similar to: With sambaSamAccount, do I need an add user script and an add machine script?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "With sambaSamAccount, do I need an add user script and an add machine script?"

2003 Aug 21
LDAP: add machine script required?
Dear team, If I use sambaSamAccount with samba 3.0.0 RC1, do I need to define an add machine script? I want to be able to add machines to the domain as simply as possible (i.e., "automatically"). So is an add machine script needed, or does samba contain code to create the accounts itself? -- Nick Urbanik RHCE nicku(at) Dept. of Information
2003 Aug 19
LDAP arrangement for machines
Dear Folks, Now trying to get Samba 3.0.0 RC1 up and running only with LDAP, as PDC. I am using openldap 2.1.22-5 from rawhide on RH9. pbedit was able to migrate the user accounts to the existing posixAcounts in LDAP (nice!) but not the machine accounts, which had no pre-existing entries beyond the top-level entry ou=Devices. Since the sambaSamAccount is auxiliary, it needs a structural
2012 Mar 16
imaptest: performance testing
Dear Folks, Using head of imaptest with dovecot 2.1, I am attempting to put a heavy load on the server, with insufficient success. I made 15000 user accounts, put them in to a file, one per line. Then I ran imaptest with ./imaptest userfile=../../imap-test-userlist-15001.txt clients=15001 pass=SECRETPASSWORD But CPU load is only reaching 20. I put an mbox containing 67 messages into
2005 Jun 08
Simple fix to horrible bug in Samba website CSS
Dear Folks, For a long time I have been unable to read the menu at the left of in my 1920x1440 display. All the menu items overwrite each other in a horrible, illegible jumble. I thought it might be a bug in firefox or something. Then I investigated, and found that there is actually a serious bug in the cascading style sheet for the web site. The problem is in
2012 Apr 27
2.1.5: Panic: file mailbox-list-fs.c: line 156 (fs_list_get_path): assertion failed: (mailbox_list_is_valid_pattern(_list, name))
Dear Folks, We had this assertion failure on Dovecot 2.1.1 on a particular mailbox. I upgraded to 2.1.5, and we have the same assertion failure, on the same mailbox: Apr 27 16:02:03 imap(nu-imaptest00258 at Panic: file mailbox-list-fs.c: line 156 (fs_list_get_path): assertion failed: (mailbox_list_is_valid_pattern(_list, name)) Apr 27 16:02:03 imap(nu-imaptest00258 at
2000 Feb 08
Bug report and PATCH in ssh-agent in openssh 1.2.2
Dear folks, system: RH 6.1 Linux on a PIII software: installed binaries resulting from rpm --rebuild openssh-1.2.2-1.src.rpm, downloaded from problem program: ssh-agent problem description: When execute ssh-agent startx -- -bpp 32 ssh-agent does not pass the -bpp 32 to startx. Why problem exists:
2003 Dec 30
sambaSamAccount versus SambaSAMAccount
Hi All, The smbldap-tools in latest Samba tarball 3.0.1 use SambaSAMAccount rather than SambaSamAccount as per the samba.schema file. Attached are four patches to fix this. Darren -------------- next part -------------- --- Tue Dec 30 22:34:08 2003 +++ Tue Dec 30 22:38:19 2003 @@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ if (!$with_smbpasswd) { # (jtournier)
2008 Mar 27
smbldap-useradd will not add sambaSamAccount objectClass
I'm having an issue adding a sambaSamAccount objectClass to my machine accounts when running smbldap-useradd -w "machine$" It doesn't create samba attributes, but will create the account. In the smbldaap-useradd code, sambaSamAccount is sambaSAMAccount, but I don't know if that's what's doing it. the samba.schema file has sambaSamAccount defined. Someone having
2006 Nov 01
object class 'sambaSamAccount' requires attribute 'sambaSID'
Hi, In the continuing saga of not being able to join machines to my openldap 2 & samba 3.0.23c controlled domain I now get the above error. The schema is the one distributed with 3.0.23c. I've seen many postings about the same error but no fixes for it. Does anyone know where to look? Thanks alot, Greg -- Greg Dickie just a guy Maximum Throughput
2006 Jan 21
Machine account with object class sambaSAMAccount required?
