similar to: Sometime cannot connect to samba server, Why

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Sometime cannot connect to samba server, Why"

1998 Oct 27
Sometime cannot connect to samba server, Why ?
I have posted this question 3-4 weeks ago, but still get no response. In my environment, I have one Linux box running Samba 1.8.18p5, and there are about 20 Win95 clients which is in the same network. The porblem I usually encountered is when I click on the samba server icon in the NN icon, sometime I can get thru without any problem. However, there are also many times that I got error message
2002 Mar 09
Network Path could not be found on HP with XP
We have one brand new HP EPC-43 which can see all the Windows boxes, but not the Samba shares on the Unix server. We have many other Windows machines of all vintages including 95, 98, 98se, NT, 2000, ME and XP which can see each other and the Samba server. The HP runs XP, but we have other XP boxes which have no difficulty with Samba. We have a simple network with no domain controller, just
1998 Dec 23
inconsistent browsing info for samba server
Hi there, I have two Samba servers running within an NT domain. One Samba (F-Samba) server runs samba- on top of FreeBSD-2.2.8 and the other (L-Samba) runs samba-1.9.18p2-C6 on a RedHat Linux variant. All of our NT machines run NT4,SP4. One is workstation and the rest run server. The PDC is an NT Server (NT1). F-Samba and L-Samba only show up in the browsers of about half of the
2003 Jan 02
apparent w2ksp3 problem
Believe me, I have tried everytbing I can think of to solve this problem. I will work my tail off to resolve this but I am fresh out of ideas. Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated. Here are the details... problem: server can see machines/shares on clients but clients cannot see machines/shares on server workgroup/domain: golgerth no router server: rpms: kernel
2002 Sep 27
Cannot Browse Windows Network:
Hi All: I have scoured the archives and done a Google search with no answers. I set up Samba on Redhat 7.2 Samba 2.2.1a-4 on a friends network. He is running 2 Windows 98 machines. They can't browse network neighbourhood. Sometimes rebooting the machines will fix it temporarily. Shutting down Samba allows the Windows Machines to browse the network. So, I am pretty sure it is the culprit.
2004 Nov 23
File Creation Error on an SMB Volume
> Hi folks, > My SMB server is a Helios Ethershare 3.1 on a Tru64 Alpha machine. > We are now integrating more and more gentoo-Linux Servers. These are the > SMB Clients. > > On Obelix (one of our gentoo-Servers) I can mount the SMB Volume from the > Ethershare Server. > obelix nc4smb # whoami > root > obelix # mount -t smbfs -o username=m.heckmann
2011 May 19
Flattening lists and environments (was: "how to flatten a list to the same level?")
Dear list, I came up with a two functions that flatten arbitrary deeply nested lists (as long as they're named; not tested for unnamed) and environments (see attachment; 'flatten_examples.txt' contains some examples). The paradigm is somewhat similar to that implemented in 'unlist()', yet extends it. I would have very much liked to build upon the superfast functionality
1999 Jan 07
Samba 1.9.18 DOS to UNIX and back with ASCII
I have found that Samba does not seem to handle the ^M EOL character very well. This seems to be a big problem with Windows Notepad and then in vi for UNIX. Other than the ux2dos and dos2ux commands does anyone know of another solution or if this has been fixed in a more current release of Samba? Thanks! Eric -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name:
2004 Aug 25
Heckman estimation
Hi, I wrote a function to perform a two-step Heckman (also known as "heckit") estimation. This function is mainly a wrapper function to "glm" (1st step probit estimation) and "lm" (2nd step OLS estimation). Though this function is not perfect yet, it is IMHO already very useful. Since there were some questions about Heckmann estimation in this list, I would like
1998 Dec 03
lmhosts questions (answered?)
First, thanks for all the replies to my plaintive cries for help; some of this gets a little frustrating when you're trying to do it from the seat of one's pants (as it were). Also, a big thanks to the samba team members (one of these days, I'll have to look into that pizza voucher thing...). I looked through all the docs, mail archives, etc, and the only references to the
2010 Jan 01
changing a list element's name during execution in lapply - possible?
