similar to: Can not leave active directory domain (Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES 3.0 server)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Can not leave active directory domain (Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES 3.0 server)"

2005 Jun 17
net ads join fails on W2K3 server with latest MS patches
Hi All, For the past few months I've been running a SUSE 9.2 server here (mostly as an app server) which was a member of an AD domain (w2k3 domain controller.) I used winbind to enable domain members to log into the box, all was well. This week the w2k3 server had some MS security patches applied and suddenly logins became impossible, because winbind was unable to retrieve user info from the
2006 May 31
Problem joining into ads
Hi, it try to join ads with samba 3.0.22 (SLES9 SP3) and got: holu0001:~ # kinit <admin> <admin@DOMAIN> Password: kinit: NOTICE: ticket renewable lifetime is 1 week holu0001:~ # net ads join [2006/05/31 17:42:21, 0] libads/ldap.c:ads_add_machine_acct(1507) Warning: ads_set_machine_sd: Unexpected information received ads_set_machine_password: Message stream modified holu0001:~ #
2009 May 15
[PATCH server] add server-side groundwork for remote freeipa server
This lays 90% of the groundwork needed on the server side to support the use of a remote ipa server. Leaving the option disabled in the installer until the necessary node integration(dns/keytab placementi location) is completed Also apply: [PATCH server] update ovirt-add-host to use ipa commands instead of kadmin.local [PATCH server] separate ipa common tasks freeipa::common and rename
2006 Mar 28
Join to ADS Type or Value Exists
Hello, I am new to samba and I am trying to set it up to be a member server of my ADS Domain. I keep getting the same error whenever I do this. At the point where I have logged in and type "net ads join <myOUname>" I get the error: "libads/ldap.c:ads_join_realm(1640) ads_add_machine_acct (my_server_name): Type or value existsads_join_realm: Type or value exists". I am
2002 Nov 12
Re: net ads join blows
hi, you cannot use the root-principal unless it has administrative privileges, this works for me: kdestroy kinit administrator@YOURREALM net ads join bye, guenther On Thu, Nov 07, 2002 at 08:48:44PM +0200, Jaakko Niemi wrote: > > Starting program: /usr/bin/net ads join > root password: > net: /home/liiwi/cvs-foo/openldap-2.1.8/libraries/libldap/getvalues.c:97:
2006 Jun 06
AW: Problem joining into ads
Hallo Herr Deschner, ich habe mich sehr gefreut, als Sie so schnell auf meinen Eintrag in der Mailingliste geantwortet haben. Haben Sie mit den Debug Meldungen anfgefangen? Ich bin um jede Hilfe Dankbar. Sie d?rfen mir auch gerne private Antworten ( Gru? Franz Pf?rtsch -----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht----- Von: Guenther Deschner [] Gesendet: Mittwoch, 31.
2004 Dec 29
Samba 3.0.10 joining Windows 20003 ADS
abrams:~# kinit admin@CORP.TCC.INET This seems to work just fine. abrams:~# net ads join "TwinCities\TTAGS\SERVERS" [2004/12/28 18:52:20, 0] libads/ldap.c:ads_add_machine_acct(1475) Warning: ads_set_machine_sd: Unexpected information received Using short domain name -- CORP [2004/12/28 18:52:23, 0] libads/kerberos.c:get_service_ticket(335) get_service_ticket: kerberos_kinit_password
2009 Jul 27
Asterisk and Kamailio NAT problem
Hello Im using Asterisk as a SIP client of Kamailio with RTPproxy. Asterisk is behind NAT. X-Lite and SNOM phones behind NAT work fine. But when I try to connect with an Asterisk behind NAT, the Asterisk client doesn't receive sound. I already tried in 2 different NATs, with no firewalls. This is my Asterisk config: [kamailio] type=peer disallow=all allow=ulaw
2004 Dec 02
Problem authenticating against Active Directory (samba 3.0.9 / fedora core 3)
I've spent all day on this, and I can't, for the life of me, get Samba 3.0.9 (updated RPM for Fedora Core 3) to authenticate properly against Active Directory. (I've edited out the actual domain name, username, etc) I've synced up time (to within a half-second) with the domain controller. Kerberos works: [root@printshop samba]# kinit username@AD.DOMAIN.COM Password for
2004 Sep 02
Can't mount samba drive or join domain with W2K3 server
Please cc me on replies. My employer recently upgraded to W2K3. I have no control over the employer's set up and limited access to information. Under the old server, everything was working fine. Now I can't mount the shared drive anymore. I'm running Debian sid; samba 3.0.6-3. ################################################ # mount shared_drive cli_negprot: SMB signing is
