similar to: installing binary packages across windows cluster

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "installing binary packages across windows cluster"

2006 Sep 16
dotplot/Dotplot: connecting points within factor level across time
For each level of the factor in dotplot, I have time points I'd like to connect with a line. In the example below, 'x' represents a starting time and 'd' a duration, and I wish to connect 'x' to 'x+d'. Ordinarily I would use Dotplot from hmisc for this, but I have not been able to find a time class that Dotplot will allow. I can get lattice dotplot to put
2018 Feb 06
rJava garbage collect
Hi Does rJava offer a way to instruct the JVM to perform a garbage collection? Regards Ben
2006 Oct 30
correlation structure in lme without random effect
I was hoping to fit along the lines of g<-gl(20,5) y<-runif(100) fit<-lme(fixed=y~g,correlation=corAR1(0,~1|g)) But I get the error "Incompatible formulas for groups in "random" and "correlation"" Any help would be greatly appreciated. Ben
2018 Jan 10
OpenBLAS in everyday R?
I didn't do the compile; is there a way to check whether that was used? If not, I'll inquire with our sysadmin and report back. In any case, my suggestion was motivated by the fact that some parts of R use OpenMP while others do not, in the hope that the former could have their OpenBLAS omelet without breaking the OpenMP eggs, so to speak. On 01/09/2018 06:41 PM, Keith O'Hara
2006 Aug 11
rpvm/snow packages on a cluster with dual-processor machines
Hi, does anybody know how to use the dual processors in the machines of a cluster? I am using R with rpvm and snow packages. I usually start pvm daemon and add host machines first, and then run R to start my computing work. But I find that only one processor in each machine is used in this way and the other one always stays idle. Is there any simple way to tell pvm to use the two processors at
2006 Mar 30
custom strip in lattice ignoring plotmath expressions for all but style = 1 (PR#8733)
Full_Name: Ben Tyner Version: 2.2.0 OS: i686-pc-linux-gnu Submission from: (NULL) ( My appologies if this has already been fixed, but I didn't see it in the tracking system yet so I thought I'd report it. Demonstration: xyplot(Petal.Length ~ Petal.Width | Species, iris, strip = strip.custom(style = 1, = expression(beta),
2019 Dec 06
Error in close.connection(p) : ignoring SIGPIPE signal
Andreas, How right you are! Still, I find it curious that in the context of the while(TRUE) loop, I am allowed to do this 653 times, with failure on the 654th attempt. Perhaps there is something asynchronous going on? If I eliminate the looping, it does indeed fail (as expected) on the first attempt to close the pipe. Regards Ben On 12/6/19 2:04 AM, Andreas Kersting wrote: > Hi
2006 Oct 14
Sweave, R and complex latex projects
Hello all, I've been able to use R very successfully to run simple statistics and generate the plots I require. I've been evaluating Sweave, and have hit upon a small problem that I don't seem to be able to workaround. Sweave runs very well for single file latex documents, but I have a complex thesis made up of several parts and chapters. These are arranged with a master latex file
2020 Jan 19
rpois(9, 1e10)
So imagine rpois is changed, such that the storage mode of its return value is sometimes integer and sometimes numeric. Then imagine the case where lambda is itself a realization of a random variable. Do we really want the storage mode to inherit that randomness? On 1/19/20 10:47 AM, Avraham Adler wrote: > Maybe there should be code for 64 bit R to use long long or the like? > > On
2024 Mar 01
installation: while running make, unable to run pdflatex on 'NEWS.tex'
A kind member of R-core suggested this is due to a misconfiguration on my system, and to post it to the mailing list for troubleshooting. When trying to build R version 4.3.3, in at least two places during the process it gives LaTeX errors of the form: (example 1) you should 'make docs' now ... make[1]: Entering directory '/home/btyner/R-4.3.3/doc' creating
2020 Jan 19
rpois(9, 1e10)
????? This issue arose for me in simulations to estimate confidence, prediction, and tolerance intervals from glm(., family=poisson) fits embedded in a BMA::bic.glm fit using a simulate.bic.glm function I added to the development version of Ecfun, available at "".? This is part of a vignette I'm developing, available at
2005 Apr 05
future update to loess
Background: I'm a student of Prof. Cleveland at Purdue University. Eventually, we'd like to release a new version of the loess routine in R. For starters, this implementation would have support for local polynomial degree 3, better control over the number of cells in the KD tree, and perhaps a better solution in higher predictor dimension. I see that Prof. Ripley was responsible for
2019 Dec 06
Error in close.connection(p) : ignoring SIGPIPE signal
Not sure if this is a bug, so posting here first. If I run: ?? cnt <- 0L ?? while (TRUE) { ? ? ?? cnt <- cnt + 1L ? ? ?? p <- pipe("echo /dev/stdin > /dev/null", open = "w") ? ? ?? writeLines("foobar", p) ? ? ?? tryCatch(close(p), error = function(e) { print(cnt); stop(e)}) ?? } then once cnt gets to around 650, it fails with: ?? [1] 654 ??
2007 Oct 10
corMatrix crashes with corARMA structure (PR#9952)
Full_Name: Benjamin Tyner Version: 2.6.0 RC 2007-10-01 r43043 OS: WinXP Submission from: (NULL) ( platform i386-pc-mingw32 arch i386 os mingw32 system i386, mingw32 status RC major
2024 Mar 02
installation: while running make, unable to run pdflatex on 'NEWS.tex'
? Fri, 1 Mar 2024 10:46:53 -0500 Benjamin Tyner <btyner at> ?????: > my platform info: > > Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit) > Running under: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS Quick things first: have you installed all the build-dependencies? apt build-dep r-base (maybe with --install-suggests? haven't tried that in a while) should do that. In particular, the build
2006 Jul 26
mean(NA) returns -(1+.Machine$integer.max) (PR#9097)
Full_Name: Benjamin Tyner Version: 2.3.0 OS: linux-gnu (debian) Submission from: (NULL) ( > mean(NA) returns -2147483648 on my system, which is -(1+.Machine$integer.max) > sessionInfo() Version 2.3.0 (2006-04-24) i686-pc-linux-gnu attached base packages: [1] "methods" "stats" "graphics" "grDevices" "utils"
2007 Jan 29
lattice: two grouping variables, one controls 'col', the other 'pch'
Say I have library(lattice) x<-runif(256) y<-runif(256) f<-gl(16,16) g1<-rep(1:4,each=64) g2<-rep(1:4,times=64) plot<-xyplot(y~x|f, groups=g1, pch=as.character(1:4), panel=function(x,y,subscripts,groups,...){ panel.superpose(x,y,subscripts,groups,...) }) print(plot) Currently, both
2024 Mar 01
dput(..., file = stderr())
Curious to know if this warning is expected behavior, and if so, what is the recommended way instead: > dput(letters, file = stderr()) c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p",
2018 Jan 11
OpenBLAS in everyday R?
Thanks Keith. We checked, and indeed libopenblas is not linked against libomp nor libgomp. We suspect this is because we used conda to install R and OpenBLAS. So I guess we should be barking up the conda tree instead? By the way, I also noticed on my home machine (Ubuntu), /usr/lib/ is also not linked against those, for what that's worth. Regards, Ben On 01/10/2018 12:04
2020 Jan 19
rpois(9, 1e10)
On 2020-01-19 13:01, Avraham Adler wrote: > Crazy thought, but being that a sum of Poissons is Poisson in the sum, > can you break your ?big? simulation into the sum of a few smaller > ones? Or is the order of magnitude difference just too great? ????? I don't perceive that as feasible.? Once I found what was generating NAs, it was easy to code a function to return pseudo-random