similar to: Read TXT file with variable separation

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Read TXT file with variable separation"

2011 Apr 04
RGtk2: How to populate an GtkListStore data model?
hello all I am trying to learn how to use the RGtk2 package... so, my first problem is: I don't get the right way for populate my gtkListStore object! any help is welcome... because I am trying several day to mount the code... Thanks in advanced Cleber N. Borges --------------------------- # my testing code library(RGtk2) win <- gtkWindowNew() datamodel <-
2017 Dec 21
develop.raw error ( adimpro )
Hello all, I'm trying to use the adimpro package to read RAW files (image). Make readins is OK! > r <- read.raw( '20171218_210956.dng', type='RAW', compress=FALSE ) > summary( r ) > ### cut the many lines... Filter pattern: GR/BG > r ) [1] "GR/B" > To next, develop the raw file using the "develop.raw" function. But the
2013 Apr 09
rep() fails at times=0.29*100
Dear list, I have found an unusual behavior and would like to check if it is a possible bug, and if updating R would fix it. I am not sure if should post it in this mail list but I don't where is R bug tracker. The only mention I found that might relate to this is "If times is a computed quantity it is prudent to add a small fuzz." in rep() help, but not sure if it is related to
2011 Feb 22
Plotting a functional time series
Hello, I'm willing to plot a sequence of densities on a 3d graph, something like ----------------------------------------------------------------- x <- sapply(1:10, function(i)rnorm(1000)) f <- sapply(1:10, function(i)density(x[,i], from=-5,to=5)$y) grid <- density(x[,1], from=-5,to=5)$x win.graph() persp(grid1, 1:10, f,theta=-50, phi=30, d=2)
2013 Jan 23
cannot allocate memory block of size 2.7 Gb
Hello R-users I am getting error messagens when I require some packages or execute some procedures, like these below: > require(tseries) Loading required package: tseries Error in get(Info[i, 1], envir = env) : cannot allocate memory block of size 2.7 Gb > require (TSA) Loading required package: TSA Loading required package: locfit Error in get(Info[i, 1], envir = env) : cannot
2013 Aug 25
POSIXct bug for conversion of specific combinations of date and time
Hello everyone, I'm having a big trouble with which seems to be a bug in as.POSIXct() date-time conversion. I have massive GPS datasets in which each location has it's own date and time attribute. As I convert them to POSIXct format, 1300 cases (of about half a million locations) simply return NA values. I picked up a small sample of failed cases and normal cases to demonstrate the
2008 Jun 18
Error in -- R2WinBUGS
Hi, I tried to use MethComp library and this library make use of the WinBUGS by R2WinBuGUS, but I get the follow error in *Error in,, WINE = WINE, useWINE = useWINE, : * Look at the log file and try again with 'debug=TRUE' to figure out what went wrong within Bugs. Anyone can help-me, please? Thanks Cleber library( MethComp ) library(
2011 Feb 19
Building an array from matrix blocks
Hello, I've googled for a while and couldn't find anything on this topic: say I have a matrix A and want to build matrices B1, B2,... using blocks from A (or equivalently an array B with B[,,i] being a block from A), and that I must sum the B[,,i]'s. I've come up with this rather non-elegant code: > n = 6 > p = 3 > > A <- matrix(1:(n^2), n, n, byrow=TRUE) >
2010 Nov 15
Defining functions inside loops
Hello, I was trying to define a set of functions inside a loop, with the loop index working as a parameter for each function. Below I post a simpler example, as to illustrate what I was intending: f<-list() for (i in 1:10){ f[[i]]<-function(t){ f[[i]]<-t^2+i } } rm(i) With that, I was expecting that f[[1]] would be a function defined by t^2+1, f[[2]] by t^2+2 and so on.
