similar to: File/Folder Ownership - Cygwin/Rsync - Is it possible to get around rsync taking file ownership?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "File/Folder Ownership - Cygwin/Rsync - Is it possible to get around rsync taking file ownership?"

2007 Sep 04
(CYGWIN) Rsync Stalling Upon first file transfer.
Rsync will recieve the file list, and discover the files to consider, and then stalls out on the first actual file transfered. 0 bytes 0kB/s. On the recieving server, the DLGDiagv504f.exe file is named .dlgdiagv504.f.exe.7dd0oa and is only 512 kb. The rsync process still runs after this, like it's in an idle mode. It's not just this file, its been a number of different files.
2004 May 10
cwRync and Windows permissions
Hi all, I'm rsyncing a windows 2003 client to a windows 2003 server using the cwrsync installation package. The trouble is that the permission rights set by rsync on the destination server are very restrictive and don't allow another application to access the files. I'd like to change that. However, the GID and UID parameters in the rsyncd.conf file don't seem to manage that.
2006 Jan 30
cwrsync server 2.0.4 / winxp / ownership problems?
Hi all! We're using cwrsync server 2.0.4 on winxp to keep files up to date between some operator machines. Whenever I run rsync to send files to another machine, the read-only flag gets set. The cwrsync user was created (the install is completely standard)... so I'm thinking it might have something to do with that. Here's my rsyncd.conf: use chroot = false strict modes = false
2004 Oct 18
rsync bug recreating
If this is not the correct place to post this I apologize. I am having a problem with rsync not setting the correct permissions on the rsync'd files. I have rsync 2.6.3 running on a Windows 2003 server using cygwin. I rsync the fedora core 2 updates to my server for internal use. The problem is after the rsync, the file is no longer accessible to anyone and the other rsync'd
2007 Jul 06
quiet option doesnt seem to work
Guys im running Rsync 2.6.8 on Solaris. I use the following options :- RSYNC_BIN="/usr/local/bin/rsync" RSYNC_OPTS=" -PaRz --quiet --stats --delete --delete-excluded --copy-unsafe-links --numeric-ids" RSYNC="${RSYNC_BIN} ${RSYNC_OPTS}" Its part of a script see. Now everything works but in my log file im getting each file which is transferred listed and i didnt want
2007 Feb 28
No -v but still verbose
Guys below are my rsync options i am using :- rsync -PaRz --delete --delete-excluded --copy-unsafe-links --numeric-ids I have omitted the -v and --stats i was using previously. Now when i look in my log i still seem to get a list for each file transfered. I only want to have the problem files listed here such as permission denied etc. Any ideas? log output receiving file list ...
2005 May 12
Inheriting security permissions from target directory with Cygwin
I am trying to upload a directory structure with rsync via ssh from one domain to another. I would like the target files (which may or may not already exist on the target machine) to assume the security permissions of the target directory they are placed into, since the target machine lies in a different domain. Currently, when I upload these files they seem to assume some strange random
2001 Jul 11
[PATCH]: Cygwin: Allow sshd to switch user context without password
Hi, the following patch checks if OpenSSH is running under a Cygwin version >= 1.3.2 which allows switching user context without password. Otherwise sshd allows changing the user context only if password authentication is used as it was before. Corinna Index: openbsd-compat/bsd-cygwin_util.c =================================================================== RCS file:
2004 Nov 23
User NONE using rsync in Windows server
Hi, I'm using rsync with cygwin to synchronize two windows servers. I've got files in server side with full permisions to Administrator user, but when i synchronize it with another windows server, the file placed in client side has a new group called NONE with read , write and execute permisions. I'm using the following line to call rsync: rsync -zvvvr --perms --owner --group
2003 Dec 20
rsync not saving files on windows 2000
I am trying to setup a windows 2000 server with rsync and cygwin. I think I almost have it working except that when the file copy is finished my files are nowhere to be found on the windows server. I am not getting any error messages. I am connecting from a win98 machine on the same network. Any ideas on how I can get this working or get more info to debug. Thanks.