2010 Jan 12
Problems connecting with MySQL using odbcDriverConnect (RODBC package) on Linux
I am sure I'm doing something wrong here but not sure what. Our system administrator recently installed UnixODBC and the MyODBC driver on a Linux box running Linux version 2.6 x86_64. I have an .odbc.ini file in my home directory with following lines: [mydb] Description = MySQL server on my-server Driver=/usr/lib64/ SERVER=my-server I can successfully do the following:
2010 Jan 12
FW: Problems connecting with MySQL using odbcDriverConnect (RODBC package) on Linux
I think I figured this out. I should not have put the Driver name in braces. Changing it from {MySQL} to MySQL seems to work. -----Original Message----- From: Marcus, Jeffrey Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2010 6:09 PM To: 'r-help at' Subject: Problems connecting with MySQL using odbcDriverConnect (RODBC package) on Linux I am sure I'm doing something wrong here but not
2008 Aug 21
Problem with multiple Dovecot Instances
Hello, first i want to say that i never used a mailing list before, so if i made something wrong do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail. I try to set up multiple Dovecot instances running at the same time. Goal is to provide IMAPS with a valid SSL Certificate on selected IP Addresses. To reach this i want to set it up as follows: 1 Dovecot Daemon listening on localhost (for webmail),
2009 Aug 04
SIP server behind NAT
Hello. I have an Asterisk server (ViciDialNow) set up behind NAT. I can manage to make outbound calls, but the communication drops off after 30 seconds or so. I'd really appreciate having some assistance from the mailing list on this issue. So, I'm having an Asterisk server behind a firewall and Zoiper softphones on SIP connecting to Asterisk on the same local area network. The
2019 Jan 26
INVITE from DID: No matching endpoint found but completes the call anyway
I have a trunk set up for the DID from my provider: [my_provider] type=registration outbound_auth=my_provider client_uri=sip:my_username at retry_interval=60 [my_provider] type=auth auth_type=userpass password=123456 username=my_username [my_provider] type=aor [my_provider] type=endpoint context=from-my_provider
2003 Oct 21
Joining AD domain success with an error.
Hello all, When joining an Active Directory domain as role member, i always have this error displayed, thought the machine account is created : Warning: ads_set_machine_sd: NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER I tried to look at the code, but i didn't understand this function. What about such an error, which is display whith an error level == 0? Since some problems appears when running samba, i
2009 Aug 12
In odbcDriverConnect ODBC connection failed
R-sig-Debian help, I have installed an ODBC Driver for Linux. I want to connect to our database through R via: >library(RODBC) >con <- odbcDriverConnect("SERVER=IP_address:PORT;DRIVER=ORACLE;DATABASE=MAGNUS") Warning message: In odbcDriverConnect("SERVER=IP_address:PORT;DRIVER=ORACLE;DATABASE=MAGNUS") : ODBC connection failed I don't really know whether this
2008 Aug 15
Hi everybody, I'm having a problem with connecting to my MySQL database. Each time I try to connect library(RMySQL) m <- dbDriver("MySQL") con <- dbConnect (m, host="my_host",username="my_username", password="my_password", dbname="name_of_db") it says Fehler in mysqlNewConnection(drv, ...) : RS-DBI driver: (could not connect
2004 Feb 24
Permissions on ou for net join to ADS
Hi I have noticed the following behaviour: If I get a kerberos ticket as a domain admin user using kinit and then do a net join to an ADS domain, then this works fine and net ads testjoin and net ads leave work too. However if I do it as a user with full control on a particular ou within the AD tree, net join gives the following: net join "/Global Administration/Samba Servers"
2007 Aug 12
AD + winbindd(8): group permissions being ignored ? WTF ?
Hi all, I am successfully authenticating "FreeBSD 7.0-CURRENT #1: Wed Jul 25 17:31:15 WST 2007" against AD. Users can log in succesfully with home directories being served via amd(8) and NFS. However, I have discovered a potential "show-stopper" that will force me to abort this mission :( The problem -~-~-~-~-~- In a nutshell: Simple group permissions set with chown(1) are