similar to: 2.2a3 and SWAT - connection refused by server

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "2.2a3 and SWAT - connection refused by server"

2005 Nov 07
SWAT not accessible from remote sites
Hello, I am not able to access SWAT from any other host besides the one running the SWAT daemon. No firewall blocking access on either side. # netstat -lnt | grep 901 tcp 0 0* LISTEN works fine connecting from localhost using: lynx localhost:901 Unavailable using public IP on a remote host.. i.e. going into Firefox and
2005 Jul 06
Question regarding SWAT
Hi everyone, In the last few days I've spended hours and hours on the web surching for a solution to my problems. Eventhough it looked like there where several other people having the same problem I couldn't find a way to solve it. Therefore I'm hoping that one of you could help me with the following problem. I've installed Samba 3.0.14a on RedHat 9.0. Samba is working perfectly.
2002 Aug 13
Can't Connect to Swat
I'm trying to connect to swat but can't. Just installed Samba 2.2.2-5 and edited /etc/services, even though I'm running Redhat 7.3 and use xinetd. /etc/xinetd/swat exists.... but I still cannot connect to http://localhost:901. Why??? Thanks for assist.
2004 Jul 15
SWAT works with Webmin but not via localhost:901
I have tried everything that I know of. I have reviewed the services file and the swat file in xinetd.d a tun of times. It appears, via netstat that swat is listening on port 901. However when I attempt to access it via the Mozilla browser on my Fedora server (with or localhost:901) nothing happens. It just sits there. However, if I access it via webmin (which has swat stored
2001 Mar 05
SWAT: please help
Hello all: Here's the problem [on a RH7 running kernel 2.2.17-14 with Samba 2.0.7-21ssl and xinetd-]: http://localhost:901 does bring up the SWAT login dialog box.. but upon entering root as the user, followed by my root passwd in the next entry... it tells me "Authentication failed. Retry?" I can tell you that I did enter the correct root passwd, because I am root
2006 Mar 02
SWAT + FC4 = Not working
Hitting a big mystery here. I've configured samba properly but I would like to run swat. The /etc/xinetd.d/swat file contains: service swat { disable = no port = 901 socket_type = stream wait = no only_from = user = root server = /usr/sbin/swat log_on_failure +=
2000 Jul 07
SWAT question
Hello, I am a new user of SAMBA. I have a problem in installing SAMBA on our new ALPHA server is that I would like to access the SWAT after install the SAMBA. I try to login SWAT from IE5 with the user "root" but just only return with the message "401Authorization Required". Is there any mistake during the installation or anything wrong for the configuration ? Please
2002 Jul 16
OK, Samba's OK, now I need swat help.
Ok, I should be able to start swat with xinetd, but I can't seem to get anything to start. 1. How do I tell if swat is running (other than trying to browse to aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd:901) 2. Can someone give me an idea of what and where I need commands for xinetd. Server is RH7.2, Samba 2.2.3a, following file "swat" is in /etc/xinetd.d/ ## /etc/xinetd.d/swat service swat { port
2002 Nov 04
swat tool
Im trying to enable the swat utility so that I can manipulate the smb.conf file. I have done this on my PowerMac G4 computer, and now Im trying to set it up on my iBook - but it gives me the following error, xinetd[pid]: bind failed (address already in use (errno = 48). service = swat xinetd[pid]: {init_services} no services. Exiting... I have no idea what is going on, Im doing
2005 Jan 03
Swat not working
I recently decided to set up a Linux machine with the intent to run samba on it. I am running Mandrake 10 and I have installed the latest version of samba from the website. But I can't seem to get samba and swat to work. Because when I go to http://localhost:901 <http://localhost:901/> I receive an error, informing me that it cannot be reached. This is what I have done so
2003 Jun 15
Unable to run SWAT
I'm trying to learn Samba on a Linux 7.0 box. I've just installed Samba 2.0.7. I've been able to run all the tests in DIAGNOSIS.TXT, manually edit the smb.conf file, and I can even see some folders on the Samba server from a Windows 98 machine on my LAN. But I am unable to run SWAT on the Samba Server (or from any other computer on my LAN). Every time I enter http://localhost:901/
2004 Jun 09
SWAT - Could not connect to port 901
I'm using Suse 9.1 professional. I've got Samba *almost* up and running. But, I'm a newbie and need Swat to configure a few things. I've gone to /etc/services and made sure that I have the entry "swat 901/tcp" I have checked /etc/xinetd.d/swat and added "port = 901" and changed it to "disable = no" I have gone through the steps in the
2003 Oct 09
Not able to invoke swat
Hi I have configured samba (version 2.2.7a) on Linux 9. Now I am facing a problem like I am able to invoke the swat in the local machine (http://localhost:901 <http://localhost:901/> ), But I am not able to invoke the swat from other machine. Let us consider Localhost name is moon (linux machine) Another machine is mars (Win 2k) I am able to invoke swat from
2002 Dec 03
Samba SWAT 2.2.7 Doesn't Work in Redhat8.0?
