similar to: higher ascii characaters in smbusers, success!

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "higher ascii characaters in smbusers, success!"

2007 Mar 22
chan_capi and only one B channel usable?
Hello list! I have a Asterisk 1.2.10 running using the package from for Debian Sarge. I have setup chan_capi (0.6.5 from Backports) and it seems that I am only able to use on B-Channel. When trying to place the second call I get: CAPI INFO 0x34a2: No circuit / channel available capi info shows: Contr1: 2 B channels total, 1 B channels free And capi.conf is: [ISDN1]
2007 Jul 02
eth0 does not exist when booting to xen kernel
Hi everyone. I am pretty new to xen, but am having an issue that I can''t seem to crack. I am running the 2-6-16 kernel on Debian Etch. If I boot into the Etch kernel, everything works as it should. When I boot into the Xen kernel, eth0 no longer exists. >From what I understand, the network-bridge script will down my eth0, create a new virtual eth0 and bridge it into xenbr0
1997 Jul 19
I have a user who was having problem accessing samba. So I suggested him to try to login from other system to see if it's problem with his pc or his account. Then he found that when he used other person's PC, it didn't ask for password at all and gave full access to his account! The two person's accounts are totally different. Any idea? Thanks. --
2003 Jul 07
embedding characters
i seem to be having trouble with certain characters in machine names and passwords. specifically, there is a hyphen in on of the server's names. this entry in the fstab file fails to connect with the following error: # mount /root/it-blackbox/c\$/ Password: Anonymous login successful 18867: tree connect failed: ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess (Access denied.) SMB connection failed the line from fstab
2003 Oct 13
Private shares problem
Hi, I have something weird going on and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I have Samba 2.2.8a running on FreeBSD 5.1 with NTLM authentication. I have been able to get a public share to work and it authenticates fine. When I try to create a private share with only 1 or 2 users having access it asks for a user name and password and when I supply the username and password it won't
2006 Nov 15
Documented format of smbusers file??
The documentation page does not provide a man page for the possible formats for the smbusers file. I am fighting with samba->Active Directory and mapping AD users to Unix logins. The AD guy says credentials can be either: <Domain NetbiosName>/<lanid> or <lanid>@<Domain FQDN> BUT, I seem to be having luck (with some help from the log files) using:
2007 Feb 15
Newbie question, authentication with UNIX accounts, not smbusers/smbpasswd
Hi all, I would like to access my RedHat Enterprise box which has Samba 3.0.9, by mapping a network drive from WinXP and specifying the UNIX account/password on the server. Is this possible? I can duplicate account usernames/passwords into smbusers/smbpasswd, but doing this for every user is a pain. Thanks in advance for any suggestions or pointers, Phil
2005 Sep 01
Vampire and smbusers map file
Hi All, I've solved the capital letter NT username problem from the earlier post but still can't get Vampire to pull across accounts with numerical IDs (about 700 of them). Does vampire allow the mapping of UNIX to NT ID's during the transfer or am I stuffed. Thanks, Joolz
2002 Jun 24
One more point of confusion using smbusers if someone could help clearify.