2008 Jul 07
HAML and nestings
I have this partial: 1 - bairros = bairros_select 2 - selected_id ||= nil 3 - if bairros.any? 4 - cid = nil 5 = select_tag :imovel, :bairro_id do 6 - for b in bairros 7 - sel = == selected_id ? {:selected => true} : {} 8 - if cid != b.cidade_id 9 %optgroup= b.cidade.cidade 10 - cid = b.cidade_id 11 %option{sel, :value =>
2013 Feb 10
dovecot, postfix and sieve - broken by Ubuntu upgrade 10.10 -> 12.04
Hi! In upgrading from Ubuntu 10.10 to 12.04, my mail setup (dovecot using sieve and postfix) broke pretty badly. Have gotten teh imap server working, but local delivery doesn't work. - sieve gets called, but all "fileto" actions result in "failed to store into mailbox 'zzz': Mailbox doesn't exist: zzz Dovecot version is 2.0.19, configuration is: # 2.0.19:
2007 Nov 04
Problems with garch() function tseries package R 2.6.0
Hi all, I recently updated my to R 2.6.0 and tseries package ?tseries? version: 0.10-11. When i was using R Version 2.3.1 (2006-06-01) with tseries 'tseries' version: 0.10-7, the code > garch(dflnRCLC1) ***** ESTIMATION WITH ANALYTICAL GRADIENT ***** Call: garch(x = dflnRCLC1) Coefficient(s): a0 a1 b1 4.985e+00 1.880e-01 6.210e-14 > worked very
2010 Feb 22
Raster table: how separate lines with the same value (count > 1)
Dear all, I intend to do some statistics with my raster table, like correlations or regression analysis. For that, I need that each pixel be in one line, that is, there is no count > 1. So, all columns should have the same number of lines, when I compare (combine) rasters. I'd like to know if there is a way to create lines and copy the values of the lines, when count is > 1. So, even
2012 Feb 16
Repeated cross-validation for a lm object
Dear R users I'd like to hear from someone if there is a function to do a repeated k-fold cross-validation for a lm object and get the predicted values for every observation. The situation is as follows: I had a data set composed by 174 observations from which I sampled randomly a subset composed by 150 observations. With the subset (n = 150) I fitted the model: y = a + bx. The model
2009 Jan 21
Sieve regex match problem
I'm trying to make a regex to match common mailing list addresses and file messages to corresponding folders. I'm using sieve-test to try and understand what is happening. The sieve script is: require [ "fileinto", "regex", "variables" ]; if header :regex ["Sender"] ["(.*>[ \\t]*,?[ \\t]*)?([^-@]*)-([^-@]*)(-bounces)?"] {
2007 Feb 05
RdbiPgSQL in R 2.4.1
Hi R-users I recently downloaded RdbiPgSQL 1.8.0 and Rdbi 1.8.0 from Bioconductor to be installed under R 2.4.1. When requiring RdbiPgSQL an error message is showed as follows: > require(RdbiPgSQL) Loading required package: RdbiPgSQL Error in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, logical = TRUE, : ‘RdbiPgSQL’ is not a valid package – installed <
2010 Apr 01
Best fitted curve using AIC
Dear fellows, I need a R script that compare known curves (e.g. logistic, exponential) with my curve. That curve was generated fitting data of forest cover (hectares) measured in 10 road distances (buffers). I´d like that comparison should be done using AICc to select the best model, that is, the best fitted curve in comparison with my data. Anyone could help me? Best regards Simone.
2003 Mar 22
TURISMO & EVENTOS Luiz Guilherme 3031-7374 e Marcio Sorriso 9887-9141 S?o Paulo -SP Em abril, M?rcio Sorriso e Luiz Guilherme promover?o uma inesquec?vel viagem ? cidade maravilhosa. Ser? mais uma oportunidade para voc? divertir-se conhecer ou rever lugares maravilhosos, fazer novos amigos e ? claro, dan?ar e dan?ar... Muito! Voc? n?o pode deixar de participar. Leia a
2007 Oct 04
Problem with rgl into MAC OS X
Dear R Developers, I'm developing an R package that I had submitted to Bioconductor project. This package uses the rgl package to do some tri-dimensional scatter pĺots. I only work with linux (ubuntu 7.04) system and Windows XP. In both of them the rgl package works fine. But now, bioconductor team is checking my package with Mac OS X (version 10.4.10) and the function is giving the following
2012 May 21
Problems seeking with liboggz
-----Original Message----- From: Julio Cesar Esteves Cabezas [mailto:jcabezas at] Sent: segunda-feira, 21 de maio de 2012 20:29 To: 'Conrad Parker' Subject: RE: [ogg-dev] Problems seeking with liboggz Hi, Attached goes MyAudio.spx. Julio. -----Original Message----- From: conrad.parker at [mailto:conrad.parker at] On Behalf Of Conrad Parker Sent: