similar to: plotting and coloring longitudinal data with three time points (ggplot2)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "plotting and coloring longitudinal data with three time points (ggplot2)"

2012 Mar 05
I just updated to R 2.14 with ggplot2 0.9 and am finding bugs. > ggplot2 "GPL-2" "2.14.0" This example is taken from pg 101 in the ggplot book. > plot <- qplot(date, psavert, data = economics, geom = "line") + > ylab("Personal savings rate") + geom_hline(xintercept = 0, colour = > "grey50")' > plot +
2010 Jun 18
help with reshape is needed again!
hi, folks: i need to transpose the following data: gene tissue patient1 patient2 patient3..... --------------------------------------------- gene1 breast 10 100 1 gene2 breast 20 200 4 gene3 breast 30 50 5 gene4 breast 40 400 9 ................................ to the
2009 Jun 01
ggplot2 and Date class
I'm trying to plot a time series in ggplot, but a date column in my data frame is causing errors. Rather than provide my own data, I'll just refer to the scale_date example at: , which reproduces the error. > df <- data.frame( date = seq(Sys.Date(), len=100, by="1 day")[sample(100, 50)], price = runif(50) ) > dt <- qplot(date,
2009 Nov 10
merge data
df1 -- dataframe with column date and several other columns. #rows >40k Several of the dates are repeated. df2 -- dataframe with two columns date and index. #rows ~130 This is really a map from date to index. I would like to create a column called index in df1 which has the corresponding index from df2. The following works: index <- NULL for(wk in df1$week){ index <-
2009 Sep 20
missing level of a nested factor results in an NA in lm output
Hello All, I have posted to this list before regarding the same issue so I apologize for the multiple e-mails. I am still struggling with this issue so I thought I'd give it another try. This time I have included reproducible code and a subset of the data I am analyzing. I am running an ANOVA with three factors: GROUP (5 levels), FEATURE (2 levels), and PATIENT (2 levels), where
2010 May 14
operations between two aggregated data frames?
Hi All, I've come up with a solution for this problem that relies on a for loop, and I was wondering if anybody had any insight into a more elegant method: I have two data frames, each has a column for categorical data and a column for date. What I'd like to do, ideally, is calculate the number of days between all pairs of dates in data frame 1 and data frame 2 (*but only for members
2007 Jun 08
Barplots: Editing the frequency x-axis names
Hi I have a timeSeries object (X) with monthly returns. I want to display the returns with a barplot, which I can fix easily. But my problem is labaling the x-axis, if I use the positions from the timeseries It gets very messy. I have tried rotating and changing the font size but it doesn't do the trick. I think the optimal solution for my purpose is too only display every second or third
2010 Sep 14
how to compute when row length is different
hi guys..please help me with this i am working on two data frames one goes like this: DF1 Sample_id RepairHours Denatured Dose ZeroMean FourtyFiveMean NinetyMean 1 SDM071 0 1 B 60.5 19.0 45.0 2 SDM071 1 1 B 46.0 23.0 42.5 3 SDM071 2 1 B 52.5 24.0 40.0 4 SDM071
2013 Mar 14
Grep with wildcards across multiple columns
I have a fairly large data set with six variables set up like the following dummy: # Create fake data df <- data.frame(code = c(rep(1001, 8), rep(1002, 8)), year = rep(c(rep(2011, 4), rep(2012, 4)), 2), fund = rep(c("10E", "10E", "10E", "27E"), 4), func = rep(c("110000",
2010 Apr 21
ggplot and scale_x_date
Hi all, I have a question about setting arbitrary breaks/labels when using GGPLOT and date/time data on the x-axis. I want to specify the breaks/limits arbitrarily rather than using scale_x_date(major = 'blah'), much like when arbitrarily defining breaks/labels using scale_x_discrete(breaks = blah, labels = blah) I have tried variants such as: scale_x_date(major = seq(from =
2009 Jul 11