Hi All, Since Y'all helped solve the last problem, I have one more that would be really a great thing if it could work. I have several accounts on the linux box that I work with and help out on and would love to be able to get them to be available with w98. Besides my regular account, I work on the following (as setup in smbusers): root = vikki ... vx1 = vikki vx7 = vikki nslmc = vikki
2003 Nov 05
smbusers and wildcards
It is my understanding that if you have a wildcard in smbusers, it should only apply this if the particular users is not in your /etc/password file. Is this true? It appears like samba is rolling down the smbusers file and everything gets mapped to my wildcard user. Eg. smbusers: root = administrator admin nobody = guest pcguest smbguest myunixlogin = mysmblogin www-users = * If I map a
2004 Apr 07
smbusers and smbpasswd
Hi all, I have a problem with using smbclient, my current setup as follows: - Linux 9 login/password: excalibur & xxx Windows 2000 login/password: MYDOMAIN\darrenk & yyy - Linux smb service - did not change anything in smb.conf except to make it use plain passwords: ; encrypt passwords = yes ; smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd - Windows 2000 - apply plain password
2006 May 16
smbpasswd and /etc/samba/smbusers
Hi, I've been Googling around trying to found why I can't make SAMBA (concretely smbpasswd and pdbedit) make good use of the information held in the file /etc/samba/smbusers. I have done a clean install of Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES 4.1 Update 3 (both x86_64 and IA32) and Fedora Core 5. In all cases, running the following command fails: # smbpasswd -a Administrator New SMB password:
2006 Sep 08
smbusers and root privs
Running samba-3.0.23c on Genoo linux Is it possible with smbusers to allow a windows user to have root privleges on a linux share? A stock install of samba on Gentoo ends up with an /etc/samba/smbusers file that contains this mapping: root = administrator admin It appears then that other windows users could as well be mapped to root like: root = administrator admin harry and since I am the
2011 Jul 06
Problem using smbusers with samba on AIX 5.2 TL11SP1 system
Hello. I don't know if you're the person who can help me. I've got a problem with Samba on a AIX 5.3 TL11SP1 machine. I installed and configured Samba. It worked fine. I use a DOMAIN member security mode. The join into our domain worked well. Any users from a Windows computer is able to access to the AIX machine. But the only problem I have is this one : - The use
2000 Mar 29
Hello, i have a user, say userA, which has a valid account (/etc/passwd) on my RH 6.1CZ box, as well as samba one (/etc/smbpasswd). userA logs into his win98 box as a userB, which is unknown both to samba and unix. So I put a new record in /etc/smbusers like this: userA = userB afterwards I have restarted samba server, but the user still cannot connect to his samba shares if he use userB as his
2008 Jul 09
login fails if smbusers is used to map domain admin to root.
Hi, i am trying to map the domain administrator to root using the smbusers file in order to be able to set file permissions from windows. Unfortunately, while the map itself seem to succeed, the logins fails. If i remove the relevant line in smbusers, login succeed but i lack superuser privileges. Here is log.smbd while trying to map administrator to root [2008/07/09 12:50:42, 4]
2004 Feb 04
arima function
Hello, I am a beginner user of R and I would like to estimate a model with AR errors. I use arima function: modele <-arima(conso,xreg=var.exogenes,order=c(ordre,0,0),include.mean=TRUE,method ="CSS") My inputs are dummies for each month except one, and the same thing for each day and each hour. I have this error message: Warning message: possible convergence problem: optim gave
2006 Oct 21
find_by_content result set
Hi Guys I''m experiencing with AAF and Ferret with the intention of deploying into the site that I am working on now. So I setup AAF to index 3 fields that I have in this model and i tried doing a find_by_contents and it returned the #<FerretMixin::Acts::ARFerret::SearchResults:0xb74b5bec @total_hits=1157, @results=[#<Payprofile:0xb74cc39c @attributes={"add...... but it
2005 May 06
Encoder performance on ARM9
Hi there, I've just started to work with the great speex encoder on ARM9-based embedded platform. This is my configuration: CPU: Cirrus Logic EP9315 @ 200 MHz (ARM920T) o.s.: Linux 2.6.9-rc2-ep93xx GCC: gcc version 3.3.3 (DENX ELDK 3.1 3.3.3-10) without MaverickCrunch support ogg library: 1.0 speex command line configuration: ./configure --enable-fixed-point --enable-arm4-asm The code is
2009 Jun 06
large numbers of observations using ME() of spdep
Dear All, We aim to remove the spatial structure of our data using Moran Eigen Vectors and spdep package . Our data has 3694 samples and 13 variables. The computer stop working after almost 4 days of processing (we found it emitting a sharp sound and with all colors on the screen. No wories, it was restared without problem!). And we are left with nothing: no result file was produced since the