similar to: Users able to connect without password?! (2.0.7)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Users able to connect without password?! (2.0.7)"

2010 Jul 22
Changing some values within a variable
Hi I'm new to R and would like some help with a couple of problems. I suspect the solutions are quite simple. I have a data.frame (data) with 40 variables and 5238 observations created from ~150 text files using read.table. I would like to change some of the entries within two different columns. Firstly, in the Group column I have groups A and B, I would like to select all As and change
2008 Sep 14
Nonlinear regression question&
I was unable to open this file Bill Venables' excellent "Exegeses on Linear Models" posted at I'd be very interested in reading it? Thanks Esther Meenken Biometrician Crop & Food Research Private Bag 4704 Christchurch TEL: (03) 325 9639 FAX: (03) 325 2074 EMAIL:MeenkenE at Visit our website at
2009 Oct 26
R CMD check: Error in .C
Function/file names are hypothetical. Say I have written myfunction.R, which calls myfunction.c via .C("myfunction", ...). I've compiled successfully myfunction.c via R CMD SHLIB myfunction.c in the terminal. Then, in the R console: dyn.load("") source("myfunction.R") test <- myfunction() # works fine So everything is in order, myfunction works
2005 Oct 31
Still a bug with NA in sd() or var()?
Dear R-users, Running R 2.1.1 in WindowsXP, there seems to be a 'bug' in sd() If >x<-c(1,2,3,NA,5) >mean(x) [1] NA But >sd(x) Or >var(x) give Error in var(x, na.rm = na.rm) : missing observations in cov/cor There are obvious work-rounds, like >sd(x, which gives the result (with error message) [1] 1.707825 Warning message: the condition has length > 1
2005 Feb 24
survreg with gamma distribution: re-post
Dear r-help subscribers, A couple of weeks ago I sent the following message to the r-help mail list. It hasn't generated any response, and I could really use some help on this. Anyone able to help? Thanks again, Roger Dungan >> I am working on some survival analysis of some interval censored failure time data in R. I have done similar analysis before using PROC LIFEREG in SAS. In
2009 Jan 25
Multiple lattice plots on a page: aligning x-axes vertically
Dear R-help, I am creating a two lattice plots (a densityplot() and xyplot()) that have the same x-axes and then 'printing' them onto the same page, one above the other (see end of email for an example to generate the graph). With different labels on the y-axis for each plot the left spacing is different, and the x-axes don't align vertically. Although I can manually modify the
2006 Apr 02
Help with Webmin Module
Hello People I''m new here, so forgive-me for any "newbie talk". My client is running Debian Sarge (Stable), with Shorewall and Webmin. I want to make things easier for them and tried to use the webmin-shorewall module. The thing is - the installed shorewall is 3.0.5 (package from testing) but the webmin module only understands (and builds) the old shorewall 2.x file
2009 May 13
Comments on draft TipsAndTricks/InstallWebminRepo page
Apropos Suggested changes (mostly nit-picky :-) ... -------------------------------------------------------------------- Change: Webmin is a web-based interface ... to: [ WebMin] is a web-based interface ... -------------------------------------------------------------------- Change: When you install
2017 Mar 27
firewalld management on a headless server
Hi, > I recently converted my employer's firewall from pure iptabes to > firewalld and looked for something similar, more along the lines of > webmin, etc. funny, my webmin installation on a banana-pi has webmin 1.831, which has support for firewalld. I am not sure, but I believe I got it directly from best regards --- Michael Schumacher
2003 Feb 05
New Webmin 1.060 comes with Shorewall module
I just updated my webmin on my server and noticed that the module for Shorewall looked different. It looks like someone really cleaned it up and had it added to the Standard Webmin Module list. Woohoo. -- Joe *** I can only please one person a day. Today is not your day and tomorrow doesn''t look good either. ***
2003 Feb 05
New Webmin 1.060 comes with Shorewall module
I just updated my webmin on my server and noticed that the module for Shorewall looked different. It looks like someone really cleaned it up and had it added to the Standard Webmin Module list. Woohoo. -- Joe *** I can only please one person a day. Today is not your day and tomorrow doesn''t look good either. ***
2005 Mar 07
Webmin Module
I have registered a project with Sourceforge to produced a Webmin module for Shorewall. Anyone interested in participating please email me at enemyofthestate at I am still learning the interface but I think I need your Sourceforge Nym to add you as a developer. -- Stephen Carville Unix and Network Adminstrator
2007 Sep 20
hi there, i just insalled centos 4.5 minimal, but want to use yum to install webmin? anybody know how?? i try: yum install webmin but not found. thanks, T. Hiep
2012 May 02
editing bind (DNS) configuration under CentOS 6
Hello listmates, It appears that system-config-bind has been phased out. Whatever the reasoning was behind that decision - what are we expected to do now? Edit it manually? That is doable, of course, but kind of cumbersome. Does anybody know if there is a tool we are expected to use for that purpose? Thanks. Boris.
2010 Apr 01
System and Server Status help ?
dear all, i can't count the times that webmin came to my rescue. whenever i face a dead end in doing something through CLI i always turn to webmin.. though at the moment i wanna learn how to do things through cli instead of relying on webmin as i said.. especially "System and Server Status" theres a module that supports such a thing where i can set monitors that checks specific
2001 Mar 29
Samba 2.0.7 on BSD/OS 4.2
Alright, I give up. I'm going to go out in the parking lot and scream. Over the years I have built many, many versions of Samba on many versions of BSD[386,OS] and other unixen. I have never, ever had trouble like this (except, of course, with Irix). Never with a BSD. 4.2 ships with Samba 2.0.6 (why? -- 2.0.7 was released last April). I've been running 2.0.7 on a DEC Alpha running OSF
2005 May 29
webmin page
Hello, I am not able to open the webmin web interface on my server. Shorewall is blocking it. How to allow it on the server. Thanks Varun
2013 Apr 29
Hello I use augeas to replace a value in a config file: example (this example is good) : /etc/ssh/sshd_config file LogLevel INFO class ssh::redhat { augeas { "sshd_config": context => "/files/etc/ssh/sshd_config", changes => [ "set LogLevel VERBOSE", ], notify => Service["sshd"], } This configuration is good but how do when the
2002 Aug 04
WebMin vs SWAT
Since I have not been able to get swat to work when I was installing webmin I noticed that it will configure samba! Are there any pros or cons to either one? Thanks Steffan --------------------------------------------------------------- T E L 6 0 2 . 5 7 9 . 4 2 3 0 | F A X 6 0 2 . 9 7 1 . 1 6 9 4 Steffan A. Cline Phoenix, Az
2008 Aug 26
lattice plotting character woes
The following reproducable code shows the setting of my problem: set.seed(260808) n = 50 x = rnorm(n) y = rnorm(n) z = ceiling(runif(n,0,4)) g = runif(n,0,6) G = factor(ceiling(g)) xyplot(y ~ x | G) plsy <- trellis.par.get("plot.symbol") plsy$pch = z trellis.par.set("plot.symbol",plsy) xyplot(y ~ x | G) plsy$pch = as.character(z)