similar to: mgcv 1.7-12 crashes R

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "mgcv 1.7-12 crashes R"

2013 Apr 23
GAM Penalised Splines - Intercept
Hey all, I'm using the gam() function inside the mgcv package to fit a penalised spline to some data. However, I don't quite understand what exactly the intercept it includes by default is / how to interpret it. Ideally I'd like to understand what the intercept is in terms of the B-Spline and/or truncated power series basis representation. Thanks!
2012 Jul 23
mgcv: Extract random effects from gam model
Hi everyone, I can't figure out how to extract by-factor random effect adjustments from a gam model (mgcv package). Example (from ?gam.vcomp): library(mgcv) set.seed(3) dat <- gamSim(1,n=400,dist="normal",scale=2) a <- factor(sample(1:10,400,replace=TRUE)) b <- factor(sample(1:7,400,replace=TRUE)) Xa <- model.matrix(~a-1) ## random main effects Xb <-
2012 Jun 21
check.k function in mgcv packages
Hi,everyone, I am studying the generalized additive model and employ the package 'mgcv' developed by professor Wood. However,I can not understand the example listed in function. For example, library(mgcv) set.seed(1) dat <- gamSim(1,n=400,scale=2) ## fit a GAM with quite low `k' b<-gam(y~s(x0,k=6)+s(x1,k=6)+s(x2,k=6)+s(x3,k=6),data=dat) plot(b,pages=1,residuals=TRUE)
2012 May 23
mgcv: How to calculate a confidence interval of a ratio
Dear R-Users, Dr. Wood replied to a similar topic before where confidence intervals were for a ratio of two treatments ( But my question is more complicated than that one. In my case, log(E(y)) = s(x) where y is a smooth function of x. What I want is the confidence interval of a ratio of log[(E(y2))/E(y1)] given two fixed x values of
2012 Feb 23
mgcv: Smoothing matrix
Dear All, I would like to extract the smoothing matrix of the fitted GAM, \hat{y} = Sy. I can't seem to find the function or am I missing something? Thanks, any help is greatly appreciated Man Zhang [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Feb 16
retrieving partial residuals of gam fit (mgcv)
Dear list, does anybody know whether there is a way to easily retrieve the so called "partial residuals" of a gam fit with package mgcv? The partial residuals are the residuals you would get if you would "leave out" a particular predictor and are the dots in the plots created by plot(gam.object,residuals=TRUE) residuals.gam() gives me whole model residuals and
2010 Mar 04
which coefficients for a gam(mgcv) model equation?
Dear users, I am trying to show the equation (including coefficients from the model estimates) for a gam model but do not understand how to. Slide 7 from one of the authors presentations (gam-theory.pdf URL: shows a general equation log{E(yi )} = ?+ ?xi + f (zi ) . What I would like to do is put my model coefficients and present the equation used. I am an
2008 Jul 01
Simulate from a GAM model
Does anybody have any suggestions on how I might simulate from fitted GAM model? I am using the gam function in the mgcv package to fit a variable coefficient model like the following from the examples. I would like simulate based on the fitted model like the simulate function in the stats package does for lm models. library(mgcv) set.seed(10) ## simulate date from y = f(x2)*x1 + error dat
2012 Aug 14
Random effects in gam (mgcv 1.7-19)
Hi, I am using the gam function in the mgcv package, I have random effects in my model (bs="re") this has worked fine, but after I updated the mgcv package to version 1.7-19 I recive an error message when I run the model. > fit1<-gam(IV~s(RUTE,bs="re")+s(T13)+s(H40)+factor(AAR)+s(V3)+s(G1)+s(H1)+s(V1)+factor(LEDD),data=data5,method="ML") > summary.gam(fit1)
2012 Feb 17
Standard errors from predict.gam versus predict.lm
I've got a small problem. I have some observational data (environmental samples: abiotic explanatory variable and biological response) to which I've fitted both a multiple linear regression model and also a gam (mgcv) using smooths for each term. The gam clearly fits far better than the lm model based on AIC (difference in AIC ~ 8), in addition the adjusted R squared for the gam is
2009 Sep 20
How to choose knots for GAM?
