similar to: XP Client cannot join Samba3 PDC

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "XP Client cannot join Samba3 PDC"

2004 Jun 23
Samba processes domain authenticated user as nobody during logon. bat execution
Beating head on desk again! I have a samba server is running winbind which can access domain. It is working fine and is using domain credentials. I access the samba shares after the user has authenticated against a novell server during the novell logon script. The shares are authenticated with user domain credentials and verified with smbstatus. This works great! If I alternatively use windows
2004 Jun 02
I sent previously thought I might try again.. I have a samba 3 server hosting approximately 5 clients. I am having problems with one. When any user other than administrator logs on the first thing I get on the desktop is ERROR ACCESS DENIED after clicking ok a few times it goes away and everything is normal. The logs are showing me this for the users login in from that workstation. Why does
2009 Nov 12
Samba 3.2.15 is working with Winows 7 !!!
Hello to all, After a lot of trying this is the solution for all with samba 3.2.15 installed. My Windows 7 client machine joins the domain on the fly with this registry hack. I can logon without errors and all my netlogon scripts are working: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\LanmanWorkstation\Para meters] "DomainCompatibilityMode"=dword:00000001
2008 Dec 12
Functions in R like lincom and nlcom of Stata
Hello all, Does anyone know if there exists any function in R that resembles the "lincom" and "nlcom" of STATA?. These functions computes point estimates, standard errors, significance levels, confidence intervals, etc. for linear and non linear combinations of previous estimated parameters. Down here you've got links to descriptions of the functions of STATA nlcom:
1999 May 14
Parallel printer error
Hello folks: The introduction: Great product this Samba! The problem: I am trying to migrate an HP LaserJet 4 printer in our office off a VMS system and hang it directly off the back of a UNIX machine. I have created the new entry in the printcap (see below) file on that machine and can print from UNIX - no problem. I created the share in Samba with what I think works pretty well (see below).
2011 Aug 09
HP-UX user resource and shared homedir
Hi, on HP-UX we want some users to have the same homedir. Homedir is managed by puppet as file resource. We now want to move the users to another primary group. useradd.sam complains: err: /User[XXX]/gid: change from 3 to 0 failed: Could not set gid on user[XXX]: Execution of ''/usr/sam/lbin/usermod.sam -F -g 0 XXX'' returned 45: Cannot modify user ''XXX'':
2010 Mar 16
Windows 7 Issues
i have been trying to join my windows 7 machines in a samba domain, but it aways fails. I can join a windows 7 machine in a Samba domain. Then i have an error: _netr_ServerAuthenticate3: netlogon_creds_server_check failed. Rejecting auth request from client USER machine account USER$ But the machine joined. Then, when i will log in with an user, i cant do it, and the same error is showed in the
2011 Apr 14
windows 7 logon problem
hi, i am able to join my domain with windows 7. when i reboot i get a "Unkown error has occurred". when i check my event log i see that there is a netlogon 3210 error: This computer could not authenticate with <samba server>, a Windows domain controller for domain <domain name>, and therefore this computer might deny logon requests. This inability to authenticate
2004 Aug 15
XP Failure to Join Domain
I?m using SAMBA 3.0.4-6.3E as a PDC. I have Win98, WinNT4 and Win2000 clients successfully joined to the domain. But I can?t get an XP box to join. The XP machine can ?see? shares on the SAMBA PDC but strangely does not show up in network neighbourhood. You can find it if you search for it. The PDC is just using smbpasswd, no LDAP The machine add line in my smb.conf is as follows..... add
2001 Dec 24
File size limitation?
