similar to: Samba with Win2K client -- dual network cards -- same segment

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Samba with Win2K client -- dual network cards -- same segment"

2009 Aug 17
printing a dataframe summary to disk
I'd like to write the summary of a dataframe to disk, so that it looks essentially the same as what you'd see on screen; but I can't seem to do it. Can someone tell me how? Thanks! ------------------------ Philip A. Viton City Planning, Ohio State University 275 West Woodruff Avenue, Columbus OH 43210 viton.1 at
2010 Jan 19
ZFS/NFS/LDOM performance issues
[Cross-posting to ldoms-discuss] We are occasionally seeing massive time-to-completions for I/O requests on ZFS file systems on a Sun T5220 attached to a Sun StorageTek 2540 and a Sun J4200, and using a SSD drive as a ZIL device. Primary access to this system is via NFS, and with NFS COMMITs blocking until the request has been sent to disk, performance has been deplorable. The NFS server is a
2009 Oct 04
convenience question
On: R 2.8.1 / Ms Windows / R-Gui-R-console I have a long-ish function, and to re-assure myself that it's actually making progress I've arranged a set of messages to the console (using cat). But what happens is that the messages don't actually display until the function has finished, which sort of negates the purpose. However, if I hit Return after starting the function, then all
2010 Jun 09
makign help files by hand
Can someone tell me how to make up (eg) a library's html help files by hand? I think I ought to be able to use RCMD Rdconv for this but (R-2.10.0, MS-win) when I type (in a dos session) "rdcmd rdconv --help" I get a message to the effect that a perl script rdconv can't be opened. Can I do this from within R itself? And if so, how (in particular, what is the target file to
2006 Feb 15
arrays of lists in R ("cell arrays" in Matlab)
Dear all I would like to have some data in the form of a 2-dimensional array (matrix) of lists, so that I can easily find the desired list object by indexing the structure by rows and columns. In matlab there exists a data type called "cell array": a matrix of "cells", which are composite objects very similar to R lists. I know that in R you can create 1-dimensional
2011 May 07
spdep::poly2nb problem
I downloaded a US states+territories shapefile from and unzipped it into my working directory. Then in R (version 12.2.0 for ms-win32): library(rgdal) # Version: 0.6-28 library(spdep) # Version: 0.5-24 (loads sp: Version: 0.9-72) # read in the data states<-readOGR(".","s_01de10") summary(states) # now
2008 Dec 15
R2winbugs : vectorization
I'm new to bugs, so please bear with me. Can someone tell me if the following two models are doing the same thing? The reason I ask is that with the same data, the first (based on 4 separate coeffs a1--a4) takes about 50 secs, while the second (based on a vectorized form, a[]) takes about 300. The means are about the same, though R-hat's in the second version are quite a bit better.
2019 Mar 02
Support for out-of-tree backend passes?
