similar to: ldap_modify_s Insufficient access

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "ldap_modify_s Insufficient access"

2014 May 30
Schema attributes changes after AD extension
Hey, I extend my AD with some new attributes, but I make some mistakes on the way and now I'm trying to modify those wrong attributes entries, like isSingleValued and oMSyntax. I'm following these guide - - to make the changes. I go to LDP.exe, connect and bind to LDAP and try to make the changes on
2004 Aug 13
Not creating home directory for domain member at KDE login
I've added the pam changes that use winbind to authenticate users against the domain controller. I see all of the domain users in the graphical login, but when a user logs in who hasn't logged in before, the new home directory (/etc/DOMAIN/<userid>) isn't either being created or it's being created with permissions that don't allow files to be written under the user id.
2003 Jul 18
Hi all, I am having a problem with Is there any documentation that tells exactly what each module with does? In other words, what does the auth section do, what does the account section do??? When I try to authenticate, the auth section in login pam seems to pass successfully, but the account section seems to fail. Here is my login module auth required
2003 Jul 17
NT auth with Winbind
Hi All, I am trying to get authentication against AD using Winbind and Samba 3. We use Kerberos 5 as well. I know that winbind is running properly because when I run wbinfo -a, I get success messages. The problem seems to be when I try to play with the pam modules. For kicks, here is the pam module for sshd: #%PAM-1.0 auth sufficient debug auth sufficient # set_secrpc
2009 Dec 07
pam_winbind adding "BUILTIN+users" secondary group to non-AD account?
I'm working on a PAM setup that will ignore winbind/AD completely for users listed in /etc/passwd, and do the samba thing for all other users. Mostly it seems to work, but there's one weird side-effect. For non-AD users (only), an AD group "BUILTIN+users" is being added as a secondary group. If I kill winbind, it still gets added, although only the gid is available (no name).
2004 Mar 12
pam_winbind failure -- what did I do wrong?
Hello List, I have successfully integrated samba 3 to ADS Domain, and now i want to allow domain-users to access services on my linux box. For testing i chose /etc/pam.d/login and tried to allow ADS Users access to the console. But i always get the following errors: Mar 12 12:45:59 cuba90 pam_winbind[9011]: user 'r-ermer+mfeilner' granted acces Mar 12 12:45:59 cuba90 login[9011]: User
2003 Nov 26
changing password for w2k user logged in linux station (winbind)
This is in the winbind documentation We divide the unified logon problem for UNIX machines into three smaller problems: 1. Obtaining Windows NT user and group information 2. Authenticating Windows NT users 3. Password changing for Windows NT users The winbind system provides a simple and elegant solution to all three components of the unified logon problem. First two things are explained,
2005 May 19
Re: One more
I use to limit access to services via pam. Here is how I limit access to my pure-ftpd server to a specific group (GLFTPAccess). You can also limit access to specific users, like I did with the user root. auth sufficient auth required # set_secrpc auth required auth required account required account
2006 Mar 16
PAM authentification problem
Hi everybody, we try to migrate our IMAP service from uw-imap to dovecot because of horrible server slowdown when a lot of people poking in theirs huge imap folders. So, I try to run testing instance of dovecot on different imap port (12143) I have trouble with authentication by PAM module of MIT Kerberos. It successfuly works for authentificate users of wu-imap but not for dovecot. I see in
2003 Nov 10
Problem with winbind and pam
Hi I'Ve set up winbind with Suse 9.0 and Samba 3.0.1 Everything i working fine exepct pam configuration How can I use pam_winbind and pam_unix2 ? > auth sufficient > auth required use_first_pass null_ok unix-users can login with correct password. NT-users can login with any password, even wrong passwords! > auth required
2009 Feb 06
