similar to: Notation

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Notation"

2010 Mar 24
Hi, I have this data set: obitoss = c( 5.8,17.4,5.9,17.6,5.8,17.5,4.7,15.8, 3.8,13.4,3.8,13.5,3.7,13.4,3.4,13.6, 4.4,17.3,4.3,17.4,4.2,17.5,4.3,17.0, 4.4,13.6,5.1,14.6,5.7,13.5,3.6,13.3, 6.5,19.6,6.4,19.4,6.3,19.5,6.0,19.7) (dados = data.frame( regiao = factor(rep(c('Norte', 'Nordeste', 'Sudeste', 'Sul', 'Centro-Oeste'), each=8)), ano =
2010 May 11
Table and Sweave
Hi, in Latex I get the table using: \begin{table}[H] \centering \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.3} \setlength{\tabcolsep}{18pt} \begin{tabular}{cc} \hline Idade & Frequ?ncia \\ \hline $18 \vdash 26$ & 11 \\ $26 \vdash 34$ & 8 \\ $34 \vdash 42$ & 26 \\ $42 \vdash 50$ & 20 \\ $50 \vdash 58$ & 23 \\ $58 \vdash 66$ & 30 \\ $66
2010 May 05
Latex and Stangle()
Hi, I'm using the Sweave and I would like include codes of the R in my LaTeX file. I extracts the R code with Stangle (), whose name is Relatorio.R but I can't include it in the Latex file as an appendix. Suggests? Thanks, -------------------------------------- Silvano Cesar da Costa Departamento de Estat?stica Universidade Estadual de Londrina Fone: 3371-4346
2012 Sep 26
Reading multiple files
Hi, I have 35 data files for reading. I would like get a program for performing reading of 35 files at once. All are of the type: Dados1.raw, Dados2.raw and so on. If the files have the same number of columns, I can read with the following commands: rm(list=ls()) filenames = list.files(path="~/Silvano/Arq", pattern="Dados+.*raw") names = substr(filenames, 1, 7) for(i in
2010 Aug 13
Hi, I want to build the table of a football league with 11 teams. All play together. So will 55 games. Since there are an odd number of teams in each round a team will not play. The games will be: games = urnsamples(1:11, x = c('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K'), size=2, replace=F,
2010 May 10
Extracting a subset
Hi, I have a dataset with many variables and observations. The variable Group has two levels: C and P, the Month variable has four levels: 0, 1, 2 and 3. I want to extract a subset of the variable Weight, considering only 1 and 3 levels for Months of the Group variable. I tried the command subset but it did not work. Any suggestions? Thanks, -------------------------------------- Silvano
2012 Nov 08
Extracting columns
Hi, I have 22 files (A1, A2, ..., A22) with different number of columns, totaling 10,000 columns: c1, c2, c3, ..., c10000 I have another file with a list of 100 columns that I need to extract. These 100 columns are distributed in 22 files. How to extract the 100 columns of the 22 files? I have done it "manually" with the following commands, for example: cromo1 = read.table ("~
2013 Apr 10
means in tables
Hi. I have 2 tables, with same dimensions (8000 x 5). Something like: tab1: V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 14.23 1.71 2.43 15.6 127 13.20 1.78 2.14 11.2 100 13.16 2.36 2.67 18.6 101 14.37 1.95 2.50 16.8 113 13.24 2.59 2.87 21.0 118 tab2: V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 1.23 1.1 2.3 1.6 17 1.20 1.8 2.4 1.2 10 1.16 2.6 2.7 1.6 11 1.37 1.5 2.0 1.8 13 1.24 2.9 2.7 2.0 18 I need generate a table of averages, the
2010 Jul 21
Hi, How do I build a table from a regression model adjusted using xtable? Commands are: modelo1 = lm(Y~X1 + X2) influencia = influence.measures(modelo1) require(xtable) xtable(influencia) but it isn't work. Thanks, -------------------------------------- Silvano Cesar da Costa Departamento de Estat?stica Universidade Estadual de Londrina Fone: 3371-4346
2010 Apr 01
About logistic regression
