similar to: How can I pick a matrix from a function? (Out Product of Gradient)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 120 matches similar to: "How can I pick a matrix from a function? (Out Product of Gradient)"

2011 Oct 27
help with parallel processing code
Hello R gurus, I have the code below for which i need help and pointers to make it run in parallel on a dual core win7 computer with R 2.13.x, using foreach, iterators,doMC. library(scatterplot3d) # Loads 3D library. library(fields) library(MASS) library(ROCR) library(verification) library(caret) library(gregmisc) ##simulated data d=replicate(9, rnorm(40)+10)
2009 Jul 12
Heckman Selection MOdel Help in R
Hi Saurav! On Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 6:06 PM, Pathak, Saurav<s.pathak08 at> wrote: > I am new to R, I have to do a 2 step Heckman model, my selection equation is > below which I was successful in running but I am unable to proceed further, > > > > I have so far used the following command > > glm(formula = s ~ age + gender + gemedu + gemhinc + es_gdppc +
2010 Feb 27
scan and skip - without line breaks in the input file
Dear all, I am trying to read in big amounts of data with scan. It's only one variable, numeric values, separated by tabs,.. and it's many of them. So I was thinking that I could use the skip option and read in 100000 values at a time - but skip doesn't work, probably because I don't have line breaks in the txt file. So any value specified for skip makes the scan function jump to
2004 Oct 06
read.delim problem with trailing spaces
I'm trying to read a comma delimited dataset that uses '.' for NA. I found that if the last field on a line was a missing '.' it was not read as NA, but just a '.', and the life variable was made a factor. The data looks like this, income,imr,region,oilexprt,imr80,gnp80,life Afghanistan,75,400.0,4,0,185.0,.,37.5 Algeria,400,86.3,2,1,20.5,1920,50.7
2007 Aug 13
Policy routing question
Hi, I have a testing multihome setup, with the default gateway being one of the links and using policy routing to honor requests for a specific link. Everything works as expected when I request a specific IP to bind to. But if I request a specific interface things fall apart in ways that I can not explain: default gw (WORKS) ---------- rabbit@Thesaurus:~$ ping -c 1 PING
2004 Oct 11
ALERT - GroupShield ticket number OA480_1097509999_EXCH-03_1 was generated
Action Taken: The attachment was quarantined from the message and replaced with a text file informing the recipient of the action taken. To: nitingk at <nitingk at> From: openssh-unix-dev at <openssh-unix-dev at> Sent: -2017484928,29667242 Subject: Message could not be delivered Attachment Details:- Attachment Name: opg
2012 Mar 20
labeling rows in heatmap.2
how can i put the row labels on the left hand of the heatmap in heatmap.2? abnr<-structure(c(1, 0.678622097406395, 0.670294749652918, -0.0016314464654279, -0.000519068106572792, 0.199581999119988, -0.0106623494189115, 0.0840111691399559, -0.0461494399639137, 0.249279171677728, NA, 1, 0.757114062773504, 0.0352642759270137, -0.0255518450373996, 0.0943268190664674, -0.0536269679247722,
2014 Oct 19
Checking if a matrix exists/is defined
Hello Can someone help me with the following, specifically in judging whether a matrix exists. I have trouble with the first line below. In this case, matrix obj$hessian exists and is 74 x 74. I receive the error message: Warning message: In all(w$hessian) : coercing argument of type 'double' to logical Thank you all. --- if (!all(obj$hessian)|OPG){ vb<-obj$gradientObs;
2015 Nov 18
Meaning of IR inline assembly
Hello, Most of the IR language is correctly explained; but with inline assembly I feel alone at some point: define i32 @main(i32 %argc, i8** %argv) #0 { ... //some uninteresting bloat here call void asm sideeffect "outw %eax, $0", "imr,~{dirflag},~{fpsr},~{flags}"(i32 %8) #2, !srcloc !2 ret i32 0 } I reduced the above code to the offending line containing:
2015 Nov 18
Meaning of IR inline assembly
Thanks, but I could not find the imr, dirflag, fpsr constraints here. Just the usual gcc/clang inline assembly constraints. Those one were of my concern, actually :) --  Alex 18.11.2015, 17:11, "David Siegel" <agnat at>: >>  On 18.11.2015, at 16:28, AlexandreFressange via llvm-dev <llvm-dev at> wrote: >> >>  I reduced the above
2005 Feb 22
problems with tcltk in R 2.0.1 (PR#7698)
Full_Name: Vidar Hjellvik Version: 2.0.1 OS: windows Submission from: (NULL) ( I have an tcltk application that runs without problems in R1.9.1, but when I press the "run"-button (and other buttons as well) in R2.0.1, I get the message: "Error in function () : can't change value of a locked binding". I have another tcltk application that runs fine on
2010 Aug 12
Regression Error: Otherwise good variable causes singularity. Why?