Hi all, I've been doing some LLVM development recently, as was curious about the status/feasibility of allowing developers to write out-of-tree back-end passes (e.g. `MachineFunctionPass`es) in a matter similar to middle-end passes. From the limited resources I can find online[1][2][3], LLVM currently doesn't support building back-end passes outside of the source tree. Could anybody more
2006 Jul 20
(robust) mixed-effects model with covariate
Dear all, I am unsure about how to specify a model in R and I thought of asking some advice to the list. I have two groups ("Group"= A, B) of subjects, with each subject undertaking a test before and after a certain treatment ("Time"= pre, post). Additionally, I want to enter the age of the subject as a covariate (the performance on the test is affected by age),
2005 Jan 11
multi-boot CD question
Hello everyone, I am attempting to add another boot option to our multi-boot technical resource CD where I work. I currently have 8 working floppy disk images, but this time I need to add a piece of software which I only have access to through an ISO image. This ISO image, when burned to a CD, boots and runs the software fine. I know that isolinux does not support booting ISO images. I used
2005 Feb 19
{Bounce} Unsolicited Commercial Email Rejected
The recipient has requested to have their mails scanned for Spam. Our UCE (Spam) detectors have been triggered by a message you sent: To: Subject: Wildflower, &#288;&#279;&#355; ready for Romá&#328;&#263;&#279; in 15 míns - &#288;&#279;&#355; &#266;&#297;à&#314;&#297;&#349; softatábs at upto 80&#8453;
2006 Jan 13
Using torrent in tcrules
Hi all, I''m trying to set up traffic shaping and I''m having some difficulty. Here is what I want, and where I am. 1. HTTP and SMTP traffic needs to be priority 1. 2. All other traffic priority 2 3. Torrent traffic priority 3. My distro is Fedora Core 4, and the torrent protocol does not appear in /etc/protocols. The only protocol is TCP, which HTTP and SMTP is built on top
2020 Apr 30
Mapping a retained DILocalVariable back to its Function
Hi all, I'm dealing with LLVM's debug information metadata, and have run into an interesting edge case. Under normal circumstances, every `DILocalVariable` has a `User` in the form of the `llvm.dbg.*` intrinsic that produced it. Knowing this, I can go from `DILocalVariable` to `MetadataAsValue`, grab the users, and end up at the corresponding instruction + function. In some cases,
2016 Apr 11
Problems with scsi-target-utils when hosted on dom0 centos 7 xen box
Hello We were attempting to use scsi-target-utils, hosted on a xen dom0 vm using localhost, and running into some problems. I was not able to reproduce this on a centos 7.2 server using the default kernel. (From dmesg) Apr 4 11:18:42 funk kernel: [ 596.511204] connection2:0: detected conn error (1022) Apr 4 11:18:42 funk kernel: connection2:0: ping timeout of 5 secs expired, recv
2016 Apr 12
Problems with scsi-target-utils when hosted on dom0 centos 7 xen box
By natively, I take it using kernel /vmlinuz (vs kernel /xen) Not yet, but working on setting up such an environment. (At this time, I was using virt-install to reproduce the problem, and the original server we are testing on did not support kvm but the 2nd server does). On 2016-04-12 03:26 AM, George Dunlap wrote: > On Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 9:14 PM, Nathan Coulson <nathan at
2009 Oct 13
unexpected behavior in list of lexical closures (PR#14004)
Full_Name: Elliott Forney Version: 2.9.2 OS: Linux, Fedora 10 Submission from: (NULL) ( The following code creates a list of functions that are lexically closed over a single argument. If a print statement is included then each function in the list evaluates to a different value. If the print statement is not included then each function evaluates to something different, as
2004 Nov 29
[LLVMdev] QMTest vs. Dejagnu
On Sunday 28 November 2004 00:24, Tanya Lattner wrote: Just some comments from a QMTest user... Note however, that even with them, dejagnu looks better. > Cons of QMTest: > 1) You have to use the gui to add directories. I think you're wrong. Manually creating a directory would work, as QMTest does not place anything special in directories. > 2) You have to use the gui to XFAIL
2002 Jun 26
Win2K Profiles and a Samba PDC.
We're a Solaris/Linux shop, trying to migrate the last vestiges of our NT domain over to Samba. We've got a few users using Windows 20000 workstations, and for some odd reason can't get them to join the domain with local profiles. The Winboxen always try to create roaming profiles on the PDC (which we don't want), and there's no way to force a local profile, other than
2004 Aug 13
DOS fdisk
Hi, I am using isolinux with memdisk to create a multi-bootable resource cd where I work. I have the Windows 98SE bootdisk created as an image and everything boots fine from the CD. However when I attempt to use fdisk, it asks about enabling large disk support and when I answer yes it dumps me back out to the prompt. Running fdisk /mbr reports 'no fixed disks present.' I made a
2009 Aug 23
customizing RGui/Rconsole
Is it possible to change the behavior of RGui/RConsole under MS Windows so that, if you submit a bunch of commands from a script window, when they've finished, focus is given to the Console, and not (as now) to the script? ------------------------ Philip A. Viton City Planning, Ohio State University 275 West Woodruff Avenue, Columbus OH 43210 viton.1 at