similar to: users access rights

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "users access rights"

2006 Mar 04
USB key problems on enterprise systems
Just came up with some interesting (read: frustrating) problems on RHEL3 and RHEL4 today at work, and I've confirmed one of the problems on my up-to-date CentOS4 system at home. I was forced into releasing some RHEL3 systems to replace our aging RH9 systems without time for adequate testing, and that leads to problems like these. On our legacy RH9 systems, mounting a USB key is no problem,
2009 May 15
data summary and some automated t.tests.
I would like to preform a t.test to each of the measured variables (sand.silt etc.) with a mean and sd for each of the treatments (up or down), and out put this as a table.... I am having a hard time starting- maybe it is to close to lunch. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Stephen Sefick x <- (structure(list(sample. = structure(c(1L, 7L, 8L, 9L, 10L, 11L, 12L, 13L, 14L, 2L, 3L,
2007 Mar 27
Replacement in an expression - can't use parse()
Dear all, Suppose I have a very long expression e. Lets assume, for simplicity, that it is e = expression(u1+u2+u3) Now I wish to replace u2 with x and u3 with 1. I.e. the 'new' expression, after replacement, should be: > e expression(u1+x+1) My question is how to do the replacement? I have tried using: > e = parse(text=gsub("u2","x",e)) > e =
2011 Jan 27
help for a loop procedure
Hello everybody! I’m trying to define the optimal number of surveys to detect the highest number of species within a monitoring season/session. To do this I want to run all the possible combinations between a set of samples and to calculate the total number of species for each combination of 2, 3, 4 …n samples events, so that at the end I will be able to define which is the lowest number of
2010 Oct 06
loop in R
Dear all, I need to do a loop in R, but I am not sure the software is generating "n" times the variables I request differently. When I ask to print the last matrix created, I just can see the loop for n=1. To be more precise, supose I need to simulate 10 times one variable and I want to fit the 10 variables simulated in a matrix. I dont really know what I am doing wrong, but I just
2006 Nov 21
Symbolic derivation using D in package stats - how do I properly convert the returned call into a character string?
Dear all, I am using the function 'D' in the 'stats' package to perform symbolic derivation. This works very well and it is much faster than e.g. Mathematica (at least for my purposes). First, I would like to thank the development team for this excellent function. However, I run into trouble in some cases, particularly when I am to do some operations on long expressions
2003 Apr 25
Kinderman-Ramage (PR#2846)
Hi, Our department has detected a bug in the implementation of the Kinderman-Ramage generator for normal random variates in version 1.7.0, which can be seen from the below R session. (Consecutive calls for chisq.test(...) always gives p-values very close to 0.) We have already encountered this bug in version 1.6.2 The error is in file R-1.7.0/src/nmath/snorm.c Here is a patch for this file to
2010 Jan 19
subfolder level restriction
hello I have three users u1 ,u2 and u3 I have a share named "mrt" and it has two subfolder "mrt1" and "mrt2". what i have to do is that when u1 logs in mrt it should view all the contents inside mrt (including contents of its subfolderand all) and when u2 logs into mrt it should view mrt1 and restrict mrt2 and in same way when u3 logs into mrt ,it could access mrt2
2005 Jun 09
can nlme do the complex multilevel model?
