similar to: profile likelihood

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "profile likelihood"

2011 Dec 13
tcplot documentation in evd package
Hello, and please advise regarding any errors/omissions on my part. However, the documentation for R's tcplot function in the evd package appears to contain an error. I am using evd version 2.2-4 in R 2.14.0 with Windows XP. > data(portpirie) > mrlplot(portpirie) ## No Error > tlim <- c(3.6, 4.2) > tcplot(portpirie, tlim) ## Line from documentation Error in fpot(data, u[1],
2013 Jan 22
Adding a line to barchart
R-helpers: I need a quick help with the following graph (I'm a lattice newbie): require("lattice") npp=1:5 names(npp)=c("A","B","C","D","E") barchart(npp,origin=0,box.width=1) # What I want to do, is add a single vertical line positioned at x = 2 that lays over the bars (say, using a dotted line). How do I go about doing this?
2002 Feb 14
Thomas, I'm using your package netCDF. Thanks for making it and for leave it available for public use. It took me a little while installing it, as my netcdf library is libnetcdf.a (not libnetcdf) and my library directory is not /usr/local/lib. Finally, I was able to install with the following: 1. ln -s libnet.a libnet (in my usr/local/netcdf-3.5.0/lib directory) 2. R CMD INSTALL
2017 Jun 21
Help/ Mathematics
Hi R users, I need your help to write a code in r that does the following calculation from three different datasets; ac = 1/sum (NPP from date 1 to date 2, dataset=1) * (biomass at date 2 -biomass at date 1, dataset = 2) + (littfall at date 2, dataset=3). all the dates are in yr-month-day format. Which library or function Should I use to tell R do these calculations of these variables at
2010 Jan 19
question on plot in R with mac
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello all My computer is MacBook and I want to draw a plot in R, for example for x <- c(1,3,6,9,12) y <- c(1.5,2,7,8,15) I use this command plot(x,y). but it dosn't work. Could you please help me? thank you khazaei
2004 Nov 11
scan or source a text file into a list
I've ported somebody else's rather cumbersome Matlab model to R for colleagues that want a free build of the model with the same type of I/O. The Matlab model reads a text file with the initial parameters specified as: C:\Data\Carluc\Rport>more Params.R # Number of years to simulate nYears = 50; # Initial year for graphing purposes year0 = 1970; # NPP/GPP ratio (cpp0 unitless) fnr =
2017 Jun 21
Help/ Mathematics
Hi Ahmed, Your problem appears trivial as you have already specified the form of the calculation. Learn how to "extract" specified elements from a data structure: # first value sum(dataset1$NPP[dataset1$date >= date1 & dataset1$date <= date2]) # second value dataset2$biomass[dataset2$date == date2] - dataset2$biomass[dataset2$date == date1] # third value
2011 Dec 15
modify the name of axis of an R function
Hi, I use the function fpot of packages evd. If I call the fit that I obtain "fit", I want to modify the name of the axis and the main title that is produced by plot(fit1). To do this, I want to create a new function where I would have the names modified. The problem is that I can't find the function that produce these plots... I tried to see in plot.uvevd but it doesn't seems
2010 Jun 13
[LLVMdev] CMake sample project?
This isn't meant to be a sample, but I can share with you the cmake files I use for my compiler. It builds in both windows user MSVC, and linux using G++, but should work with MinGW. the structure is src/ CMakeLists.txt # root make file front/ CMakeLists.txt # library middle/ CMakeLists.txt # library back/ CMakeLists.txt # library npp/ CMakeLists.txt # executable
2011 Apr 29
Change the text size of the title in a legend of a R plot.
