similar to: IPC$ - password

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "IPC$ - password"

1999 Aug 21
SAMBA digest 2205
On Fri, 20 Aug 1999 01:35:15 +1000, Patrick Joeckel wrote: >I recently set up the Samba Server Version 2.0.5a on a SuSE-Linux 6.0 PC >(Kernel 2.0.36). > >Whenever I try to reach the shares on this machine from Windows 95 or >Windows NT machines (with different user-names) in our Network, >by double-clicking on the servername in the 'networkneighbourhood', >I am
2012 Jun 28
Aggregate weights for a unique set of rows
Hi, all together. I have - a maybe trivial - problem with aggregating a list of weights. Here is the problem: - At first I have set of nodes (X/Y-coordinates) and associated weights, where the set of nodes is typically not unique - I want to get a set of unique nodes and the sum of associated weights I am grateful for any help See for example: # weights: w <- c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1) #
2001 Nov 21
Samba - windows - win2k
Hi, I am still looking for the answer to my problem, i.e. windows not seeing the smb serbver in the networkneighbourhood. Here is my setup: Linux RH 7.1 Server / SMB 2.2.1a-4 (upgraded yesterday), IP Address Firewall / Smoothwall: IP 1: (DMZ side) IP 2: (Internal Network) I opened UDP 137/138 and TCP 139 from DMZ to Internal (Internal to DMZ allows all)
2005 Nov 09
Syslog x Samba VFS audit
Hello all, Recently I,ve activated the Samba vfs audit module on my CentOS server. Then, I configured syslog to save the events, how open files, create directories.. in /var/log/samba/audit.log, but the same information are being stored in /var/log/messages too.. How I can configure Syslog to store this informations only in messages log file? Bellow, a part of my syslog.conf
2005 Feb 23
CentOS 4 RC1 Problem starting httpd
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="Content-Type"> <title></title> </head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000"> When is start httpd service i've got the following error:<br> <br>
1997 Dec 03
1.9.17 printing across subnets
I cannot print across my subnets using microsoft win9networking. I have two subnets 192.168.0 & 192.168.1 of which the linux running samba server is the router using two ethernet cards . Workstations on both subnets share their printers from win95. Win95 machines from both sides of the subnet can telnet to both ethernet cards on the server and can also ping all machines across the two
2002 Jun 04
subnet browsing crappy solution!
Trying all the stupid methods to solve the issue of Win2k hosts from different subnets that can't be seen in the NetworkNeighbourhood when server is Samba on Linux (including reading the F***ing manuals and not finding anything useful or browsing through the source of samba until my eyes fall in my mouth) I have decided that they were, well... ,stupid and chose to try crappy solutions! One of
2002 Jul 20
opensc smartcard support does not work
Hi, sorry, I'm not on the list, so please answer directly. I use opensc-0.7.0 and pcsc-lite-1.1.1 under FreeBSD 4.6 with Gemplus 410 and 430 smartcard readers and Schlumberger cryptoflex smartcards. I used openssh-3.2.2p1 but the relevant file scard-opensc.c is unchanged in 3.4. RSA authentication to a remote host running opensshd did not work with the smartcard. Investigating the problem
2006 Feb 17
Problems with Windows USB shared printers
Hello all, I have a problem.. I need help.. I have some CUPS/Samba servers, that send print jobs to Windows shared printers.. If the windows printer use paralel port, linux send the job, and this work fine.. but if the printer is USB, this don't works! If the same printer have USB and parallel port, parallel works, but USB not.. What I can do to my linux boxes print in windows usb
2000 Oct 05
DCom / StatConnector / Windows-Cygnus-Gcc ?