Hello All Samba-list Members, I have installed a Samba 2.2.7, the samba-latest.tar.gz, as a PDC on a Redhat8.0 GNU/Linux server. ( Of course, I first uninstalled the original samba that came with the Redhat installation CDs by rpm -e samba*.) The installation was successful. Then I modified /etc/services and /etc/xinetd.d/swat as suggested in the installation document uncompressed from
2004 Mar 29
SWAT - special weapons and tactics :)
Hi all, OS: suse 9 samba ver: 3.0.2 linux:/etc/xinetd.d # cat swat service swat { port = 901 socket_type = stream wait = no only_from = localhost user = root server = /usr/sbin/swat log_on_failure += USERID # disable = yes linux:/etc # cat inetd.conf swat stream tcp nowait.400 root /usr/sbin/swat swat linux:/etc # cat services | grep 901 swat
2002 Dec 05
swat not working this time
Hi again, I've just reinstalled RH 7.2 and Samba 2.2.7 for the unpteenth time.... this time swat is not working !!! I have checked the etc/services file and swat 901/tcp is in there and I have a text file named swat in etc/xinetd.d directory containing the following... service swat { port = 901 socket_type = stream wait = no user = root server = /usr/local/samba/bin/swat log_on_failure
1999 Feb 03
Swat problem
To: cc: From: Thomas Bail/External/CologneRe/GRN @ GRN Date: 02/03/99 08:32:52 AM Subject: Swat problem Hi everyone out there in the world, I found a small problem with SWAT. I can easily switch off Samba with SWAT, but I am not able to start Samba with SWAT using the status panel. Is that correct or am I doing something wrong. I'm using Samba 2.0.0 and the
2002 Mar 12
swat on red hat 7.2
Hi, I'm having a minor issue with swat on red hat 7.2. It won't let me make any changes to the samba server (adding shares, printers, and global definitions). The buttons to access these simply don't exist. I can view status, but I can't make any changes (not even restart the daemons). This works fine on my Debian system. The only real difference that I can think of is inetd
2004 Apr 26
Can't get SWAT to work...
I have a Red Hat 9 file server and I have been unable to use swat to configure the smb.conf file. I have samba-swat installed and the following in /etc/xintetd: ================================================================= # default: off # description: SWAT is the Samba Web Admin Tool. Use swat \ # to configure your Samba server. To use SWAT, \ # connect to port
2002 Dec 08
unable to connect to SWAT
samba ver (all- common,client,swat ..) = 2.2.7 rel 2 ======== /etc/xinetd.d/swat ======== disable is commented only from localhost ============================= smb is started (#service smb start) ============================== # netstat -l | grep 901 tcp 0 0 *:901 *:* LISTEN ======= This is the result of lynx localhost:901 ================