similar to: SAMBA stopped working after a system crash

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "SAMBA stopped working after a system crash"

2005 Apr 30
SPT vs. DPT Sanity Check (Samba rules)
Before wasting a lot of time going at this in the wrong list, I would like to confirm whether my thinking is on or off base with respect to source and destination ports. Samba is being blocked by fw2loc even though I have accept rules set up. I believe I can explain why, but I could be wrong. I think that for some reason, samba is sourcing stuff on the commonly used port 137, but trying to send
2003 Sep 18
Use Samba on an other port than 137-139?
Hello, I would like to ask you if its possible to run Samba on an other port than 137-139? I tried once to edit the "/etc/services" File. The lines: ... netbios-ns 137/tcp netbios-ns 137/udp netbios-dgm 138/tcp netbios-dgm 138/udp netbios-ssn 139/tcp netbios-ssn 139/udp ... I changed it to: ... netbios-ns 6998/tcp netbios-ns 6998/udp netbios-dgm 6999/tcp netbios-dgm 6999/udp
2004 Jun 15
listenning on interfaces
Hello, I am new to samba and i would to well secure it. In smb.conf, I entered the following lines : hosts allow = hosts deny = bind interfaces only = yes interfaces = eth0 lo I thought that it would only listens on the local machine and my internal Lan (which is on eth0 but nmbd seems to always listen on UDP/137 and UDP/138 (netbios-ns and
2015 Aug 06
Hi team, one small query, Is netbios-ns,netbios-dgm and netbios-ssn ports 137,138,139 need to be open to communicate with windows from linux. what was the use of these services??
2001 Nov 20
Problem: requested 10000 open files, 1014 are available ??
Hi, I am new to this list, and am really stumped on this issue with my samba servers. I woould really appreciate some help. Question: I am having the same type of issue. I was copping a huge set of files over to my samba server, and now, neither server works. Servers: 1) RH 7.1 running Samba, SSH, HTTPD 2) RH 7.1 running Samba, SSH, HTTPD The file trasfer crashed due to lack of space on both
1998 Apr 03
smbd not loading
When I try and load smbd I get this error in the log :- bind failed on port 139 socket_addr= (Address already in use) Closing connections 04/02/1998 14:02:01 Server exit (caught signal) I am using Slackware 3 with Linux kernel 2.0.33, and Samba-1.9.18p4. there is no problem with Netbios naming as I can see th Linux machine in Network Neighbourhood and my samba client seems to be
2002 Oct 14
samba server does not appear in network neighborhood
Hi all, I've recently setup samba 2.2.5 on a solaris 8 workstation and configured it to be a member of an NT domain. Everything is working correctly, with the exception that the samba server does not appear in the network neighborhood of the rest of the PC's in the domain. However, if you choose to "search for computers" and enter the netbios name of the server it is
2002 Nov 12
Slow network to samba machine
Sirs, Thank you for any time that you take to read about my problem. I have a Linux (redhat) 8.0 mail server set up with; qmail dhcp / dns transparent proxy to internet - adsl HTML & our web pages (nothing special) SAMBA This problem has been with me since RedHat 7.3 and thir packaged samba. If I transfer a file from the mail (linux box) box to a win98se box it takes a
2004 May 31
Directory listing delay with WinXP and IPtables
Sorry if this has been covered before. I setup a new Samba server using RedHat EL 3, and samba 3.0.2-6.3E (the version that comes with Redhat). We were seeing an intermittant 20 seconcd delay when grabbing a directory listing, but only from XP, win 2k was fine. I couldn't completely nail down when the delay occured but it seemed to be when the directory or share hadn't been accessed
2009 Jun 07
Does this tell me anything? Traffic report
I'm trying to get Samba up and running and having a terrible time. It says that I should be able to run nmap and see that 137 and 139 are open - which they are not. I have not added any restrictions in smb.conf, do not have a firewall running and I have increased the log level to 5 to see all of the messages. It says that it is talking on 137 but it kind of looks like it's not talking
