similar to: Storing graphics

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Storing graphics"

2013 May 13
reduce three columns to one with the colnames
Ein eingebundener Text mit undefiniertem Zeichensatz wurde abgetrennt. Name: nicht verf?gbar URL: <>
2013 Jun 18
find closest value in a vector based on another vector values
Dear All, would you please provide your thoughts on the following: let us say I have: a <-c(1,5,8,15,32,69) b <-c(8.5,33) and I would like to extract from "a" the two values that are closest to the values in "b", where the length of this vectors may change but b will allways be shorter than "a". So at the end based on this example I should have the result
2012 Sep 12
Need help
Hello, I am brand new in this site as well as in R. Please accept my early apology if it's not the right place to ask such a question. I have the following equation: b=[2(1-a)(1+2a)^0.5]/(1+3a) How can I solve the above equation for 'a' using R? Thanks in advance. KD [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Jul 23
How to do the same thing for all levels of a column?
Dear all, I am a R beginner, and I am looking for a way to do the same thing for all levels of a column in a table. Basically, I have a bunch of protein sequences composed of different amino acid residues, and each residue is represented by an uppercase letter. I want to calculate the ratio of different amino acid residues at each position of the proteins. Here is an example table: Proteins
2012 Jan 22
Calculating & plotting a linear regression between two correlated variables
Hi, I have a Community (COM) composed of 6 species: A, B, C, D, E & F. The density of my Community is thus (Eq.1): dCOM = dA + dB + dC + dE + dF I would like to calculate and plot a linear regression between the density of each of my species and the density of the whole community (illustrating how the density of each species varies with variations of the whole community). For example, I would
2013 Mar 09
grouping followed by finding frequent patterns in R
I have a data in the following form : CIN TRN_TYP 9079954 1 9079954 2 9079954 3 9079954 4 9079954 5 9079954 4 9079954 5 9079954 6 9079954 7 9079954 8 9079954 9 9079954 9 . . . . . . there are 100 types of CIN (9079954,12441087,15246633,...) and respective TRN_TYP first of all, I want this data to be
2012 Feb 23
cor() on sets of vectors
suppose I have two sets of vectors: x1,x2,...,xN and y1,y2,...,yN. I want N correlations: cor(x1,y1), cor(x2,y2), ..., cor(xN,yN). my sets of vectors are arranged as data frames x & y (vector=column): x <- data.frame(a=rnorm(10),b=rnorm(10),c=rnorm(10)) y <- data.frame(d=rnorm(10),e=rnorm(10),f=rnorm(10)) cor(x,y) returns a _matrix_ of all pairwise correlations: cor(x,y)
2012 Oct 11
Sorting a data frame by specifying a vector
Hello all, I cannot seem to figure out this seemingly simple procedure. I want to sort a data frame by a specified character vector. So for : df.. <- data.frame(Season=rep(c("Summer","Fall","Winter","Spring"),4),Obs= runif(length(rep(c("Summer","Fall","Winter","Spring"),4)))) I want to sort the data frame
2012 Sep 27
Problem with grid.rect
I have a stupid problem that is currently driving me crazy... Let us suppose that I want to draw a big red square in the middle of my current device (say X11) I tried the following code : pushViewport(viewport(xscale=c(0,1), yscale=c(0,1)), just=c("center", "center")) vp1 <- viewport(x=unit(0.5, "native"), y=unit(0.5, "native"), width=unit(0.4,
2012 Sep 25
(core) designation on Task View
Hello, Does the (core) designation in the CRAN Task View indicate packages that provide basic/recommended functionality in that domain? I don't see it documented anywhere on the site. Thanks for your help.
2012 Sep 01
(Newbie) help cannot find chrome
Following the beginning tutorial, I typed help.start() and was given a choice of browsers. I picked chrome but got back that chrome is not found. I cannot seem to change or get rid of it now. I looked at /etc/R/Renviron but don't see anywhere to set browser (R_BROWSER = ${R_BROWSER ...etc) - nothing about chrome. I tried starting as "R_BROWSER= R" - same thing. How do I change the
2012 Jan 11
2D filter in R?
Hi all, I am looking for a command for doing 2D filtering (rectangular or Gaussian) in R... I have looked at ksmooth, filter and convolve but they seem to be 1D... Any thoughts? Thanks a lot! [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Oct 11
replicate data.frame n times
Hi, is there a way to replicate a data.frame like you can replicate the entries of a vector (with the repeat-function)? I want to do this: x <- data.frame(x, x) (where x is a data.frame). but n times. And it should be as cpu / memory efficient as possible, since n is pretty big in my case. thanks for any suggestions!
2013 Feb 28
Iteration through a list in R
Hello :) I'm just starting out with R and would appreciate your help with a couple of problems I am running into. I have used Sys.glob to get a list of all filenames having a particular file extension (in my case, *.txt) I would now like to use this list in the following manner: I would like to use each filename from the list and open that file into a tab separated matrix and proceed. How can
2013 Apr 05
Reversing data transformation
Hi everybody, I would be very grateful if you could give me your thoughts on the following issue. I need to perform Box-Cox (bcPower€) transformation on my data. To do this, I calculated lambda using the function '€powerTransform'€. powerTransform(data) However, I got an error message when performing this function: Convergence failure: return code = 52 I was told by John Fox
2012 May 04
Off-Topic: Crime Statistics Don't Pay
WARNING: COMPLETELY OFF TOPIC -- Nothing to do with R. I thought readers of this list might enjoy the following. The link to the full article is at the bottom. I hope this is not "too" inappropriate. ------- Overconfidence in crime statistics doesn?t pay. In a new study, a team of criminologists makes the case that reported crime rates should acknowledge uncertainty in the data. The
2013 Jan 11
looking for R packages that can do the following:
1. Minimum Mean Square Estimation (for Multi-Dimensional Linear Regression) 2. Two-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Tests 3. Empirical ANOVA Methods All this to be done on empirical data. I am new to the R world, any help would be appreciated. Thank You, Bill Gilliland Lead Sensor Systems Engineer E303, Tactical Communications, Transport, and Sensors Group: Tactical
2013 Apr 20
Assigning factor to character vector
Hi! Yesterday I accidentally discovered this: > a <- LETTERS[1:5] > a [1] "A" "B" "C" "D" "E" > > a[1] <- factor(a[1]) > a [1] "1" "B" "C" "D" "E" BUT: > b <- factor(LETTERS[1:5]) > b [1] A B C D E Levels: A B C D E > b[1] <- factor(b[1]) > b [1] A B C D E
2012 May 02
selection by two unique variables
Dear Group, I am working with a large dataset where I need to select for each unique id the the unique lastpk row. Here is a sample subject: id wtdt wt lastpk 64050256 2010-09-18 275 2010-09-16 64050256 2010-09-19 277 2010-09-18 64050256 2010-09-20 272 2010-09-18 64050256 2010-09-21 277 2010-09-18 I want the result as:
2013 Jun 17
SVMREF infinte number of genes
dear all, I am a student in cs college. I would like to know how to plot infinte number of genes after using the svm. the data set i have consists of x which is a matrix of 39 cancer patients [rows] and 2000 gene names [colmns]. each cell is the value of the gene for a particular patient. there are two types of cancer people representedas factor y. here is the code: library(e1071) #load