Hi, all I want to choose same knots in GAM for 10 different studies so that they has the same basis function. Even though I choose same knots and same dimensions of basis smoothing, the basis representations are still not same. My command is as follows: data.gam<-gam(y~s(age,bs='cr',k=10)+male,family=binomial,knots=list(age=seq(45,64,length=10))) What is my mistake for choice of
2012 Jun 02
mgcv (bam) very large standard error difference between versions 1.7-11 and 1.7-17, bug?
Dear useRs, I reran an analysis with bam (mgcv, version 1.7-17) originally conducted using an older version of bam (mgcv, version 1.7-11) and this resulted in the same estimates, but much lower standard errors (in some cases 20 times as low) and lower p-values. This obviously results in a larger set of significant predictors. Is this result expected given the improvements in the new version? Or
2012 Jul 30
mgcv 1.7-19, vis.gam(): "invalid 'z' limits'
Hi everyone, I ran a binomial GAM consisting of a tensor product of two continuous variables, a continuous parametric term and crossed random intercepts on a data set with 13,042 rows. When trying to plot the tensor product with vis.gam(), I get the following error message: Error in persp.default(m1, m2, z, col = col, zlim = c(min.z, max.z), xlab = view[1], : invalid 'z' limits In
2012 Nov 06
options()$width ignored by print.formula
Hi all, I'm working with summary.gam() and noticed that the options()$width argument is ignored by some components of that function, in particular the formula, which is printed at an arbitrary length regardless of the desired width. I've tracked the problem back to print.formula(), so at a lower level than summary.gam(). Is there a way around this that I'm missing? library(mgcv) #
2011 Nov 09
Problem with simple random slope in gam and bam (mgcv package)
Dear useRs, This is the first time I post to this list and I would appreciate any help available. I've used the excellent mgcv package for a while now to investigate geographical patterns of language variation, and it has has always worked without any problems for me. The problem below occurs using R 2.14.0 (both 32 and 64 bit versions in Windows and the 64 bit version in Unix) and mgcv (both
2010 Feb 04
mgcv problem
Dear friends, I have install the last version 2.10 and now I have probles with 'mgcv' which can be load. I proved to eliminated and reinstalled but always obtain the same message: > library (mgcv) This is mgcv 1.6-1. For overview type `help("mgcv-package")'. Error in runif(1) : .Random.seed is not an integer vector but of type 'list' Error : .onAttach non
2005 Mar 14
Problem updating mgcv package
Hi All: I tried to update the package mgcv from my current version 1.1-8 to mgcv version 1.2. Using the command update.packages("mgcv") to update mgcv failed in my computer and the returning message was: "Error in old.packages(lib.loc=lib.loc, contriburl=contriburl, method=method, :no installed.packages for (?invalid) lib.loc=mgcv" When I typed installed.packages(), I got
2006 Sep 19
mgcv in R-2.4.0.alpha
Hola! I am sending this to the list since emails from me to Simon Wood has bounced earlier. I get: > library(tsDyn) Loading required package: mgcv Erro en `parent.env<-`(`*tmp*`, value = NULL) : use of NULL environment is defunct Error: package 'mgcv' could not be loaded > library(mgcv) Erro en `parent.env<-`(`*tmp*`, value = NULL) : use of NULL environment
2012 Sep 11
plotting smoother function on raw data
Hi, I have used the mgcv library to generate a simple additive model. I want to know how to plot the function on the raw data with confidence intervals whan I have TWO variables in the model. I get it to work with one variable but not with two. I am on the limit for what I understand in R, so be gentle. I have read the help file on predict.gam, but did not get any help out of it. #My model:
2012 Aug 14
problem installing mgcv
Hi all, I am running into a problem installing a package. I am using a Mac with OSX 10.5.8 I have been using mgcv for gam models, it has been working fine. The mgcv listed in my directory of R packages (Package Manager) does not load up and I receive the following: Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) : unable to load shared object