SLES 10 - Winbind-problem
Hi Gurus! Hope you can help me - I'm trying to get my SLES 10 SP2-box to authenticate users against Windows AD using Winbind, but I can't get it to work as I want. I have configured smb, winbind and Kerberos, and kinit, list, net ads join, wbinfo etc. works fine - but when I try to login, user xx.xx.admin, it fails. This is what I got in my /var/log/warn: eb 6 12:15:09
2009 Nov 05
ADS, pam_winbind and vsftpd
Greets ... I am not getting it. I have samba (old one, 3.0.22-11-SUSE-CODE10) in an ADS-context, winbind works OK ... I am trying to connect vsftpd to winbind via PAM, this works TOO GOOD ;-) currently I am able to login to vsftpd with ANY password, that's bad. I am not understanding that PAM-stuff and I have some pressure to get that ftp-server up, so please would someone help me out? My
2004 Jun 17
Hi, I am unable to login to a samba system that uses kerberos to authenticate to ADS if the users password has expired on the ADS system or if "User must change password at next login" is checked on the ADS.. I get a "login incorrect" message on the linux system and the log file gives the following error: pam_winbind[3647]: request failed: Must change password, PAM error
2004 Dec 21
Winbind problem revisited
Okay, I started over from scratch with my samba server rebuild, but I am still getting some weird issues. Here are my config files of importance: --------------/etc/samba/smb.conf-------------------- # Samba Configuration File [global] workgroup = WAYNE realm = WAYNE.LOCAL server string = Samba Server security = ADS password server =
2004 Dec 17
losing NT4 WAN trust domains with samba-3.0.8+
If I use any of the binary packages for SuSE SLES9 greater than 3.0.7 I can not see some of my NT4 trust domain via winbind. We have 5 regular NT 4 domains that trust each other. Two of them our within our LAN (local subnet), one of these domains the samba machine is within ... security = domain. There's another 5 domains that are setup for our AD enviroment for exchange, mixed mode. Using
2012 Aug 12
Samba4: winbind does not grant kerberos authentication
Hi I have winbind setup and authentication is OK. auth_check_password_send: Checking password for samba4 log: unmapped user [ALTEA]\[lynn2]@[HH30] auth_check_password_send: mapped user is: [ALTEA]\[lynn2]@[HH30] Linux log: Aug 12 09:05:00 hh30 su: pam_winbind(su:auth): getting password (0x00000000) Aug 12 09:05:01 hh30 su: pam_winbind(su:auth): user 'ALTEA\lynn2' granted access Aug 12
2003 Jun 24
smb.conf suse 8.2 samba 3 beta cvs pdc german umlauts working
hi @ll this is working smb.conf samba beta 3 cvs version 22 jun from suse 8.2 minimal inst with additional glib locale , client win2000 serv pack 3 german umlauts work in windows ( after all for ? you see on linux etc) the name of machine is a bind 9 is on the linux machine too to make dns resolving login domain works roaming profile works netlogon script works
2009 Feb 24
Winbind/PAM/SLES 8-problem
Hi Gurus! I'm working on getting some old SLES 8-serveres to use winbind, letting users authenticate to our Windows AD. All the setup of samba, winbind, adding the server to the AD etc. is working fine, and all kinds of wbinfo returns what it is supposed to. BUT - when I try to login (using ssh), it utterly ignores winbind, and only tries to validate local users. Not one entry in messages
2007 Jun 23
OT: vmware server not accepting root password?
Sorry for the OT question; I'm hoping someone else has a similar setup and ran into this same problem? For some reason, not sure what I changed, my vmware server is no longer accepting the root login for the management console or web mui interface. I'm certain the password is correct, and I've even reset root's password to make sure. VMware seems to be running ok, I can access
2004 Jun 01
ISDN in Venezuela
Dear all - I am looking for some information about ISDN in Venezuela. I need a small Asterisk system with 2 ISDN channels at our offices in Venezuela (Caracas). Can anyone advise me on the best option? I am getting mixed reports - I am told that a BRI will cost me 1000 US dollars per month! An E1 significantly less, but the person there is not very familiar with telecoms. Can anyone familiar