similar to: Graphics - Axis Labels overlap window edges

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Graphics - Axis Labels overlap window edges"

2008 Sep 29
x axis label overlap
Hello, On the figure produced by this code: ############## # données Bacher 2001 y .bacher = c (69,18,13,12,5,4,3,3,13,9,7,6,4,2,69,19,12,40,5,2,2,2,51,18,8,31,9,3,2,2 ) x.bacher=c(seq(1:6),8,9,seq(9,13), 15,15,16,17,17,18,19,20,22,22,23,25,25,26,27,28,30) # graphe #quartz(width=2.12,height=2.12) quartz(width=10,height=10) par(mar=c(5.1+2,4.1+2,4.1,2.1))
2012 May 04
ANOVA problem
Hi, I need to create a data frame containing the results of a number of ANOVA's but I'm having some trouble setting it up (some being enough for me to spend 3 days trying with no progress and be left staring in to the abyss which some people call a weekend, and what I will call 2 quiet days in the office...) The response variable is *V*. I need to do an ANOVA for each *G*. The fixed
2012 Apr 13
R: Colouring phylogenetic tip labels and/or edges
Hi, I have reconstructed ancestral character states on a phylogeny using MuSSE in the diversitree package and plotted the character state probabilities as pie charts on the nodes. I would, however, like to colour the character states of my extant species, i.e. the tip labels, the same colours as my pie charts, such that all species in state 1 are e.g. blue, species in state 2 red and species in
2008 Jul 08
Multiple Plots and y Axis Labels
Hi, I'm using the mfrow parameter in par() to plot several timeseries with a common time x axis as a sequence of plots one below the other. I reduced the top and bottom margins to zero to get a very nice looking plot but sometimes the labels on the y axes from one plot overlap with the y axis labels on the plot above or below. Any ideas how I can prevent this without losing the look of the
2009 Mar 04
changing font size for y-axis factor labels
I am trying to reduce the font size for y-axis labels, not ylab, but the actual categorical names. I have tried cex, cex.axis, cex.lab, font, but none seem to do the trick. Any ideas? thank you.
2010 Feb 04
Changing fonts of axis labels in Histogram() function
Dear All I am using the histogram() function to plot two subsets from my data on the same output display, i.e. there are two histogram plots My code is: histogram( ~ Age | Date, layout = c(1, 2), xlab = "Age (years)", strip = FALSE, strip.left = TRUE, col = "black", border = "white", cex.axis = 1.1, family = "serif", cex.lab =
2009 Apr 23
how to control significant digits(?) on axis labels
Dear R mailing list I would like some help on how to get R to display the same number of significant digits (?) for *all* tick marks on axis labels (yet be flexible enough to handle different data sets that vary by 10-1000X). Consider this simple example: #---------------------------# x <- seq(0,2,by=0.5) xlim <- range(pretty(x,n=5)) ylim <- xlim
2009 Oct 13
axis labels
Dear list, why does the distance between the axis labels and the tick marks looks different for x axis and y axis in the plot (see code below). In fact, the x axis labels look furthest from the tickmarks than in the y axis. How can I make them look the same? par(mfrow=c(1,1), cex.axis = 0.5, cex.lab = 0.5) plot(1,1, axes = F) axis(1) axis(2) Thanks in advance Jonas [[alternative HTML version
2004 May 01
changes to y-axis labels in lmList intervals plot
Dear List, I am plotting lmList objects using plot(intervals()) in nlme package. I want to make changes to the y-axis labels. When I try to change cex of y-axis labels using the following: fm1 <- lmList(distance ~ age | Subject, Orthodont) plot(intervals(fm1), scales=list(y=list(cex = .7))) I receive: Error in bwplot(formula = group ~ intervals | what, data = structure(list( : formal
2010 Oct 07
text/mtext axis labels on graphs
Hello everyone I have problem with axis labels on graphs, I have my code as below: plot(0,0,xlim=c(1,ncol(PA)),ylim=c(1,nrow(PA)),main="Stratigraphic Range",xlab="Time Bins",ylab="Taxa",cex.axis=1.5,cex.lab=2,cex.main=2.5,mgp=c(5,1.5,0),xaxt="n") text(1:(length(strat_name)), y= 0, adj=1, srt=45,labels=strat_name,xpd=TRUE, cex=1) #adds text to x
