similar to: SAMBA digest 1700

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "SAMBA digest 1700"

1998 Apr 15
password sync in 1.9.18p4
I had given NIS access to the Windows NT domain users via Samba 1.9.18p3. The Samba gateway worked great when the users on the NT domain had the same username & password on both the NT PDC as well as the NIS. I have now set up Samba 1.9.18.p4 with server security & password sync turned on. The server specified is my NT PDC. Users get full access to the NIS & the NT with single logon
1998 Dec 08
Virus checker gets error "Network Name was deleted" ?
hi, Has anyone encountered problems running virus checkers on NT4+sp3 clients against Samba served drives ? We recently upgraded a samba server to 1.9.18p10 and now have an intermittent problem where during the scan of Samba drive the virus check flakes out with the error; "Network Name was deleted" I'm told that the server still appears to be browsable after this error, and the
1998 Dec 09
Creating new folder in a WIN95 explorer czech version.
I can't create new folder in a czech Win95 explorer on a unix using samba 1.9.18p7. The problem is that Windows exporer uses for the creation new folder a name containing characters above 128. The explorer creates new folder in a two phases: the first It creates directory named Nov<A0> slo<A7>zka and next it gives to user posibility to change this name. Crazy !!? The first phase
1998 Dec 18
Swat parameters
Here is a current listing of the parameters that can be changed by SWAT in each of the 3 pages. A "no" means it does not appear in that page. "BASIC" means it shows in the basic view. "ADVANCED" means it only shows in the advanced view (unless its value is non default, in which case it shows in the basic view as well). Do people think this is the right settings for
1997 Dec 07
I want to thank whoever mentioned KerbNet by Cygnus Solutions! Wowza! I recommend that people check it out. It lets you implement Kerberos under UNIX and NT, and have them work together (so you have one *unified* security system that is used by both your NT and UNIX boxes). It's at It also does authentication *without* sending passwords over
2003 May 14
Samba Log: change_trust_account_password
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 - -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi NG, i have samba-2.2.8a-1 on a RedHat 8.0 box. It's Domain Member of an NT4 Domain. I got no problems joining the Domain with "smbpasswd -j <DOMAIN> -r <PDC> -U <User> and i see it in the network neighborhood of any Win2k Client. But if i take a look into the logfile i
1998 Nov 19
Virus Scanner
Hello Listers, does anyone know about virus scanners working on Unix hosts but scanning for all those bad vermin from the M$ world. Best solution (for me) would be a tight coupling with samba, monitoring the I/O as some PC scanners do. Any suggestions? TIA, -- Detlef ////
2004 Jan 29
Print via print command while using 3.0
Hi there, I want to do the following: ------------------------------------------------------------ # smb.conf [global] ... printing = cups ... [pdfprinter] comment = PDF Drucker, druckt nach H:\print print command = /usr/bin/ "%s" "%U" "pdf" "pdfwrite" "" path = /tmp printable =
2003 Oct 08
Samba 3.0 on RedHat 8.0
Hello, i'm sorry if this is a question which was asked before. We use samba 2.2 on a RedHat 8.0 box width Winbind to auth our Windows users. Now we want to install the RPM package provided on the samba website (for i386 RH8.0). My first question is, how can i see, with which options the package was compiled. We need ADS Integration, ACL and CUPS support. Can i see, if all features we need are
2008 Mar 24
app_sms and smsq in germany
Hi, i've been trying to get fixed line sms working for some time now. Can anybody tell me, if he is actualy using this with asterisk in germany? I have followed the instructions found on voip-info. I was successful a couple of years ago with asterisk 1.0.7 and an normal telekom isdn line. Now i want fixed line sms over an Dokom PRI with Asterisk 1.2.9. Here in Germany the Materna