Hi! I have a problem connecting WinXP clients to my samba3/ldap domain (see my earlier post). I'm using the idealx scripts and they do create a machine account, even if i try to add the machine from WinXP itself. Now I noticed the machine account created by this script has object classes top, inetOrgPerson and posixAccount, but NOT sambaSAMAccount. Is this correct? I thought they should be
2005 May 25
Can't join PC's to Domain - object class 'sambaSamAccount' requires attribute 'sambaSID'
Hi Samba Admins, I have a problem with my new Samba3.0.14a/LDAP domain. I can no longer join computers to the domain using the normal procedure in windows. I wetnt to the domain controller to investigate. When i run # pdbedit -m -a mambo50 i am returned the following error > init_ldap_from_sam: Setting entry for user: mambo50$ > ldapsam_modify_entry: Failed to add user dn= >
2007 Feb 09
sambaSamAccount and posixAccount cohabitation
Hi all, I'm new on this list and I'm french, so my english could be worst !;) My question is about sambaSamAccount and posixAccount objectClasses. I want the user "test" be mapped to user root (uid=0, gid=0) when logged into pam over ldap mechanism (such as ssh) And I want the same user "test" be mapped to user test (uid=1003, gid=513) when logged to Samba server.
2006 Aug 24
object class 'sambaSamAccount' requires attribute 'sambaSID'
I have setup a Samba PDC with LDAP by the Samba howto. All is working fine. But when I try to add machine accounts it is giving me errors. The error is as such First I did #smbldap-useradd -w comat67$ This was successful. Then when I do this oblix:/home# pdbedit -a -m -u comat67$ Searching for:[(&(objectClass=sambaDomain)(sambaDomainName=COMAT))] smbldap_open_connection: connection
2003 Sep 05
domain join - no sambaSamAccount created
Hi, we are using Samba 3 ( CVS checkout from 09/01 ) on a SuSE 8.2 box with all patches applied. The passdb backend is LDAP / eDirectory 8.7 on another machine. The Samba box is supposed to work as a stand alone domain controller, so I am testing to join a client machine to it's domain. This is my "add machine script": /usr/bin/cpu useradd %u -d /dev/null -f
2004 Feb 19
Using the same LDAP entry for posixAccount and sambaSamAccount with smbldap
samba 3.0.2 smbldap-tools 0.8.4 RH 9 nss_ldap configured pam_ldap NOT configured LDAP passwd backend winxp pro domain member Hello, i've configured smbldap-tools in smb.conf to manage users from usrmgr.exe. It works at group creation but have a strange behavior in user creation. In the LDAP there are two manually created accounts; Administrador & invitado, both posixAccount and
2005 Jun 15
Solution to smbldap-tools not adding sambaSAMAccount
Well I finally managed to get my machines added to my ldap/samba domain. The problem was that I had defined an ou each for Computers and Users. ie dc=base,dc=org | ------ ou = Users | ------ ou = Computers Now the problem was that the nss_ldap library was searching in Users only, and apparently the samba server needs to be able to resolve the Computers tree aswell to add the
2013 Oct 20
optimize la value of pool in database.yml
Hi, I would like to understand how to calculate optimal value for "pool" parameter in database.yml I''m using rails 3, ruby 2, postgres, elasticsearch, unicorn, nginx My server : 12 coeurs 24 threads ( I dont know if it is necessary for define pool value) unicorn : worker_processes 24 I have around 1500 pages requested per minutes, and around 200ms per request Is it also
2009 Nov 22
Metaplot Axis Annotation
Hello, We are looking to adjust the font size of the axis annotation on the graph that results from use of the metaplot() function. Metaplot seems to respond to cex and cex.lab to change those graphical parameters, but it doesn't respond to cex.axis. Is there a way to work around this by creating a customized x-axis, and if so, how? Thanks for all your help. Syntax is below. Best, Dawn
2015 Aug 26
New users not visible within webmin
I have recently upgraded samba to 3.6.23-9.el5_11 and have noticed all new users created can not be seen with using the samba config tool within CentOS or within the samba webmin module. I can manually log in and look the account information within the smbpasswd file and can query it using pdbedit. I need to be able to edit this information from within the webmin module as there are a number
1999 Jan 20
oplcok_break more information (PR#12734)
Hi! After more work on the oplock_break problem, I've found the following in my tcpdump-smb logging. It seems that when ost5 (pid=26339 in the logs that follow) requests access to the oplocked file comm.inf from ost6 (pid=5872) the oplock_break failes (this is NOT isolated to any one or two systems on our network, just using these two as an example, and the server reports no dropped packets