similar to: axis thickness in plot()

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "axis thickness in plot()"

2012 Jan 21
contour(): Thickness contour labels
Hi, I want to display some contour labels. It works well, but the thickness of the label is to low. I tried the "labcex" command contour(x,y,z, labcex=2) But only the size is rising and not the thickness of labels. Only if i set the value to "labcex=10" the thickness is good, but the size is to big, so i can't see anything ;) Is there any command to rise the thickness
2009 Jul 30
how to change the thickness of the lines of the boxplot outliers
Hi, I tried to use boxplot function. I am following the ?boxplot and can change the whisker box width using lwd parameter. However, when outline=TRUE, the thickness of the circle of the outliers is not proportionally changed when I change the line width of the whisker box. There must be another parameter for that. Unfortunately I don't know. please help and thanks much in advance. --
2008 May 14
lw in legend also changes thickness of characters in the legend??
Here's a simple example: x <- 1:5 plot(x,x^2) lines(x,x^2) points(x,x,cex=2) lines(x,x,lw=3) legend("topleft",legend=c("y=x^2","y=x"),pch=1,pt.cex=1:2,lw=c(1,3)) The thickness of the circles in the legend changes with lw. If you change the lw argument in legend to lw=c(1,1) then the thickness of the circles goes back to normal. How can I make the above
2002 Sep 05
line thickness in plots
Hi all,, Is it possible to set a thicker line for the box around the plots? (i.e. for the four axes) Something like lwd (lines) but for the box. Thanks juli -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the
2004 Sep 17
thickness of tick marks
Hi, I am unable to get the tick marks to appear thicker in plot. I have tried things like par(lw=2) but this only seems to affect other line thicknesses. The use of axes directly fixes the problem because lw = 2 applies to both the axis and the ticks. Is there is way of feeding a single parameter to plot or setting a par parameter to do this? I am using R 1.9.0 on a windows 2000 platform.
2009 Mar 06
Hi, I am doing kernel density plots, and am trying to make the lines thicker. I comparing three groups, in I tried changing lwd to make the line sthicker right on the density compare call, but was not able to do it. There is not an option in sm.options to specify line thickness, as well as cex.ylab or cex.xlab- I tried it and it does not change the thickness of the lines.
2006 Mar 04
xyplot/levelplot: thickness of tickmarks
Hi, if I use the xyplot (or levelplot) function (lattice library) with the option axs="i", I have the problem that the tickmarks lie a bit outside the "plot-box". Consider for example: library(lattice) x<-seq(0,1,by=0.01) y<-seq(0,1,by=0.01) xyplot(y~x,type="l",xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1),scales=list
2006 Aug 24
xyplot tick marks and line thickness
Hello, A made a xyplot using the lattice library in R (latest version). The publisher of our paper has requested: 1. all tick marks should point inwards instead of outwards. 2. All lines should be thicker (lines, axes, boxes, etc. Everything). Lines is easy...I used: lwd=1.5 but what about the lines of the axes, and the lines that build up the plot itself?....? Any
2003 Aug 06
Plot ticks and tick labels: thickness, colour?
I am displaying several series in one plot, and would like to make them distinct without having to employ a legend. I managed to color tickmarks, but have been unsuccessful with either one of a) making tickmarks thicker (without increasing the axis at the same time). From reading ?axis: lty, lwd: line type, width for the axis line and the tick marks. in would appear that I cannot
2006 May 10
lattice package plots
I am using the lattice packge for its levelplot and contourplot. Is it possible to adjust the line thickness of the 'box' and tickmarks in these plots? Thanks for the attention, Matt Sundling
2003 Jun 26
Change default parameters of panel.smooth
Hello, can anyome tell me how to access the full script of the panel.smooth function so that I can change the thickness of the smoothing line or its colour ? All I could access is : > panel.smooth function (x, y, col = par("col"), bg = NA, pch = par("pch"), cex = 1, col.smooth = "red", span = 2/3, iter = 3, ...) { points(x, y, pch = pch, col = col, bg =
2009 Oct 02
I have more than three lines in one and I want to add a legend for each line abline( m1, col = 'red' ) ablime( m2, col = 'blue' ) abline( m3, col = 'purple' ) How can I add a legend? . Is it also possible to increase the thickness of the lines? Thanks [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Nov 22
need smooth cdf lines
Hi, I would like to overlap the cdf curve for observed and generated data  Here is my code: plot(cdf,main ="CDF of the sum for winter season-Hume",cex.axis=1.2,xlab="Rainfall (mm)", xaxs="i",yaxs="i",col=c("black","red"), lty=c(1,1),ylab="Cumulative probability", xlim=c(0,800),lwd=1) lines(ecdf(datobs))
2010 Nov 25
overlap cdf plots and add colors and etc
Hi r-users, I would like to overlap 2 ecdf plots.  I tried this below and it gives me two plots of ecdf but just both just in black. par(mar=c(4,4,2,1.2),oma=c(0,0,0,0),xaxs="i", yaxs="i") plot(ecdf(datobs)) lines(ecdf(gam_sum_gen)) Then I try to add colors etc and also the legend but fail. par(mar=c(4,4,2,1.2),oma=c(0,0,0,0),xaxs="i", yaxs="i")
2007 Jul 10
Formatting panel borders in lattice package
Hello all -- I would like to thicken the borders between panels -- or more generally, all borders -- in a plot generated using lattice (specifically, levelplot). Something similar perhaps to box() function in graphics. I haven't been successful in reviewing available documentation. The problem stems from using a grayscale colorscheme that puts black colors near the borders, thus
2002 Jul 21
boxplot(): formating median in another linethickness?
Dear guRus, I want to do some boxplots, but the median sould appear in another line-thickness and another color. I do not know, what to do in order to realise my wishes. Sorry for that question, but I am new to R. cheers steph -- Linux: the operating system with a CLUE... Command Line User Environment. -------------------------------------- Stephan Holl GnuPG Key-ID: 11946A09 ICQ#
2003 Apr 29
thick plot lines
Dear People, In a qqplot I am doing, I get lines/points that are very thick. I've tried setting the lwd variable to 0.1, but it doesn't seem to have any effect. Also, I have set the value of lty to dashed, but I still get dots. The command looks like qqplot(cdf.inv(seq(0,1,length=size),theta,pos,len),empmargdistvec(len,theta,pos,size), xlim=c(-theta,theta), ylim=c(-theta,theta),
2002 May 31
error in seq.POSIXt?
I am trying to extract only the winters (defined to be 01-Dec through 28-Feb) of daily data from 1948-2002. There are 90 days in each winter season. I wrote the following code to gather the winter dates into a single vector: DJF <- NULL for(year in 1949:1999) { temp.begin <- strptime(paste("01/12", year-1, sep="/"), "%d/%m/%Y") temp.end <-
2000 Sep 19
getting lines with non-rounded caps?
I'm trying to get a plot with wide lines that don't have rounded end caps. You can see the effect quite clearly with a plot like this: plot(0:1) lines(c(1.5,1.5),c(0,.5),lwd=20,col="red") lines(c(1.5,1.5),c(.5,1),lwd=20,col="green") abline(h=0) abline(h=0.5) abline(h=1) The colored lines should be between the horizontal lines, but because of the rounded end caps,
2011 Feb 17
censoring symbols on survfit plot
Hi, when ploting Kaplan-Meier estimate curves as below, the censoring symbols (crosses) to not change thickness along the lines plot(survfit(surv ~ I(x> ),lty=c(1,2), lwd=2) is there any strightforward way to make it happen? thanks robert -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help