Hi, I have a dichotomous variable (Q1) whose answers are Yes or No. Also I have 2 categorical explanatory variables (V1 and V2) with two levels each. I used logistic regression to determine whether there is an effect of V1, V2 or an interaction between them. I used the R and SAS, just for the conference. It happens that there is disagreement about the effect of the explanatory variables
2011 May 05
Boxplot in order
Hi, I need construct box plot graph, but I want keep Groups order karla = data.frame( Groups = factor(rep(c('CPre','SPre','C7','S7','C14','S14','C21','S21'), 11)), Time = rep(c(0,7,14,21), 11), Resp = valor ) boxplot(Resp~Groups, order=T) doesn't work. How do this? -------------------------------------- Silvano Cesar da
2011 Aug 16
Fit Gompertz' curve'
Hi, I build a graph taking into account the times: 1, 2,4,6,8,10,12,15,18,21,24,28,32 and 48. Be that the scale of the X axis does not look right. It seems equidistant. (graph attached) What changes have I to do in the following commands so that the scale be correct? interaction.plot(Tempo, Trat, Valor, ylim=c(0, 2), las=1, lty=c(1,2,3,4), lwd=3, bty='l',
2012 Jul 25
regression analysis
Hi, I have to do 10,000 linear regression analysis, and the response variable (RESP) is the same for all independent variables (10,000). y ~ x[i] i = 1, ..., 10000 For each analysis must extract the p-value and put them in an orderly increasing. I thought an analysis of the type: ana = numeric(10000) for(i in 1:10000){ mod = lm(RESP~x[i] p-value[i] = summary(mod)$coe[2,4] } Could
2012 Oct 29
Hi, I'm fitting a model with 3 variables: A, B and SNP. The response variable is Y. I would like fit the following model, in this order: Y ~ A + B + A*B + SNP In general, the R sets of the form: Y ~ A + B + SNP + A*B How do this? --------------------------------------------- Silvano Cesar da Costa Universidade Estadual de Londrina Centro de Ci?ncias Exatas Departamento de Estat?stica
2010 Feb 26
Hartley's table
Hi, Does anyone know how to generate Hartley's table in R? -------------------------------------- Silvano Cesar da Costa Departamento de Estat?stica Universidade Estadual de Londrina Fone: 3371-4346
2010 Jun 14
xtable with Sweave
Hi, I'm using Sweave to prepare a descriptive report. Are at least 20 tables built with xtable command of kind: <<echo=F, results=hide>>= q5 = factor(Q5, label=c("N?o", "Sim")) ( = cbind(table(q5))) @ <<echo=F, results=tex>>= xtable(, align="l|c", caption.placement = "top", table.placement='H') @ I'm
2010 Nov 03
Tukey's table
Hi, I'm building Tukey's table using qtukey function. It happens that I can't get the values of Tukey's one degree of freedom and also wanted to eliminate the first column. The program is: Trat <- c(1:30) # number of treatments gl <- c(1:30, 40, 60, 120) # degree freedom tukval <- matrix(0, nr=length(gl), nc=length(Trat)) for(i in
2010 Feb 05
About graphics
Hi, I'm building a graph (barplot) in which the X axis label disappears. I tried to use the option mgp of par() and I could not get the desired result. Note that want the axis labels horizontally. caes = c(37,20,19,16,75,103) names(caes) = c("Pinscher", "Pastor \n Alem?o", "Poodle", "Rottweiller", "SRD", "Outros") caess =
2011 Nov 07
Problema with Excel files
Hi, I have a Excel file with three spreadsheets: PlanA, PlanB and PlanC. I'm trying to read the three spreadsheets and then adding them together. But, when I try read the PlanA there is an error message: rm(list=ls()) setwd('C:/Test/Dados/Teste') require(RODBC) Arquivo = odbcConnectExcel('T070206_1347.xls') (Geral = sqlFetch(Arquivo, 'PlanA')) (Lactacao =
2011 Dec 27
Longitudinal data
Hi, I'm analyzing a longitudinal data set with 387 cows were observed in 63 days divided into 6 groups, and every 30 days was found to produce milk. Does not aim to model the time using regression. Only compare the groups differ in terms of milk production. There are many missing observations. Because the data are correlated I used the SAS program: proc mixed data=univar