1999 Oct 05
Error with 2.0.5a
Hi ! Starting the smbd, I get the following output in samba.log and i cannot connect to samba (from Win95): [1999/10/05 09:47:27, 2] interface.c:(213) Added interface ip= bcast= nmask= [1999/10/05 09:47:27, 1] files.c:(216) file_init: Information only: requested 10000 open files, 1014 are available. [1999/10/05 09:47:27, 2] server.c:(716) Changed
2000 Sep 05
NMBD Not Starting
I moved an entire RH 6.2 server from one CPU to a new one using a tape backup/restore. Everything from the old server is working on the new server, but when SysV starts up smb, the nmbd daemon (2.0.6) exits with an error: create_subnets: No local interfaces! eth0 has already started according to the logs and console. Any ideas? Thanks. ______________________ Greg Kelley, IT Director SSA, EAA,
2001 Apr 14
Extreme samba newbie needs help
Hi, I am having some troubles setting samba up nicely on my Slackware 7.1 machine. It is currently just a web/ftp server mainly for my personal use at home. I downloaded the tarball samba-2.0.7 and did everything to install it "properly." I edited services to include: netbios-ns 137/tcp # NETBIOS Name Service netbios-ns 137/udp netbios-dgm
2002 Oct 01
using samba over AT@T broadband
Hello. I'm a Graduate Student, and I'm trying to set up Samba on my Solaris 2.8 box so that my team members can network map their home accounts from my Solaris box onto their PC. Everything works great within my home. (i.e. I have a home network, and all my PC's can mount my UNIX home directory.) My problem: I can't network map my Home Directory outside my local subnet.
2005 Nov 02
Bind to eth1 only problem
Hello, I am trying to setup a samba server as a pdc bound to eth1 only (testing network). however I still seeing samba bind to eth0. I am running a debian unstable box... any ideas? do you need anything more to go on? (see attachments) I am starting smbd and nmbd up using a startup script out of /etc/init.d with the options: --exec /usr/sbin/nmbd -- -s /etc/samba/smb.ts.conf -D; --exec
2003 Sep 22
smbclient timeout .... PCs can't browse LInux share
Let's see I've got a network about 10 PCs running XP and 1 running Linux. I had setup Samba and it was running like a charm. XP pcs could access linux box through network neighborhood and access 2 shared dir and edit/change files. Really not sure what has gone wrong. I am using Samba 2.2.8a I run both smbd and nmbd as daemons. When I run ps -aux they show up. root 1553 0.0
2003 Mar 04
port usage
Our Client software used samba protocol,If there is no firewall case , this protocol work properly from remote site.All of firwall configuration open ( this mean is all of port open ). Samba work very well, but if some constrain put in, it doesn't work. 1)I would like to know about port usage of samba protocol. I think snmpd, nmpd daemon used some port number. i can see /etc/service file.
2003 Nov 13
Samba PDC on RH9 w/ W2k SP4 Client.
Hi Folks, I have a RH9 machine running Samba 3.0.0 (Had the same situation when running 2.2.8) and I am not being able to make my W2K SP4 clients or XP join the PDC. I keep receiving the following message: "The following error occurred validating the name "ADIDOMAIN" The condition may be caused by a DNS lookup problem. For information about troubleshooting
2003 Oct 21
*samba3 ports
Dear netters, My linux box is installed with samba 3.0.0 and joined with NT domain (w2k based). Samba are working fine, until I filter the incoming traffic using iptables (v1.2.7a) on default RedHat 9 kernel 2.4.20-8, using these rules: [root@Bhp-0m03-0472 root]# cat /etc/sysconfig/iptables # Generated by iptables-save v1.2.7a on Sun Oct 12 19:36:36 2003 *filter :INPUT DROP [0:0] :FORWARD ACCEPT
2003 Feb 11
Samba running, but nobody can see shares
Samba not responding to broadcast calls from networked PCs. Short: My Redhat Linux 8.0 box is not replying to udp broadcasts, and I can't figure out why. Network: The offending Redhat 8.0 Linux Box (//DS) attempting to run Samba 2.2.7 Firewall Redhat 7.3 (//IW) successfully running Samba 2.2.4 Win98 (//MS) Win2k (//SL) <Not running at the time of these tests> Very long: I've