similar to: Creating 10,000 Active Directory users?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Creating 10,000 Active Directory users?"

2005 Mar 30
pdbedit - question on migration
question on pdbedit - when using it for a migration - existing data is stored in tdbsam. pbdedit -i tdbsam -e ldapsam It wants to take existing machine accounts and put them into an ou=Computers. I'd rather it put them in ou=People. Samba version is 3.09 Thanks....... Jon Johnston Creative Business Solutions IBM, Microsoft, Novell/Suse, Sophos Consultants
2004 Sep 24
Restoring PDC after Crash, Confused
Samba PDC system drive crashed. running 3.01. rebuilt system drive - kept the hostname the same, restored contents of /etc/samba, plus /etc/shadow, /etc/group, /etc/password PDC isn't recognizing machines for SOME machines. Users appear fine. I know that I should have gotten the domain sid previously by doing "getlocalsid" and then restored it by doing "smbpasswd -W
2005 May 17
Group SID problems?
Have a site where the network users are connecting to most shares through group usage. Unfortunately, access to Samba is sporadic. Sometimes they connect okay, sometimes they can't connect at all. Looking at their system config, I notice that the SID's for the groups look..... odd. The users group ends in 3005.... but each user's PrimaryGroupSID is a group with a SID that ends in
2004 Jan 12
samba w/tdb recovery
Experienced a server crash on a site that's using Samba 3.01 for a PDC, using tdb database. I have all of the information to recover Samba properly, including unix accounts, etc. However, can someone point me to a resource regarding recovery of linux user accounts and passwords? Thanks.... Jon Johnston Creative Business Solutions IBM, Lotus, Microsoft Consultants
2004 Jan 14
disappearing files
Samba 2.2.7-3.7.2 on Redhat 7.3 Have a samba server setup that has been running for over a year now..... fairly simple configuration - it is functioning as a stand=alone server with smbpasswd backend. Everything has been working properly until recently - now randomly some directories do not display their contents. There are files in the directory, I've checked the ownership/rights on the
2005 Mar 29
Advice on a samba setup im considering
Hello! Was hoping to get some suggestion and ideas for a samba server I will be implementing here in the next couple of weeks. I have gone through the websites documentation, but I was hoping some of the veterans of samba could maybe lend some ideas, advice and recommendations. I will try to be as detailed as possible. The samba server would server roughly 50-60 people. We have 3, maybe 4
2004 Apr 20
How to re-introduce a Samba server into a Win/NT domain?
Hello. I'm hoping that you will provide some help with a Samba problem that I'm experiencing. We have an Alphaserver that has been functioning as the Samba-server in a Windows/NT Domain for about 5 years now. It was set up by an engineer here at Raytheon Missile Systems Company and he left the company about 2 years ago. I've inherited the administration of it. Last week
2003 Aug 07
What kind of performance can I expect on this setup...
Running Samba 2.2.8a as a PDC, which will service about 40 people.(grow to about 60-70 by end of the year) They will also be accessing shares on the server from a program. Server is: Xeon 2.8ghz 2gigs of RAM 3 320 SCSI 36 gig drives: setup in RAID 5 with 70 gigs of room Running on RH 7.3 Swap is 2048 (Was highest I could set it for 7.3) Anyone wanna take a gander and tell me what to expect?
2005 Apr 01
Samba 3 by Example & Migrations
One topic I can't find in either Samba 3 by Example or the Offical Samba 3 Howto & Reference Guide is that of migrating from a Samba3 server to a newer Samba 3 server (meaning newer hardware in this case). We are currently using the smbpasswd backend. I plan to move to tdbsam but that hasn't been done yet. All of the servers in question are running either whitebox 3 or redhat 9
2003 Dec 03
copy old profile - samba pdc - access denied
migrating a group of workstations to a Samba PDC-based domain. Machines join to domain fine, but when I try to copy the existing local profiles to the roaming profiles, I get a "Failed to set security on destination profile" - Access is denied" I have added the domain user to the local machine as an administrator. When attempting to do the copy, I am logged into the samba
2004 Feb 05
Photoshop can't save files, gives bogus "Disk is full" error
Hello, I am having dreadful problems with Win2k workstations running Photoshop not being unable to save files to a new file server which we just installed for the direct purpose of serving graphics files. When trying to Save As a new file or Save an edited (existing) file we're getting a response that the disk is full, which is far from true because we have 1.6 TB free. This happens both
2012 Jun 24
Defining multiple variables in a loop
Good day, For lack of a better solution (or perhaps I am ignorant to something more elegant), I have been bootstrapping panel data by hand so to speak and I would like to know if there is a way to define multiple variables in a loop using the loop variable. I found a post (here: ) that discussed naming multiple variables but it
2011 Jun 03
Problem using read.xls - Everything converted to factors
Hallo, I would like to use to read.xls function from the gdata package to read data from Microsoft Excel files but I experienced a problem: For example I used the following code: testfile<-read.xls("/home/.../wsjecon0603.xls", #file path header=F, dec=",", na.strings="n.a.", skip=5, sheet=2,
2003 Nov 06
clarify issues on joining Samba PDC, machines, RIDs,
I'm running into issues trying to configure a server to be a Samba PDC in a small network that contains only Win2k/XP workstations. This will be going into an environment where there are no Windows server. There is a pre-existing Samba server that will be replaced, but it'll be easier to recreate user accounts than attempt migration (there were no machine accounts). Due to
2004 Nov 23
patch for replacing non-printable chars in filenames
There's a bug reported in Debian about the tty being screwed up by wierd filenames, see On the one hand, find will also do this. On the other hand, ls will replace such chars with a question mark. Upon inspection, it appears to be fairly simple to also do this in rsync (in the rwrite() function). Here's a patch. Opinions? Perhaps don't do it
2003 Oct 29
RE: HowTo 3 book?
Hi All, The book arrived in our warehouse Thursday, Oct 24. It began shipping to stores, including Amazon, on Friday, Oct 25. It takes a few days in transit. As soon as the book arrives in Amazon's warehouse, they will change the status on their site. I expect this will happen tomorrow or the next day. Thanks for your patience. Jill Jill Harry Executive Editor Prentice Hall PTR 5585 Bear
2003 Nov 24
problem destroying /dev/null
Working with Samba 3.0 on rh9. Set up samba to use tdbsam (small network, maybe 30-40 users tops) and be a PDC for the internal network. Will be joining machines to this domain. My smb.conf file has been configured to use tdbsam as the backend, and with an add machine script, add user script, etc. However, using the command: pdbedit -a jdoe results in "could not create account to
2009 May 13
Asterisk+a2billing for over 10,000 ext
Hellos, I want to setup Asterisk+a2billing for over 10,000 extensions for voip resale. Has anyone done this before. What are the hardware requirements and challenges? James -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2008 Dec 06
squid server for 10,000 accounts
Hi all, I am running squid proxy server integrated with Content filter Dansguardian, squidguard and clamav for Http level scanning on centos 5 .Configured webmin management tool to create and manage access control using squidguard plug in. Now it is serving request for 100 machines and Below is my hardware details. Hardware Details SUN BLADE 6000 2.67 GHz * 1 4 Gb RAM 2*146Gb HDD we
2017 Jun 12
Open bug count passes 10,000 mark
FYI: The open bug count for all LLVM projects has passed a new milestone this week. Status Total<> NEW 9384<> 9384<> ASSIGNED