Date conversions
Hi all, I'm having a little bit of trouble with some date conversions and am hoping someone can help me out. Thanks in advance. OK, I have two sources of data that provide date info in a csv file differently. I've attached a small zipped file with two text files that illustrate both. (Is it ok to send attachments to this list? Not sure. It's very small.) I need to be able to
2005 May 06
2 simple questions
Please excuse what I'm sure are very easy questions but I'm relatively new to the R environment. How can I view a range of list elements, but not all. e.g., I had a matrix of patients and then split them out by patient id. I know I can do patlist[[1]] to see the first one, but how can I view, say, the first ten patients? My other question is how to count how many patients have a
2012 Nov 10
help on date dataset
Hi everybody, I am beginer in R and I need your precious help. I want to create a small function in R as in sas to retrieve date. I have a file with data that import in R. DATE PAYS nb_pays.ILI. 1 24/04/2009 usa 0 2 24/04/2009 usa 0 3 24/04/2009 Mexique 0 4 24/04/2009
2012 Jan 06
ggplot using scale_x_date gives Error in$year, to$year, by)
Dear all, ggplot gives me an error when trying to plot time series data using a date variable as the x axis. g<-structure(list(Date = c("2011-12-23", "2011-12-30", "2012-01-06", "2011-12-23", "2011-12-30", "2012-01-06", "2011-12-23", "2011-12-30", "2012-01-06"), variable = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L,
2013 Feb 14
Problems plotting and regression w.r.t. date data type on x axis
Hello, probably a newbie question, but i didnt find any information on plotting/regressing w.r.t. a date data type. My trials were unfruitful. Can anyone help ? Thanks in advance! Here is my interaction with R: > tabelle date number date2 1 2009-01-1 1673 2009-01-01 2 2009-12-1 2111 2009-12-01 3 2010-7-1 2487 2010-07-01 4 2013-2-1 4301 2013-02-01 > regression.punkte<-lm(tabelle$number
2010 Feb 16
converting character vector "hh:mm" to chron or strptime 24 clock time vectors
Hi All, I am attempting to work with some data from loggers. I have read in a .csv exported from MS Access that already has my dates and times (in 24 clock format), (with StringsAsFactors=FALSE). > head(tdata) LogData date time 1 77.16 2008/04/24 02:00 2 61.78 2008/04/24 04:00 3 75.44 2008/04/24 06:00 4 89.43 2008/04/24
2005 Feb 24
Row median of Date class variables in a data frame
I am trying to calculate the median of each row of a data frame where the data frame consist of columns of class Date. Below are my test data and best attempt at using apply. I didn't see a solution via Google or the Baron search site. I'd be grateful for any suggestions or solutions. I'm using R 2.0.0 on Mac OS X. Thank you, Stephen Weigand ### Test data date1 <- c(1000,
2015 Nov 06
Puzzled by eval
I am currently puzzled by a seach path behavior. I have a library of a dozen routines getlabs(), getssn(), getecg(), ... that interface to local repositories and pull back patient information. All have a the first 6 arguments in common, and immediately call a second routine to do initial processing of these 6. The functions "joe" and "fred" below capture the relevant
2009 Dec 09
reshape() makes R run out of memory (PR#14121)
Full_Name: Alexander L. Belikoff Version: 2.8.1 OS: Ubuntu 9.04 (x86_64) Submission from: (NULL) ( I'm trying to reshape the following data frame: ID DATE1 DATE2 VALUE_TYPE VALUE 'abcd1233' 2009-11-12 2009-12-23 'TYPE1' 123.45 ... VALUE_TYPE is a string and is a factor with only 2 values
2012 May 12
Query regarding date as argument in functions - and about sqldf
Hi, I have a query about sqldf, and dates in general. I couldnt find much on the net or on the forums, hence I am here. Here is the issue: I want to write a function that accepts 3 arguments: date1, date2 and a dataframe, say 'df'. Within the function, I want to populate a temp dataframe which essentially contains the output of the query "select * from df where DATE between date1