Hello, Is it possible to change the text size of the title in a legend of a R plot? I tried to directly change the title.cex argument but it seems not to work. Trying : Horizo <- c(1,2,6,10,20) legtext <- paste(Horizo,sep="") legend("topleft", legend=legtext,col=col,text.col=col,lwd=lwd, lty=lty,cex=1.1,ncol=3,title = "Horizons",title.col
2007 Nov 06
src/plugin.c | 23 ++++++++++++++++++----- 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) New commits: commit 85bb0aaad68236d0953f913e0af149635fcd2ce7 Author: Benjamin Otte <otte at> Date: Tue Nov 6 22:24:16 2007 +0100 add Gentoo protection diff --git a/src/plugin.c b/src/plugin.c index bec4741..258307c 100644 --- a/src/plugin.c +++ b/src/plugin.c @@ -128,22 +128,31 @@
2010 Jun 13
[LLVMdev] CMake sample project?
Ah, thank you so much. How did you get the list of target_link_libraries() ? Did you use llvm-config? If you did not have access to llvm-config, how would you get list of libraries to link to? Thanks. Sam On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 2:44 PM, Nathan Jeffords <blunted2night at>wrote: > This isn't meant to be a sample, but I can share with you the cmake files I > use for my
2009 Sep 28
probability density function for maximum values in repeated finite samples from a normal distribution??
this is probably not really a R specific question, if so apologies for off-topic posting: I'm interested in the probability density function of the maximum values from repeated samples of size N from a normal distribution: smp <- rnorm(N, meanval, stdev) with some mean 'meanval' and standard deviation 'stdev'. I would like to know what is the frequency distribution of
2010 Jun 13
[LLVMdev] CMake sample project?
sam lee <skynare at> writes: > Hi, > > I built LLVM on Windows XP through cmake and MinGW make. That was a breeze! > Now, I wanted to start a project. > It seems like I need Makefile.rules and Makefile.config to start a new > project (from Those files are unrelated to cmake. > And llvm/projects/sample uses autoconf (or
2003 Mar 13
Configuring firewall to allow Samba to work
Dear Folks, This is a note for all those people out there who had to turn off their firewalls (iptables) to get Samba to work. First start the GUI interface to the firewall by typing [somedir]# redhat-config-securitylevel Click on "Customize". Click the check box for your network adapter (usually "eth0"). Click on the checkboxes for any services you want to allow (I
2010 Jan 04
MLE optimization
Folks, I'm kind of newbie in R, but with some background in Matlab and VBA programming. Last month I was implementing a Maximum Likelihood Estimation in Matlab, but the algorithms didn't converge. So my academic advisor suggested using R. My problem is: estimate a mean reverting jump diffusion parameters. I've succeeded in deriving the likelihood function (which looks like a gaussian
2010 Jun 13
[LLVMdev] CMake sample project?
Hi, I built LLVM on Windows XP through cmake and MinGW make. That was a breeze! Now, I wanted to start a project. It seems like I need Makefile.rules and Makefile.config to start a new project (from And llvm/projects/sample uses autoconf (or ./configure). Is there cmake based sample project available? I could not find any from official release. Has any of you
2013 May 24
Rcpp with OpenMP - Need example Makevars
Dear R experts, recently I started developing a Rcpp package "OpenMPTest". Within that package I want to use OpenMP, as in the following code example: // header file #include <omp.h> using namespace Rcpp ; RcppExport SEXP testOpenMP( SEXP nThreads ) ; // cpp file SEXP testOpenMP( SEXP nThreads ) { BEGIN_RCPP NumericVector numberThreads = NumericVector( nThreads );
2010 Nov 22
Wow - Downloader Connection timeout
I've been trying to get WoW working onmy Fedora 14 installation, but I seem to be having problems getting the internet connection to work. I start the game with Code: wine Launcher.exe -opengl in the ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/World of Warcraft directory. I can access the internet from using Code: wine iexplore so I know the wine network connection works.
2009 Dec 13
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week New packages ------------ * Bergm (1.0) Alberto Caimo Functions implementing Bayesian estimation for exponential random graph models via exchange algorithm Updated packages ---------------- lmtest (0.9-26), logcondens (1.3.5), MTSKNN (0.0-4), pmml (1.2.21), r2lUniv (0.9.4), rattle (2.5.11), rgdal (0.6-23),