similar to: Samba Internationalization

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Samba Internationalization"

2003 Dec 01
No subject
8. You have join to this mail a text file with the few characters that don't = match. On Swat, it's easier. = I use Swat from my win98 box. When I write a share comment with some chara= cters, there are not translated properly inside smb.conf file. = When I read my smb.conf file, I noticed that for example a cp1252 characte= r like (0xC1) has been changed onto an ISO8859-15 character
2017 Aug 01
special latin1 do not print as glyphs in current devel on windows
Upon further inspection, I think these are at least two problems. First the issue with printing latin1/cp1252 characters in the "80" to "9F" code range. x <- c("?", "?", "?") Encoding(x) print(x) I assume that these are Unicode escapes!? (Given that Encoding(x) shows "latin1" I'd rather expect latin1/cp1252 escapes here, but
2017 Sep 14
special latin1 do not print as glyphs in current devel on windows
This is a follow-up on my initial posts regarding character encodings on Windows ( and Patrick Perry's reply ( in particular (thank you for the links and the bug report!). My initial posts were quite chaotic (and partly wrong), so I am trying to clear things up a
2017 Aug 01
special latin1 do not print as glyphs in current devel on windows
Thank you!. My apologies again for not including the console output in my message before. I sent another e-mail with the output in the meantime, so it should be a bit clearer now, what I am seeing. In case I missed something, please let me know. Yes, I am using latin1 and cp1252 interchangebly here, mostly because Encoding() is reporting the encoding as "latin1". You presumed correctly
2013 Apr 29
[Announce] Samba 3.6.14 Available for Download
============================================================= "Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game." Michael Jordan ============================================================= Release Announcements ===================== This is is the latest stable release of Samba 3.6. Major enhancements in Samba 3.6.14 include: o Certain xattrs cause Windows error 0x800700FF
2013 Apr 29
[Announce] Samba 3.6.14 Available for Download
============================================================= "Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game." Michael Jordan ============================================================= Release Announcements ===================== This is is the latest stable release of Samba 3.6. Major enhancements in Samba 3.6.14 include: o Certain xattrs cause Windows error 0x800700FF
2005 Oct 30
smbmount codepage/iocharset settings vs NT4
Hi, I'm in the process of setting up a backup server for a somewhat antiquated NT4 server. Backup server is CentOS-4 (~ RHEL-4), kernel-2.6.9-11.EL, samba-client-3.0.10-1.4E, rsync-2.6.3-1, LANG=en_US.UTF-8. NT4 shares are mounted on the server and rsynced to local disk. This setup is working pretty well, however on the NT box there are some files with names containing odd characters like
2008 Aug 12
Possible buglet (wart ?) of odfWeave 0.7.6 (with workaround)
Dear List, I have had problems inserting some (not all !) figures via odfWeave (using print(someLatticeFunction)...). The figure was correctly displayed in a R device window but the resulting ODF document displayed the correct space for the figure and an empty frame with a "broken image" icon and a "read error" mention. Exploration of the odf (.odt, in my case) file showed
2015 Feb 15
LC_COLLATE variable?
Hi, I'm running my CentOS 7 desktop in french. LANG is set to fr_FR.UTF-8. In GNOME 3, the menu entries are listed in alphabetical order. Unfortunately, entries beginning with an accented character (like "?diteur de texte") appear at the bottom of the list. I know that in order to correct this, I have to set the LC_COLLATE variable to fr_FR.UTF-8. What would be a sensible place
2009 Apr 10
linux Rsync + windows rsync + unexpected connection close
Hello all I cannot sync my windows box with my linux box because of the following error. rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [receiver] I run rsync version 3.0.4 ( protocol 30) on both machines (cwRsync binaries on windows). i sync over ssh. Ssh command works fine from windows. Same rsync command from the linux box works fine. Only the rync command from windows
2011 Feb 26
hivex: some issues (key encoding, ...) and suggested fixes
Hi, libhivex seems to do a great job at parsing hives most of the time, but there are some issues with a few registry keys. These can be worked around in the application that uses libhivex, but I think it'd be better if libhivex handled these itself. 1. UTF16 string in REG_SZ that has garbage after the \0\0 There is code in hivex.c to handle this already but I think it has a typo: /*
2003 Feb 25
encoding problem with samba 227 ad rh80
Hello I'm using an OOTB RH80 with recent updates, and samba 227, french language when I access a samba share from a w98 box eveything works fine but with accented chars I just can't get the right filename under linux. whatever filename I use on w98, with accented chars, it works from the w98 side (I get write and read files with their right filenames) but when I try to access those
2010 May 02
Set encoding when load()-ing workspaces?
Hi all, I hope that there is someone that can help me out here. I am trying to load() a workspace on os x (R 2.11.0) that was saved in windows XP (R 2.9). In that workspace, there's a data.frame with names that contain swedish characters. These characters become garbled, which is a major problem. >From the R windows FAQ, I read: "Note though that character data in a workspace will be
2014 May 05
recycle: ... returned No such file or directory
Hi, recently I see lots of logs like this. I figured, that many have umlaute in their name - but not all. My local FS displays the umlaute correctly - but it is not displayed correctly in the logfiles. Also, when I browse through shares via Windows or MacOSx all files with umlaute seem to be displayed correctly. May 5 08:27:54 Storage-01 smbd[39207]: recycle: stat for
2011 Nov 09
Rsync with special characters
Hi, I'm having problem using rsync from an Ubuntu server to a Windows machine using cygwin and rsync. It works whenever I have a share name that doesn't include a special character like ?, ? or ?. My full command is: "rsync -avz -e 'ssh -p specialport' user at windowsmachine:/cygdrive/c/?test --iconv=CP1252,utf-8 (Also tride ISO8859-1 and utf-8)" I thought that iconv
2017 Aug 01
special latin1 do not print as glyphs in current devel on windows
You seem confused about Latin-1: those characters are not in Latin-1. (MicroSoft code pages are a proprietary encoding, some code pages such as CP1252 being extensions to Latin-1.) You have not given the 'at a minimum information' asked for in the posting guide so we have no way to reproduce this, and without showing us the output on your system, we have no idea what you saw. [As a
2014 Feb 08
force group does not work
Hi I set up a samba 4.1.4 server on the latest FreeBSD RELEASE 10. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to consider the option force group. After hours ofresearch I couldn't figure out what I'm still missing. unix extensions is set to no. Setting the debug level up to 10 also didn't help ;( Is this a bug or is there simply a mistake in my setup? When *valid users = @Groupname* is
2017 Sep 14
special latin1 do not print as glyphs in current devel on windows
This particular issue has a simple fix. Currently, the "R_check_locale" function includes the following code starting at line 244 in src/main/platform.c: #ifdef Win32 { char *ctype = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, NULL), *p; p = strrchr(ctype, '.'); if (p && isdigit(p[1])) localeCP = atoi(p+1); else localeCP = 0; /* Not 100% correct, but CP1252 is a
2010 May 12
Input encoding problem when using sweave with xetex
Hello Because I want to use different true type fonts with latex, I''m using the XeTeX typesetting engine for my sweave-documents. I''m using Lyx with Sweave on a Windows 7 PC and have set up LyX to work with XeTeX according to the following instructions: Because the input file for XeTeX is assumed to be in UTF-8 encoding, I set the encoding
2017 Aug 21
Control multi-threading in standard matrix product
Dear R Core Team, I wish to report what can be viewed as a bug or at least a strange behavior in R-3.4.1. I ask my question here (as recommended on since I am not member of the R's Bugzilla. When running 'R --vanilla' from the command line, the standard matrix product is by default based on BLAS and multi-threaded on all cores available on