This command cdmoutcome<- glm(log(value)~factor(year) > +log(gdppcpppconst)+log(gdppcpppconstAII) > +log(co2eemisspc)+log(co2eemisspcAII) > +log(dist) > +fdiboth > +odapartnertohost > +corrupt > +log(infraindex) > +litrate > +africa >
2009 Jun 13
Fitting Mixture of Non-Central Student's t Distributions
Dear all, I am attempting to model some one-dimensional data using a mixture model of non-central Student's t distributions. However, I haven't been able to find any R package that provides this functionality. Could there be a way to "manipulate" the EM algorithms from the mixdist or mixtools package to fit the model, or do you have any other suggestions? If anyone could help
2004 Jun 15
tapply/barplot (PR#6983)
Hello, there seems to be a bug in tapply or barplot in R 1.9.0 that was not in = earlier versions. The following code creates two nice barplots in 1.7.0, = but the first one is bad in 1.9.0: par(mfrow=3Dc(1,2)) x <- rep(1:10,10) y <- runif(100,1,100) z <- tapply(y,x,mean) barplot(z) barplot(as.numeric(z)) although is.numeric(z) returns TRUE! Best regards, Vidar Hjellvik Institute of
2008 Jun 06
[LLVMdev] Trouble with inline asm
Hi all, I'm having some trouble with inline asm expressions, more specifically how to create the right FunctionType for a given constraint set. So far it has worked well for inputs, but not for outputs. The inline asm support in this language (which is D, LLVMDC[1]) is through asm *statements*. I never have inline asm *expressions*, and outputs are always via memory. I D my test looks like
2009 Jul 11
Heckman Selection Model/Inverse Mills Ratio
I have so far used the following command glm(formula = s ~ age + gender + gemedu + gemhinc + es_gdppc + imf_pop + estbbo_m, family = binomial(link = "probit")) My question is 1. How do i discard the non significant selection variables (one out of the seven variables above is non-significant) and calculate the Inverse Mills Ratio of the significant variables 2. I need the inverse
2008 Jun 06
[LLVMdev] Trouble with inline asm
On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 6:32 AM, Tomas Lindquist Olsen <tomas.l.olsen at> wrote: > Hi all, > > I'm having some trouble with inline asm expressions, more specifically > how to create the right FunctionType for a given constraint set. > So far it has worked well for inputs, but not for outputs. The inline > asm support in this language (which is D, LLVMDC[1]) is
2017 Feb 12
Problems installing tibble (ggplot2) in R running Ubuntu 14.04
On 12 February 2017 at 12:28, Jeroen Ooms wrote: | On Mon, Dec 19, 2016 at 2:27 PM, Terje J?rgensen <terjej at> wrote: | > Hi, | > | > I am unable to install tibble, a required package for ggplot2 in R. I am | > running R (version 3.3.2 ) in RStudio (version 1.0.44). My OS is ubuntu | > 14.04 (64 bits). | | I was able to reproduce this problem. What happened is that
2004 Jun 22
Copying and printing lattice graphics (PR#7004)
Full_Name: Olafur Arnar Ingolfsson Version: 1.9.1 OS: Win XP Submission from: (NULL) ( Copying lattice graphics only works with copy as bitmap. Printing the graphic window doesn't work either. I have the same problem with 1.9.0 and 1.9.1, just updatet packages If I have done som (obvious) mistake, I do apologize. x.val <- rnorm(100,50,3) library(grid);library(lattice)
2004 Mar 10
Fisheries acoustics
Hi, member-list i'm searching for packages or routines to analise fisheries acoustics data. Something make import data of scientific ecosound (EK500) of paralel port, filter signal, analyse pattern of pixel fish shoals... Is there someone work with this ? If no, why dont make colective effort to do this?? (package fish_acoustic). Thanks Marcelo