Hello List ! I want to use R as statistical & Graphical Tool for biological simulation programs. So, I want to combine my programs (written under cygnus-gcc on NT4.0) with R under Windows. The data, produced by my program will be sent to R. There it should be statistically "transformed" and graphically displayed. The simulation program may wait until R has calculated
2011 Feb 21
Problem with documentation of user-defined operator (S4 method)
Dear list members, I have defined a binary operator %append% with methods for some S4 classes. In my documentation file, I want to list the methods explicitly by using e.g.: \S4method{\%append\%}{RecLinkData,RecLinkData}(x, y) In the HTML documentation this comes out right as ## S4 method for signature 'RecLinkResult,RecLinkResult' x %append% y , but R CMD check
2010 Nov 15
Package with multiple shared libraries
Dear R-devel members, I would like to compile a package with two seperate shared libraries. For example, in a package 'foo', a file '' built from a distinct set of source files should be installed in addition to the default '' (or .dll on windows). Does anyone know about a way to achieve this without having a custom Makefile, e.g. via 'Makevars'?
2007 Dec 07
Good idea, but no reply: what to do.
Hello, since some time I've created a construction which: - automatically detects all the smb hosts and their shares (with nbtscan and smbclient) - creates a directory in the homemap of the users logged in which represents the "windows networkneighbourhoud". - when entering a share, it is automatically mounted (with autofs and cifs and or smbfs) It works very good, and now
2001 Jan 31
error fo smbd and nmbd- Samba Server
I get this error on debian 2.2 [2000/12/14 18:45:17, 0] nmbd/nmbd_incomingrequests.c:process_name_refresh_request(180) process_name_refresh_request: unicast name registration request received for name GROUP2<00> from IP on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET. [2000/12/14 18:45:17, 0] nmbd/nmbd_incomingrequests.c:process_name_refresh_request(181) Error - should be sent to WINS
2002 Nov 10
"smbclient //printserver/printersharename -c queue" doesn't work
Hi, all, Problem: -------- * How to retrieve a list of queued jobs from a Windows XP (and NT or 2K) box? I've been searching for documentation about this on the web and in the Samba archives, but didn't find anything useful. Linux (SuSE 7.3) Samba 2.2.4 and 2.2.6, Windows XP and 2K available (currently unknown state of Service Packs) I found out about the
2003 Jul 28
W2k/w98 don't see printers on samba-3.0.0beta2/3 in "Add Printer" dialogue
Hello, I've tried both samba-3.0.0beta2 and beta3 but both give me the same problem. When on a windows dekstop and trying to add a printer with samba as the printserver , the printers exported by the samba server are not seen by the windows "add printer dialogue" e.g.: relevant part of smb.conf: ----------------------------------- load printers = yes printing = cups
2003 Jul 25
Serious problem with samba-3.0.0beta* and printing
Hello, I've tried both samba-3.0.0beta2 and beta3 but both give me the same problem. When on a windows dekstop and trying to add a printer with samba as the printserver , the printers exported by the samba server are not seen by the windows desktop. e.g.: relevant part of smb.conf: ----------------------------------- load printers = yes printing = cups printcap name =
2011 Jul 14
Gui editor / viewer for large data
Dear all, I am searching for a possibility to view large data sets (e.g. stored in ffdf objects) in a GUI window in a memory-efficient way. So far I looked at gtkDfEdit (package RGtk2Extras) and gdf (package gWidgets). Both operate (as far as I can see) on data frames stored in memory. gtkDfEdit accepts an ff data frame as input, but there is a long delay before it shows up, so I presume the
2011 Apr 20
Sweave stops when opening X11 device fails
Hi all, I've run into the following problem with Sweave: I frequently run Sweave from a xterm console within an X session owned by a different user, i.e. my colleague is logged in on this computer and I do "su" with my username and start R and Sweave afterwards. Now, when Sweave comes to a figure chunk, it sees that there is an X server running and tries to show whatever I plot
2010 Jan 18
Fix for bug in match()
Hello all, I posted the following bug last week: # These calls work correctly: match(c("A", "B", "C"), c("A","C"), incomparables=NA) # okay match(c("A", "B", "C"), "A") # okay match("A", c("A", "B"), incomparables=NA) # okay # This one causes R to hang: match(c("A",