2001 Nov 08
Compile errors with FreeBSD 5.0
Hi, the current version of FreeBSD (5.0) has a common header which defines struct thread, so there will be an redefinition and nothing works. I think you shall rename your stuff from thread.h to something like wine_thread to get out of this trouble. Jan
2011 Jan 01
Plot symbols: How to plot (and save) a graphic symbols originating from a table
Dear all, Please, I have a doubt regarding symbol plotting with data originating from a table. Please, see below: I have a tab delimited file called table1.txt with 4 columns: ypos animal var1 var2 5 cat gina <= lady gina \u2264 lady 7 dog bill >= tony bill \u2265 tony 9 fish dude <= bro dude \u2264 bro #I then load in the data to R: table1<-read.table("table1.txt",
2010 Jun 17
R licensing query
I have recently started a new job at an NHS hospital in Scotland. Since I took up this post 6 months ago I have had an ongoing dispute with the IT secutiry dept. who refuse to install R on my computer. I previously worked in another branch of the NHS where R was widely used and yet there is nothing I can say which will persuade the IT dept here to even visit the website! With some help from our
2010 Jul 08
hi... problems about adjacency matrix
Dear all, Hi, I have the problems about converting the matrix to adjacency matrix.Here's my example, a b c d e fa 1.0000000 0.4048823682 0.1228531 0.49046991 0.4945158868 0.307443317b 0.4048824 1.0000000000 0.4367475 0.96949219 0.0007378596 0.560747765c 0.1228531 0.4367474719 1.0000000 0.40037341 0.3157538204
1997 Dec 05
No subject
> Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 07:03:49 -0800 > From: "Jorge Silva (Jorge Gomes da Silva)" <> > To: "''" <> > Subject: /etc/passwd - Domain Controller Synchronization > Message-ID: <A1A4DA3CD56ECF11973200805F685F1680F51B@LIS-01-MSG> > > Hello, > > I don't know
2009 Oct 22
Building an R package on MAC
Hi, I'm trying to build R packages. My package name is TEST. (/Users/apple/Documents/R/TEST)I type something in Terminal.But it showed an error... applede-macbook-pro:~ apple$ R CMD BUILD TESTError: cannot change to directory 'anRpackage1' I don't know where is wrong...Hope that you could help me!! Thank you!! Best Regards,Gina
2003 Jun 13
formula (joint, conditional independence, etc.) - mosaicplots
Hi, Can someone set me straight as to how to write formulas in R to indicate: complete independence [A][B][C] joint independence [AB][C] conditional independence [AC][BC] nway interaction [AB][AC][BC] ? For example, if I have 4 factors: hair colour, eye colour, age, sex does > mosaicplot( frequency ~ hair + eye + age + sex) mean that the model fitted is of complete independence of
2009 Apr 02
Deleting rows based on identity variable
I have created this data frame to help illustrate my problem. id<-c(rep(1,5),rep(2,5),rep(3,5),rep(4,5),rep(5,5)) x<-rep((seq(1:5)),5) y<-c(0, 0.1, 0.5, 0.4, 0.2, 0, 0.1, 0.5, 0.4, 0.12, 0, 0.1, 0.5, 0.55, 0.2, 0, 0.1, 0.5, 0.3, 0.2, 0, 0.1, 0.6, 0.4, 0.1) d1<-cbind(id,x,y) I would like to delete all rows where id=4, however, when I tried the command  d2=d1[-c(id==4),] and looked
2014 Mar 13
Manuales de knitr
Hola a todos, ¿conocéis algún manual de knitr, además de los que aparecen en la página oficial ( Es que en ciertas ocasiones, me gustaría conocer más sobre knitr y la página web se queda corta. También existe un libro sobre knitr (aparece en la página web), ¿alguien lo tiene y me podría decir si es recomendable su compra? Un saludo y muchas gracias. -- Víctor Nalda
2001 Apr 21
permisos de archivos ...
como puedo cambiar los permisos para un directorio de tal forma que en un cliente windows pueda leer, guardar pero no pueda borrar archivos??? _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Construye tu p?gina personal en Yahoo! GeoCities. ?Es f?cil, r?pido y gratis!