Happy New Year, all! I want to do calculations on each element of a list l, but i want the returned list element to be named differently after the calculation. Is it possible to do the renaming somehow within the lapply call? l <- list(a=NA, b=NA) lapply(l, function(x) {names(x) <- "new name"; return(x) }) This does not work, any ideas? TIA
2011 Apr 25
blank space escape sequence in R?
Is there a blank space escape sequence in R, i.e. something like \sp etc. to produce a blank space? TIA Mark ??????????????????????????????????????? Mark Heckmann Blog: R-Blog:
2009 Dec 27
RGtk2 / gWidgets - addHandlerClicked Problem
In The following code, the table handler is executed twice when the button is pressed (from the 2nd pressing on). I want it to be executed only once. Does someone know, why this happens and how I can change it? library(gWidgets) w <- gwindow() b <- gbutton("press", cont=w) tbl <- gtable(1:10, cont=w) addhandlerclicked(b, handler=function(h, ...){
2012 Mar 08
"figure margins too large" in RGtk2 drawing area as cairo device - why?
When using a gtkDrawingArea as a Cairo device I very often encounter the error: "figure margins too large" Even for the below "getting started" example from this is the case. > win = gtkWindow() > da = gtkDrawingArea() > win$add(da) > asCairoDevice(da) [1] TRUE > plot(1:10) Fehler in : Grafikr?nder zu gro? > Also
2011 Oct 24
splitting a string into words preserving blanks (using regex)
I would like to split a string into words at its blanks but also to preserve all blanks. Example: c(" some words to split ") should become c(" ", "some", " ", " words", " ", "to" , " ", "split", " ") I was not able to achieve this via strsplit() . But I am not familiar with regular
2009 Jun 08
using regular expressions to retrieve a digit-digit-dot structure from a string
Hi, i need to recognize itemization structures in strings which follow the format: "digit-digit-dot" like e.g. 1. 2. 19. 211. Given the string " This happened in the 21. century." (the dot behind 21 is used in German instead of 21st) I want know where the dots are but I do not want the 21.-dot to be returned as well. I am not good at regular expressions. How
2012 Mar 05
changing the drawing context using Cairo and RGtk2
I am not too familiar with Cairo and RGtk2 and have the following problem: I have a container with two GTK drawing areas converted into Cairo devices. I know that I can set the current drawing context e.g. using dev.set(). But this is tedious. How can I set the context using the objects da1 or da2? w <- gtkWindow() w$setSizeRequest(400, 400) vbox <- gtkVBox() da1 <- gtkDrawingArea()
2011 Dec 22
RGtk2: How to overlay a gtkDrawingArea with a button or any other widget?
I try to overlay a plot inside a gtkDrawingArea with a button (or any other widget). I tried to put both into a gtkFixed container. But this does not work, no printing occurs. Does someone know a solution? What I tried: w <- gtkWindow() w$setSizeRequest(400,400) fx <- gtkFixed() da <- gtkDrawingArea() fx$put(da, 100, 100) asCairoDevice(da) par(mar=c(0,0,0,0)) plot(1:10) btn.1
2009 Dec 27
gWidgets / RGtk2 - how to change a handler from a toolbar?
I want to assign a default handler to a toolbar button and change the handler later. The addhandlerclicked() method does not apply to a gAction Object, I think... defHandler <- function(h, ...) print("default") w <- gwindow() aTest <- gaction(label="Test", icon="open", handler=defHandler) tblList = list( test = aTest ) toolBar = gtoolbar(tblList,
2010 Jan 08
how to flatten a list to the same level?
I have a nested list l like: l <- list(A=c(1,2,3), B=c("a", "b")) l <- list(l,l, list(l,l)) I want the list to be unlisted, but not on the lowest level of each "branch". I want the lowest level of each list branch to remain as it is. So unlist or unlist(rec=F) do not work here as the level of nesting may differ on the elements. The result should look like: