Windows system, you can Export the plot from RStudio and save it as a metafile without using package devEMF and it will crop the bars with xpd=FALSE. When I used devEMF on a Windows machine, the bars were not cropped with barplot() as you indicated, but when I switched to plotrix::barp() they were cropped. The arguments are a bit different, but I did not need xpd=FALSE:
2005 Oct 05
output a sequence of plots
I can output two histograms of variables AXFILTERED and AZPTOP as follows: win.metafile(filename="C:/AXFILTERED.emf",pointsize=12) hist(AXFILTERED,breaks=40) win.metafile(filename="C:/AZPTOP.emf",pointsize=12) hist(AZPTOP,breaks=40) But, I actually have a dataframe of 120 variables that I would like histograms of. Any solutions that would save me from
2009 Sep 08
Changing font to times for EMF graphics
Hi, sorry for the simple question. I am usually able to change the font for PDF graphics with pdf.options(family="Times") However, I have found no way yet to get an emf file with a times font. I also tried a detour by using pstoedit to convert a pdf with the desired font to an emf but even there the font does not appear as times. Is there a way to get a times font in an emf file or is
2009 Mar 09
Adding text to both grid and base graphs
Dear all, I'm stuck with the following problem: I generate graphs using both the grid system (with lattice) and the base system. I'd like to be able to identify these graphs later on with a bit of identifying text (e.g. a date and some comments). Adding text to these graphs cannot be done using a common system if you want to save them as emf files. I now use: mtext("labelling
2016 Apr 26
ylim in barplot()
Thank you David, That's a nice workaround using plotrix::barp(), but that doesn't explain why ylim doesn't work as intended (or at least, as I expect it to work), or why xpd has no influence when using devEMF::emf()... The problem with saving directly in RStudio is that it requires to manually save the plot, and this becomes troublesome when there are a lot of plot commands in a
2006 Jun 01
Help with evaluation of expressions
Hello all: I have searched through the help files and I have been unsuccessful in solving this problem. I am trying to create a small wrapper function that will go around a call to a plot function and create a windows metafile in the directory and also write the name of the file to a text file. The purpose is to efficiently bring a large number of plots into powerpoint. I am using
2003 Oct 20
Re: win.metafiles in linux and R
I posted a similar query some months ago. Some people answered stating that win.metafiles were not available for R in linux. However, I was suggested to use the package RSvgDevice, which allows transforming any graphic device into Scalable Vector Graphics format, this file can then be opened with sodipodi, and really impresive stuff can be achieved. I also noticed that OpenOffice for linux has an