similar to: Security = user question

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 40000 matches similar to: "Security = user question"

2004 Mar 10
No full administrator-permissions on local machines with samba 3 domain login
hi, does anybody know about the following situatuion and it's solution ? we configured an samba3 as pdc - sure in the way it was often described. but if we login on a windowsXP as domainmember (member of the admin group) it seems like we do not really have full administrator-permissions. we can add useres and can do some other tasks only an administraor is allowed to do. but some stuff
2004 Mar 19
Win2k/XP doesn't execute logon.bat while logging in to Samba PDC
Hi all! I'm going mad about getting my shares mapped to my win2k and winXP machines from my Samba PDC Version 3.0.2 on Debian. Win-machines doesn't seem to execute logon.bat at all, except when i log on as root. I've set the ownership and chmod 0775 all logon.bat files to eatch user on my network. Am i just blind or are there something obvious/very wrong with my config? my smb.conf
2004 Jul 24
why join domain
I've set up a test Samba PDC with a few test shares. From the first Windows PC I logged on to a local computer account and mapped drives to the shares on the Samba PDC. From the second Windows PC I joined the domain and used a logon script to connect to the shares. My question: What are the benefits of joining a Windows PC to the Samba domain? Both arrangements above appear to meet my
2004 Jun 18
Replacing a W2K box with a Samba box
I need to replace a Windows 2000 Server with a Samba box. The W2K is the only domain controller in the network and it runs Active Directory. I know the Samba-3 limitations as an Active Directory Domain Controller, but I don't need absolutely all the features. What I would ideally need is: * Single Sign On * .adm policy files support (for client security and use restrictions - clients are
2004 Sep 17
Transferring Calls
We have set up an IP telephoney system hosted by Asterisk and its working pretty well. We primarily use SIP and hardware IP phones. We have the ability to transfer calls to another SIP phone using either the "Transfer" button on the phone (these phones are Grandstream BudgeTone 100s) or using the "#" key (the T/t flag must be set in the Dial command in asterisk for
2006 Feb 01
how to create a command line script that acts on a model?
Hi, I''m looking to create a ruby script that loads a bunch of records and manipulates these. Where do I start? I got this to begin with: #!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/../config/boot'' players = Player.find :all But it complains about a DB connection. How do I set this up? Jeroen
2008 Dec 16
rsync and MD5
Hi all! I've got a question about rsync using the MD5 algorithm. I know that rsync makes blocks of a file and then compares the checksums of each block. If the checksum is unequal the block is tranfered. Otherwise it could be that the checksum is the same but the block is different. Therefor rsync uses a 128 BIT MD5 algorithm. Now, at what filesize is it better to check the whole file
2006 Mar 22
render partial from withit mail template
Hi, I''m trying to include a partial in an email template but it throws me this: undefined method `controller_path'' for SupportMailer:Class Extracted source (around line #12): 11: 12: <%= render :partial => ''footer'' %> I guess email views are a little different from normal ones as they don''t seem to have a access to a proper controller (?)
2006 Jan 30
i18n when?
Hi all, Just wondering... Are there any plans to include i18n support in Rails anytime soon? I guess this is about the only feature I''m realy missing in Rails. Any thoughts? Regards, Harm de Laat -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2001 Aug 15
packetizing an ogg stream
Hi, I am not sure if this is the right mailinglist (since I have an ogg problem not a vorbis)..... I am looking for some pointers on how to packetize an ogg stream. My idea is to use udp packets for transport, so I would need a way that would minimalize the impact of lost packets. Are there any code examples out there for this? Thanks, Jeroen p.s. Please cc me, I am not subscribed to this
2001 Aug 15
packetizing an ogg stream
Hi, I am not sure if this is the right mailinglist (since I have an ogg problem not a vorbis)..... I am looking for some pointers on how to packetize an ogg stream. My idea is to use udp packets for transport, so I would need a way that would minimalize the impact of lost packets. Are there any code examples out there for this? Thanks, Jeroen p.s. Please cc me, I am not subscribed to this
2005 Apr 14
Two domains on same LDAP backend
Hi folks, I have two samba hosted domains at two different offices. I would like them to use the same LDAP backend so that the accounts are exactly the same. Unfortunately, it seems that a users SID is linked to the domain that created it, so another domain cannot authenticate the user, even if it can see it in the LDAP directory, because the user SID doesn't match the domain. My first
2004 Apr 21
Execute command as windows administrator
Hi, i have installed samba 2.2x PDC+ openldap server and i have many windows clients (~500 computers). All works ok but i need automatize some tasks, for example i need install many programs on windows clients (new antivirus, new version of ftp client, etc.) The question: Exist any way for install a program as windows administrator when the user login on samba pdc? If i add a user on
2006 Mar 21
"Remembering" link to redirect to after logging in
Hi, Suppose I have a resource such as http://localhost:3000/topsecret/data that requires the user to login first. What I did was make use of before_filter to check and see if the session variable is set with the logged in user''s id (similar to the example in "Agile Web Development with Rails"). However while the filtering function does work correctly in redirecting the
2006 Feb 11
problem with globalize
Hi, Somehow the date translation example in globalize doesn''t work for me. Loading development environment. >> Locale.set("es-ES") => #<Globalize::Locale:0x254df78 @code="es-ES", @language=nil, @country=nil> >>"%d %B %Y") => "11 February 2006" >> Any ideas?? Thanks! Jeroen
2004 Jun 18
Need a working model of smb.conf for a PDC
Having some major troubles with smb and making it a PDC For 2 weeks now I have been testing, and retesting. At one point I had it all working except for password changing. Has anyone goten Samba 3.0.4 to work correctly as a PDC with an smbpasswd back ground (not pam or ldap). If so could you please send me a working copy of your SMB file (only core components needed, no need for shares or
2006 May 11
sangoma A102 installation question
Hi! I've went through the READMEs and could not answer this question: During installation, the Setup program asks: Would you like update/upgrade wanpipe drivers? (y/n) For a pure Asterisk TDM installation - is it required to patch the kernel or is this only when using the sangoma cards as WAN router? regards klaus
2009 Jan 03
Getting rid of the How_Do_I_Become_a_CentOS_developer page
Hi, I removed the above page before, but I saw Russ added it again. Let me explain why I think that page needs to die. It offers little insight to how one can become a developer. What is a CentOS developer ? That's the first confusing part. The page answers the question with a: "show competence and things will happen" We have a much better Contribute page that highlights ways
2004 Mar 25
Roaming Profiles with WinXP and Samba PDC
Hello, After a great deal of tweaking, I finally got the Samba server working, so that it would accept domain logins. However, the problem I now have regards roaming profiles, which refuse to function. After successfully authenticating the user, the following 2 messages appear: Message 1: ---------- Windows cannot locate the server copy of your roaming profile and is attempting to log you on
2007 Dec 17
Change in isolation behaviour 1.08 - 1.10 ?
Hi, I just moved from 1.08 to 1.10 and now have one example failing, which, under 1.08, passed. Is the due to a change in behaviour? Here''s my spec (removed some passing examples) require File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/../spec_helper'' describe "A user" do before(:each) do @user = @valid_user = :email =>