similar to: SUMMARY: Samba "unable to validate password" error

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "SUMMARY: Samba "unable to validate password" error"

2002 Nov 15
Samba "unable to validate password" error
I sent the following to and I'm also forwarding this to the samba list. I hope you can help: ------------- Begin Forwarded Message ------------- I have an emergency and am at the end of my resources and hope you can help. I'm a samba newbie and hope you can point me to an answer. Our Samba2.0.5 server is a Sun Enterprise 450 (Solaris 7). Our PDC is an NT
2004 Apr 03
automatic convertion Unix to Dos files.txt
> Dear managers, > I'm looking for a way for automatic unix2dos conversion of our > SAMBA shared Solaris 8.0 files.txt, > and I don't know where mail list to ask for. > I already use the unix2dos versions of NT/W2K and Solaris 8.0 but > it needs manual command unix2dos to be issued. > > > Clovis Souza _______________________________________________
2009 Jan 10
Problems with dovecot
Hi all, Ihave jsut been compiling dovecot 1.1.6-1.1.8 on a solaris 10 x86 machine with sun studio 12. It compiles correctly but when i want to run dovecot i am getting this error message Jan 10 17:16:16 Carolyn dovecot: [ID 762119] Dovecot v1.1.8 starting up Jan 10 17:16:16 Carolyn dovecot: [ID 107833 mail.warning] auth(default): Growing pool 'mysql driver' with: 1024 Jan
2001 Sep 18
Why is Win98 looking for user "nobody"?
Using Samba v2.0.10 on a RedHat v7.1 box, I see that the Win98 clients on our network are making sporatic requests for user "nobody" (as shown below). Anyone know what's going on here? My network has both Linux and Win98 clients, but only the Win98 clients are showing this behavior. Both the Linux and Win98 clients access the same shared drives, but only the Win98 clients use
2002 Nov 20
error: prs_mem_get: reading data of size 60 would overrun buffer.
Hello everyone, we try to use a server running linux in an NT-domain and get the error message given in the subject-line. More details from the logfile and smb.conf are given below. Can anyone give us a hint what the problem is? (Of course...) The problem is very urgent for us. Thanks a lot in advance. Helmut Rickel ================= smb.conf ======================== [global]
1999 Nov 17
2.0.6: HUP/charset/profiles/smbmount/logging
This is the list of problems I had with samba-2.0.6 so far. Can anyone tell me if he can reproduce them and if he considers them as problems? 2.0.6 on linux 2.2.13 or 2.0.33 1) sighup/log reopening doesn't always work: connections that are already active keep logging to the old logs; logrotate rotates/zip the logs and samba stops logging completely till restart. 2) Localized chars. I have
2000 Apr 20
This is broken (and insecure) behaviour.
We are seeing erratic behaviour from Samba for connecting Unix drives to an NT terminal Server. Samba version 2.0.6 Solaris 2.6 NT Server 4.0 Terminal Server Edition with service pack 4 running WinCenter NIS Logon Utility. The NT server is not part of a domain and uses the WinCenter Logon Utility to authenticate username and passwords from my Unix NIS server. Samba is set up for server level
1999 Oct 05
Hello, I'm having a problem configuring samba (2.0.5a) on a Linux system using NIS+ as the password system. Samba complains that it cannot find the smbpasswd file, which is not surprising as I'm not using one. I tried 'smb password file = passwd.org_dir' that sort of worked, except that it creates a directory called passwd.org_dir from whatever directory I ran the smbd from.