When I run backup and send the output to a file on the server, I get a file limitation of 2g. When I do the same backup to a snap server, there is no problem. Is there a size limitation for a single file? Thanks, Steven C. Henry
2009 Sep 16
Mystery Samba (3.4.1) and Win7
Hi! I read many threads and tried many "solutions" but I can't get Win7 (RTM, 64 bit) and Samba 3.4.1 to work together. I am still failing with the "trusteeship" problem during the first logon after domain join. Is there a working solution? regards Martin
2004 Feb 20
access denied LDAP -PDC
Guys I have configured a samba 2.28-a server as a LDAP PDC. It is installed on Red Hat 9.0 server. I can ssh into the server and logon to using ldap to authenticate. I can browse to the server from my XP machine and authenticated using LDAP accounts and see al the shares What I cann't do is log on to the domain. I have created the computer account manually using the samba - ldap
2014 Feb 09
Best way of removing a windows 2008R2 DC from a Samba4 domain
I?ve installed a new Samba4 DC within an existing 2008R2 domain. I have migrated all the FSMO roles across and all is well. I?m now ready to remove the Windows DC from the Domain and I?m wondering how I best do this? Thanks in advance.. Chris Tepaske ____________________ LINCOM SOLUTIONS Level 26, 303 Collins Street Melbourne, Victoria, 3000 T| +613 8376 7810 M| +61 409 855 481 1300 563
2011 Apr 22
set.seed ( ) function
I am using /set.seed()/ before the /sample/ function. How does the length of the argument of /set.seed()/ and order of the digits affect how the sampling is carried out? Specifically, I have used set.seed(123456789). Will this configuration give me a genuinely random sampling?? Thank you in anticipation. Penny. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2002 Oct 20
kernel 2.4.18-17.7.x from redhat
i compile the $subj, and found the htb qdisc in it, what version is it?? the tc from redhat knows about htb??? C ------------------------------------------------------- Xnet scaneaza automat toate mesajele impotriva virusilor folosind RAV AntiVirus. Xnet automatically scans all messages for viruses using RAV AntiVirus. Nota: RAV AntiVirus poate sa nu detecteze toti virusii noi sau toate
2011 May 05
Confidence interval for difference in Harrell's c statistics (or equivalently Somers' D statistics)
Dear All, I am trying to calculate a 95% confidence interval for the difference in two c statistics (or equivalently D statistics). In Stata I gather that this can be done using the lincom command. Is there anything similar in R? As you can see below I have two datasets (that are actually two independent subsets of the same data) and the respective c statistics for the variables in both cases.
2002 Oct 18
Netlogon no longer works in 2.2.6 with W2k client
Hi, We've got a fairly simple samba setup (no ldap/winbind etc) and until recently everything worked fine (using samba-2.2.5). But after switching to samba-2.2.6 w2k-clients fail to run the netlogon-scripts. When i look at the client it says: logonserver=\\<workstationname> BTW. The output of "nmblookup -S CPB" (to me) seems to say that CPB is the logonserver. querying CPB
2005 Apr 21
SAMBA with LDAP - net join fails
Hi, I have performed all the steps from John Tepstra's "Samba-3 by Example" 20 April 2005 to Chapter 5, step 21, pg 146. (My goal is to have SAMBA with LDAP and no MS Windows servers.) Everything appears to work properly to this point. When I perform the command: (amd is the name of this test server) net rpc join -S AMD -U root%not24get I get the error: Could not connect to
2007 Nov 05
Hosts leaving domain without reasons...
Hello all, I've got Samba 3.0.24-6etch4 (Debian revision) running on a production server which acts as a PDC for a network of some Windows XP clients (around 250). Since sometime (I am not able to determine exactly when) I get a strange problem arising : some clients are banned from my domain. The only solution I found is to reintroduced the clients into the domain. Once hosts have rejoined
2001 Dec 30
Samba Domain & XP
I am not able to join an XP Machine to a Samba domain. I am able to complete all the procedure until the reboot, bur after the Windows reboot, at the login, the windows says that it is not possible to contact the Primary domain controller. No debug arrive to samba at the login. The machine trust on the domain is done correctly with "on the fly" tecnique. Do someone have the same