2008 Mar 10
The server is configured to refuse --iconv
I've just tried upgrading to cwrsync 2.1.0 (Rsync version 3.0.0 protocol version 30) between 2 Windows XP Pro sp2 machine across the Internet. I used: SET CYGWIN=nontsec SET HOME=c:\cwrsync\bin C:\cwrsync\bin\rsync -za -u -P --delete --recursive /cygdrive/c/test2/ When I run the above batch script on the remote machine I get this odd output.
2007 Dec 14
First off I love syslinux and it has worked flawless for us on the unix side of the realm. We're trying to use our ghost images within a dos netboot using syslinux. Unfortunatly we can only pass DHCP ip's to hosts that exhibit a vendor code 'like windows/pxe/and other os's do". Unfortunatly DOS does not, so we cannot request a second IP after the pxe process to map samba
2005 Jul 06
windows acl with rsync possible ?
Hi all, (i am new at rsync althought using it for a year and half) i was unable to find a direct answer to this questions : _does rsync under windowz really support ACL replication ?_ if I "rsync" a directory, files inherit from the acl of that dir. but if special acls are setted on some files these are lost in the replication : only inherited acls are written i tried this with rsync
2004 Mar 16
rights or read only
NetWare 6 sp4 server to windows 2000 server using cwrsync 1.2.1 when the cwrsync service writes the files to the server it uses it's own username and permissions. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can get this to write the files so common users and delete and change stuff? would the perverse permissions work with windows? Thanks, Matt Vorwald Network Engineer Lumber
2008 Aug 13
Windows client
I know you guys hate questions like this, but has anyone had experience with a particular Windows client they would endorse? I need to sync some Windows boxen. I'm just looking for someone to tell me they're using X and happy. -- Jason A Nunnelley President Tech Anything, Inc. 1 888 846 4109 Fax 1 256 962 0290 Voice OneBigBook[tm], OneBigBrand[tm], OneBigBiz[tm], and
2008 Nov 25
How could rsync be improved so that others won't have to struggle so much to find out about --modify-window=1?
I am running rsync 3.0.4 on Cygwin. Before, when I resumed interrupted rsyncs, every file would be re-copied all over again. I struggled to find an answer until now I found it: I needed to specify --modify-window=1, since one of the disks is FAT32. How could rsync be improved so that others won't have to struggle so much? Here are some options: 1. At the start of each run, rsync should
2005 Apr 08
Full replication
Running Rsync on a Windows box. Trying to do replication, and it doesn't seem to be working as expected. I'm using -r. I put test.txt in the source dir. It copied over just fine. Deleted test.txt from the source. And it still exists in the target. Any ideas? Also, using robocopy, you can tell it to wait for X number of changes and loop. Can this be done with rsync? Thanks!
2007 Mar 28
Destination Permissions on Windows XP
Hello all, This is my first post to the group, so please go easy on me. I've setup a cwRsync server on a Windows 2003 Server and an XP client. I have setup rsync to copy a directory from the server to the client, and the files transfer perfectly. The only problem is that the permissions on the destination are wrong. I want the permissions on the destination to end up being the
2004 Jun 25
Q: Rsync, Batch: How to avoid the "password" ask ?
Hi As I want to automate my Desktop backup process, I'm currently trying to finilize a CMD (Windows XP batch) file in order to save different data (outlook.pst, \desktop, \docs, \Favorites ....). My problem is that even with this parameter SET RSYNC_PASSWORD=xxxx It still ask me for a password, blocking of course all the process automation. I'm running either on my Linux backup box
2006 Apr 04
rsync not removing files that are out of date
I'm running on Red Hat Enterprise 3 machine with ~700Gb of Storage backing up to a similar machine using rsync backups running 6 times a day on various directories in /home/. The inital rsync copied roughly 150gb. Everything appears to be backing up correctly so no loss of data which is good :) The problem is that he backup server is not removing data that has been removed from the primary