2009 Jul 09
X-axis labels not displayed when changing ylim
Dear R users, I am encountering a x axis labeling problem on quite basic plots... I use the following code which displays the labels on the x-axis with a 45 degrees angle: p <- plot(myobject1, type="b", col="red",cex=1, lwd=2, axes=FALSE, ann=FALSE, ylim=c(0,70)) title(main="title", font.main=4) axis(side=1, lab=F) text(axTicks(1), par("usr")[3] - 2,
2010 Mar 09
plotlmer graphics/x-axis and legend options
Hi, I am Using R.2.9.2 and I am trying to make nicer some graphics, which are constructed with plotmer.fnc. In particular, I have two questions: 1. Is is a way to decide in which order we want the labels on the x-axis. For now, the reference value label is the first one, and the other labels appear in the alphabetical order. I would like them to be sorted in the ascending way. Here is my
2010 Aug 10
axis labels defaulting to scientific notation
The labels on the x-axis are defaulting to scientific notation no matter how small cex.axis is. How can I override scientific notation to get the labels to print out as specified? Here is the code (UNIT here is 0.0105): plot(xm,yv,log="xy",ylim=c(0.1,20)/UNIT,xlim=c(0.004,20)*UNIT,xaxt="n",t ype="n") axis(1,
2009 Nov 24
Titles in plots overlap
Hi,   I use fCopulae package to draw different graphs of univariate and bivariate skew t.  But the plots titles overlap.  I tried using cex.main, font.main to adjust the size but they still overlaps.  Here is my code: par(mfrow = c(3, 1)) mu = 0 Omega = 1 alpha1 = 0 alpha2 = 1.5 alpha3 = 2 alpha4 = 0.5 Z1 = matrix(dmvst(x, 1, mu, Omega, alpha1, df = Inf), length(x)) Z2 = matrix(dmvst(x, 1, mu,
2003 Nov 07
barplot(names.arg) versus axis(labels)
Should I be able to use axis() on a barplot? i have a data.frame, the first 3 values of which are: > c[1:3,] median mean A1 56.5 58.50000 A61 73.0 73.00000 A62 63.0 63.00000 > str(c) `data.frame': 19 obs. of 2 variables: $ median: num 56.5 73 63 161 51 55 44.5 22 54 49 ... $ mean : num 58.5 73.0 63.0 161.0 47.5 ... if I do barplot(median) and then try
2009 May 08
centering axis labels in lattice
Hello, I'm attempting to alter the location of text in my axis labels in lattice plots and have been unsuccessful so far. For example, the y-axis labels are always right-justified, but I would like them to be horizontally centered. Here's an example: library(lattice); # create fake dataset to plot to.plot <- data.frame( x = 1:5, y = c("1\nAAA", "2\nBBB",
2011 Sep 15
Colour code y-axis labels on a dot plot
Dear R helpers I would like to be able to colour code the y-axis labels on a complex dot plot by a variable known as company (of which there are only two). The code is below and data attached. Thanks MarkM library("lattice") library(latticeExtra) # for mergedTrellisLegendGrob() # set size of the window windows(height=10, width=7,rescale=c("fixed")) ##read the data to a
2012 Oct 19
Centering labels on X-axis
Dear all: I am trying to center labels on my plot with not much success. I have tried text(), mtext() but it's not working. I think I am using the wrong function for my task. Any help will be appreciated. My working codes. axis(1, at=c(1,2,3,4,5),font.lab=2,cex.axis=1.5,cex.lab=3,label=c("W0","CWH2","CWHmc","CH2","CHmc")
2007 Jul 26
How to auto-scale cex of y-axis labels in lattice dotplot?
When I create a dotplot in lattice, I frequently observe overplotting of the labels along the vertical axis. On my screen, this illustrates overplotting of the letters: windows() reps=6 dat=data.frame(let=rep(letters,each=reps), grp=rep(1:reps, 26), y=runif(26*reps)) dotplot(let~y|grp, dat) Is there a way to automatically scale the labels so that they are not over-plotted? I currently do
2009 Feb 25
vertically aligned X axis labels disappear off R Graphics window
Hi guys, I'm evaluating R for basic data exploration. I produce a bar plot of the data, with the x axis labels aligned vertically. However, the start of labels longer than about 10 characters are cut off by the bottom of the graphics window. I'd appreciate your help in properly spacing the space around a plot reserved for labels so that this problem can be avoided. Thanks, Richie