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2018 May 26
Grouping by 3 variable and renaming groups
ALCON I'm trying to figure out how to rename groups in a data frame after groups by selected variabels. I am using the dplyr library to group my data by 3 variables as follows # group by lat (StoreX)/long (StoreY) priceStore <- LapTopSales[,c(4,5,15,16)] priceStore <- priceStore[complete.cases(priceStore), ] # keep only non NA records priceStore_Grps <- priceStore %>%
2018 May 26
Grouping by 3 variable and renaming groups
Hello, See if this is it: priceStore_Grps$StoreID <- paste("Store", seq_len(nrow(priceStore_Grps)), sep = "_") Hope this helps, Rui Barradas On 5/26/2018 2:03 PM, Jeff Reichman wrote: > ALCON > > > > I'm trying to figure out how to rename groups in a data frame after groups > by selected variabels. I am using the dplyr library to group my
2018 May 26
Grouping by 3 variable and renaming groups
Hello, Sorry, but I think my first answer is wrong. You probably want something along the lines of sp <- split(priceStore_Grps, priceStore_Grps$StorePC) res <- lapply(seq_along(sp), function(i){ sp[[i]]$StoreID <- paste("Store", i, sep = "_") sp[[i]] }) res <-, res) row.names(res) <- NULL Hope this helps, Rui Barradas On 5/26/2018
2011 Mar 22
help need on working in subset within a dataframe
Dear R-experts Execuse me for an easy question, but I need help, sorry for that. >From days I have been working with a large dataset, where operations are needed within a component of dataset. Here is my question: I have big dataset where x1:.....x1000 or so. What I need to do is to work on 4 consequite variables to calculate a statistics and output. So far so good. There are more vector
2009 Mar 03
profiler and loops
Hello, (This is follow up from this thread: but with a different focus) I am often confused by the result of the profiler, when a loop is involved. Consider these two scripts: script1: Rprof( ) x <- numeric( ) for( i in 1:10000){ x <- c( x, rnorm(10) ) } Rprof( NULL ) print( summaryRprof( ) ) script2:
2004 Feb 19
packet discarding
Hi, I am stuggling in packets discarding whenever the packets are exceeding bandwidth. I like to delete/drop/discard the packet on source based whenever it exceeds the specified bandwidth. Pls. help me with sample coding/techniques. Regards, Kalaiselvan.
2010 Aug 31
Export Results to a txt file applying a function to a list
Dear users, *******I have a function f to simulate data from a model (example below used only to show my problem) f<-function(n,mean1){ a<-matrix(rnorm(n, mean1 , sd = 1),ncol=5) b<-matrix(runif(n),ncol=5) data<-rbind(a,b) out<-data out} *********I want to simulate 1000 datasets (here only 5) so I use S<-list() for (i in 1:5){ S[[i]]<-f(n=10,mean1=0)} ******I have a very
2012 Sep 14
problem with user defined panel function in xyplot
Hi everyone, ? I am trying to do a horizonplot using my own time series data. I know that there is a horizonplot function in latticeExtra, but on closer examination i think that the graph itself is slightly wrong (it displays some regions as triangles and i think they should be trapezoids, and the red regions (that are below the baseline) are displayed on top of the blue areas ? while i think
2004 Apr 06
Off topic
Hello, I''m going to be helping a friend setup Shorewall in place of his Cisco router on his home network. Shorewall will be acting as the router/firewall gateway for internet access for his home LAN. His connection to the ISP is via PPPOE. Nothing unfamiliar here to me. It will be a standard 2 interface setup. My curiosity was peaked when he said that he is going to be installing
2004 Aug 06
sending non 44.1Khz-stereo files to oddcast
Have you tried to send mp3 files with other formats than 44khz stereo? I'm not talking about the encoding quality for send the data to icecast, else about the quality of mp3 files. If you do that, the listeners will hear the music faster and higher, like the little chipmunks in donald duck's, and it will be broken by no-sound intervals. It happens if the files are mono too. This is
2002 Feb 25
Instalation Samba!! HELP...
Dear friends, We have been trying to install the Samba Services and we have downloaded the rpm package from the CD of Linux. We believe that the packages are installed now, at least we did that the instruction says to us. When we probe the instruction: smbclient -U% -L localhost to see the what the server is offering to the network, it answers to us the correct thing. I mean, the display
2003 Jun 12
htb problem
Hi, I have some interesting problem with htb , I set up root class and sub-classess: $TC qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1: htb $TC class add dev eth0 parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate 1990kbit ceil 2000kbit $TC class add dev eth0 parent 1:1 classid 1:10 htb rate 190kbit ceil 200kbit $TC class add dev eth0 parent 1:1 classid 1:11 htb rate 1400kbit ceil 1600kbit $TC class add dev eth0 parent 1:1