data from multilevel units,first sample the class ,and then the student in calss.following is the 2-level model. and the level-1 model deals with the student,and the level-2 model deals with the class level the students belong to. Level-1 Model Y = B0 + B1*(ZLEAD) + B2*(ZBUL) + B3*(ZSHY) + R Level-2 Model B0 = G00 + U0 B1 = G10 + G11*(ZWARMT) + U1 B2 = G20 + G21*(ZWARMT) + G22*(ZABLET) +
2012 Feb 10
Help needed please
I have coded a time series from simulated data: simtimeseries <- arima.sim(n=1024,list(order=c(4,0,0),ar=c(2.7607, -3.8106, 2.6535, -0.9258),sd=sqrt(1))) #show roots are outside unit circle plot.ts(simtimeseries, xlab="", ylab="", main="Time Series of Simulated Data") # Yule ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- q1 <-
2006 Oct 12
DTrace Feature set
Hi All, Can someone help me in getting info about specific dtrace features introduced in individual S10 updates like U1,U2,U3 etc... This message posted from
2011 Oct 09
help with statistics in R - how to measure the effect of users in groups
Hi, I'm a newbie to R. My knowledge of statistics is mostly self-taught. My problem is how to measure the effect of users in groups. I can calculate a particular attribute for a user in a group. But my hypothesis is that the user's attribute is not independent of each other and that the user's attribute depends on the group ie that user's behaviour change based on the group. Let
2011 May 08
help with mysql and R: partitioning by quintile
Hi, I have a mysql table with fields userid,track,frequency e.g u1,1,10 u1,2,100 u1,3,110 u1,4,200 u1,5,120 u1,6,130 . u2,1,23 . . where "frequency" is the number of times a music track is played by a "userid" I need to turn my 'frequency' table into a rating table (it's for a recommender system). So, for each user, I need to categorise the frequency of tracks
2009 Feb 18
Zpool scrub in cron hangs u3/u4 server, stumps tech support.
I''ve got a server that freezes when I run a zpool scrub from cron. Zpool scrub runs fine from the command line, no errors. The freeze happens within 30 seconds of the zpool scrub happening. The one core dump I succeeded in taking showed an arccache eating up all the ram. The server''s running Solaris 10 u3, kernel patch 127727-11 but it''s been patched and seems to have
2010 Mar 02
ZFS Large scale deployment model
We have a virtualized environment of T-Series where each host has either zones or LDoms. All of the virtual systems will have their own dedicated storage on ZFS (and some may also get raw LUNs). All the SAN storage is delivered in fixed sized 33GB LUNs. The question I have to the community is whether it would be better to have a pool per virtual system, or create a large pool and carve out ZFS
2003 Nov 24
Questions on Random Forest
Hi, everyone, I am a newbie on R. Now I want to do image pixel classification by random forest. But I has not a clear understanding on random forest. Here is some question: As for an image, for example its size is 512x512 and has only one variable -- gray level. The histogram of the image looks like mixture Gaussian Model, say Gauss distribution (u1,sigma1), (u2,sigma2),(u3,sigma3). And a
2011 May 27
finding derivative of a data series in R
Dear All, I tried following for getting derivative of a polynomial in R i<- -10:10 x<-i*i*i+3*i*i+2 fun_spline<-splinefun(i,x) plot(x,type="l") lines(x,fx_spline(x, deriv=1), col='green') lines(x,fx_spline(x, deriv=2), col='green') Now when I plot 3*i*i + 6*i and 6*i + 6 the plot was not same for first deivative. where as the 2nd derivative was same Is this a
2008 Nov 08
Paravirtualized Solaris Update 6 (10/08)?
Gurus; I''ve been running Solaris 10 on a HVM domain on my machine (running SXCE snv_93 x86) for some time now. Now that Solaris 10 Update 6 (10/08) has been released, I tried creating a Paravirtualized Guest domain but got the same error message I got previously... # virt-install -n sol10 -p -r 1560 --nographics -f /dev/zvol/dsk/rpool/sol10 -l /stage/sol-10-u6-> Starting
2004 Sep 09
Bug in rsync? (--delete[-after])
Hello! I think I've found a bug in some (older) versions of rsync. The problem does not seem to have been reported at bugzilla. And of the 9 bugs found there by searching on "--delete-after" all have got the name attached. I ask you therefore to check if this problem is found in the newest version of rsync as well! I've read the warnings at
2012 May 06
unlist crashes 32-bit R on WinXP when use.names=TRUE
Hi all, I experienced a crash in R-2.15.0 on 32-bit Windows XP (sessionInfo below) when running the piece of code below. I cannot replicate the error on 64-bit Linux, 64-bit Windows, or 32-bit R running under 64-bit Windows. I do not have, and could not find, a 32-bit version of Linux to test this. > NOW <- Sys.time() > FUTURE <- NOW+1:1e7 > crash <- as.character(FUTURE)