1999 Sep 01
sudden loss of password validation
The problem: Strangely, the PDC rejects user password challenges from Samba. The user account gets locked. After unlocking the account, everything is back to normal. This happens several times a day to different users and from different Samba servers. All Samba servers have the same [global] configuration. Is this a Samba problem? Is samba perhaps not passing along the correct password? If I add
2000 Feb 15
samba 2.0.6 breaks domain validation (for me)
Hi, Recently i moved from samba 2.0.5a to Samba 2.0.6 on 4 machines. Samba 2.0.5a ran quite smooth except for oplocking problems, so i decided to upgrade. I compiled both releases myself and used the same ./configure options both times (but i compiled on different machines: v 2.0.5a was compiled on a HP 9000/715/50, 2.0.6 was compiled on a HP 9000/800/K360) I used binutils 2.9.1 and gcc 2.8.1 on
1999 Mar 26
Win98 goes to sleep on Samba
I have been running RedHat 5.2 and Samba 2.0.3 for the past week or so. My network is made up of NT servers and 95/98 clients. So far Samba has been running beautifully - I can use my Samba shares just like they are NT shares. My only problem is from time to time my Win98 machine "goes to sleep" and asks me for either a password or an IPC$ password. Generally this happens after a
2010 Jun 17
Correct folder permissions for maildir....
G'Day, I am trying to find a definitive answer to what the directory permissions should be for my configuration under Centos 5.5. I see a number of the following error messages in the maillog as a consequence of permissions errors. After reading the FAQ, Wiki etc. and browsing the web I am unable to determine just exactly what the user security settings should be for the offending
2013 Jul 02
multiple VPN zones
Hi, I had a look at this page which describes a single VPN zone called "vpn": Is this the most current information? It is the top page found by Google for "shorewall ipsec" Is there any information about setting up multiple VPN zones for different classes of road warrior? E.g. lets say there are two classes of road warrior:
2003 Jan 02
samba 2.0.6 on HP-UX 11.0
I've had samba running cleanly on an HP-UX 11.0 system for many months, with "DOMAIN" security and one-to-one account name mapping. A few days ago I started getting password prompts on connection, and messages like this in the log files... [2003/01/02 15:46:36, 0] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:(316) prs_mem_get: reading data of size 60 would overrun buffer. [2003/01/02 15:46:36, 0]
2002 Oct 01
Dynamic Zones
The version of Shorewall in the CVS development tree contains the first implementation of dynamic zones. While these zones are aimed at IPSEC Road Warriors, there is nothing ipsec-specific in the implementation except for a small extension in the tunnels file. There are two new commands: add and delete shorewall {add|delete} <interface>[:<host or subnet>] zone The interface
1998 Jul 02
Synchronize Unix/SMB passwords with 'synchpasswd'
Hi, It's been a while since I created my smbpasswd file, and therefore it is no longer in synch with my Unix file. I've added and removed users over time, and now I need a way to update the 'smbpasswd' file without losing the encrypted passwords that are already in place (ie. I don't want to just run '' again). So, I've written the
2011 Jun 24
Fwd: Extract element of a list based on an index value
> Dear list, > > I have some data on a geneaology, here is a subset: > warmerge[1:11,c(1,6,25)] > Warrior SibID birth.year > 1100 3793 2013 1926 > 4 2013 2024 1934 > 1094 3769 2024 1918 > 632 2747 2037 1928 > 176 2083 2039 1944 > 187 2085 2039 1949 > 192 2086 2039 NA > 495
2002 Nov 21
Help with smbpasswd
I am running samba version 2.0.7 on a HP 11.00 server. I have a local pc account that is trying to access a samba share and is being prompted for a username and password (which usually does not happen). When I look in the log file, I see the following. How can I troubleshoot this. Any help is appreciated. [2002/11/21 15:33:04, 1] smbd/reply.c:(988) Username pcguest is invalid on this system
1999 Jan 28
Authentication only on NT Boxes not accepted
Hi folks, I'am using Samba 2.0.0 on a Linux and a Sun box and i have the following problem: I can log in from a smbclient but not from an NT Client using Security=Domain. 1.) Doubleclick on the machine opens the password dialouge (which should'n appear, beacuse i'am already logged in the domain) Enter my domainusername and password. Window dissapears and appears again and forces me
2003 Dec 01
smbpasswd command - updated
A couple of days ago I posted a problem I was having with the smbapasswd command for users (not root). Here is the original post: I have Samba installed on a HP-UX 11.00 system using NIS for UID/password resolution. The smbpasswd file hasbeen initilized and as root I can add a user's password and the user can "attach" the "share". But when the user tries to do the